Effective ways and techniques on how to remove mold from the walls in your apartment without much effort
Fungal plaque on the walls of rooms often does not cause serious concern.
Meanwhile, mold not only spoils the aesthetic appearance of the home, but also causes a serious malfunction of the body.
To maintain repairs and your own health, it is important to know how to get rid of harmful fungus once and for all.
In this article we will tell you how to remove mold in an apartment or in a house with your own hands.
Types of fungus
Poorly ventilated rooms with high humidity are at risk.. The fungus can develop in any type of room, from bathroom and ending with the living room. Mold affects not only walls, but also floors, ceiling, household items.
There are several types of mold:
Green. It can often be seen on raw natural materials for construction.
A dark green fungus that grows on the surface of liquids.
It is often found on kitchen walls, where condensation forms due to poor exhaust hood and long cooking times.
- White. This variety is almost not aggressive, but occasionally causes severe allergies. Most often it begins to develop in basements.
It affects the soil of indoor plants and, thanks to particularly volatile spores, quickly spreads to window frames, walls.
- Blue. The view can be observed on walls made of wood (timber, logs, eurolining). This mold is not harmful to health, but is dangerous because it even destroys varnish and other protective coatings.
- Black. The most dangerous, toxic type of fungus. It can appear on any surface, including concrete, wallpaper.
We will consider below how and with what you can remove the fungus with your own hands.
Traditional methods for use at home
There are several effective folk remedies to combat mold.
The most popular means:
- vinegar,
- peroxide,
- laundry soap,
But other folk methods are also used.
How to remove with table vinegar 9%?
Sometimes it is recommended to dilute acetic acid with water in a ratio of 80 to 20, but to achieve maximum effect it is better not to do this, using it in its pure form:
- The liquid is applied to the wall using a special sprayer.
- Then leave for 3-4 hours.
- Residues are washed off with a wet cloth.
Hydrogen peroxide
Even impressive colonies of fungus cannot resist this liquid:
- The substance is used undiluted, applied with a spray bottle.
- After 20 minutes, reapply the product.
- Secure the result with tea tree essential oil so that the effect lasts for a long time.
Due to its insecticidal and herbicidal properties, the substance successfully destroys fungus on walls and even upholstered furniture:
- You need to prepare a solution of 1 tablespoon of borax with 3 liters of water.
- Then apply to the affected area using a sponge.
- After treatment, remove excess liquid with a dry soft cloth.
- Borax does not need to be washed off, so it can protect against fungus for a long time after application.
Laundry soap
The product is effective if mold has just begun to grow. It has no power against large colonies.
It is important to use real laundry soap with a fatty acid content of at least 72%:
- To apply the soap, grate it and dilute it with warm water.
- Then the walls are treated, washing off the composition after a few hours.
For hard, smooth surfaces (tiles, glass), ammonia works well:
- For processing, alcohol is mixed with warm (not hot) water in half.
- It is better to apply by analogy with vinegar (using a spray).
- For the solution to work better, it should be left on the wall for at least 5 hours.
Sodium bicarbonate (soda)
A harmless and at the same time effective substance in the fight against any mold fungus.
To make a treatment solution, you will need:
- a tablespoon of soda,
- glass of water.
It is more convenient to apply the solution with a dish sponge, and it should be washed off no earlier than after 4 hours.
Bleach (whiteness)
It is important that the composition contains active chlorine, as it has a detrimental effect on the fungus. The substance is diluted with water in a ratio of 2 to 5, and then applied to the mold.
Chlorine bleach is not suitable for colored surfaces because it destroys:
- upper layer,
- paint.
It is used only in ventilated areas, not forgetting about gloves.
How to get rid of mold on a wall using white:
Copper sulfate
Copper sulfate remains the most effective remedy for combating aggressive black mold.
To remove fungus you will need:
copper sulfate - 0.1 kg;
- 1 liter of water at room temperature;
- large enamel container.
You can add vinegar to enhance the effect.. All ingredients are diluted and then applied to the walls.
When using vitriol solution, personal protective equipment should not be neglected; you need to wear:
- gloves,
- respirator,
- glasses and clothes made of thick fabric.
The composition should be washed off after 2-3 hours.
Poisoning by the substance is uncommon, but occurs when processing is carried out indoors or through accidental ingestion.
Top 3 specialized products
Effective antiseptics that can defeat fungus can be found on the shelves of hardware stores. They are presented:
- in cans,
- canisters,
- spray bottles.
The use of any specialized anti-mold products on walls is possible only if the instructions are strictly followed.
Olympus stop mold
A popular remedy approved for indoor use. Pet owners need not worry - the composition is not dangerous.
The substance is used to treat surfaces made of:
- bricks,
- wood,
- stone,
- walls covered with paint and plaster.
Average price: no more than 400 rubles for 5 liters. The product is also available in a 1 liter bottle costing just over 100 rubles.
A universal antiseptic that can be used on any surface.It is used economically thanks to a bottle with a spray nozzle and is perfectly absorbed.
Although the product does not contain chlorine, due to its pungent odor, it is recommended to use it only in well-ventilated areas. A 6-liter canister costs 580 rubles, a 0.6 liter bottle costs 170 rubles..
Alpa Fongifluid
Antiseptic, which is presented in an already diluted form. It is effective for treatments both indoors and outdoors. Use at the rate of 1 liter per 5 square meters. The price of a two-liter canister is about 600 rubles.
How to make repairs in a damaged room?
Before you begin repairs in a fungus-affected room, you should remove all the furniture and put on a respirator and gloves. Then:
- You need to clean the walls well. Old wallpaper is removed, moldy plaster is cleaned down to concrete with a suitable tool.
- Remaining dust is washed away.
- All walls of the room are treated with an antiseptic (Biotol-spray, Mavix Bio, Dali) according to the instructions, then washed and dried. It is better to leave the surface for a day so that no excess moisture remains.
Painting is carried out in several stages: First lay the first layer, which is allowed to dry completely. The second and subsequent layers are applied according to the same principle.
Prevention of occurrence
To prevent the fungus from multiplying, you need to ensure that a number of conditions are met:
Humidity level control. The most suitable range is from 45 to 60%.
- A high-quality hood is essential in the kitchen. When liquids boil for a long time, you should promptly remove condensation from the walls and ensure that the humidity does not exceed the permissible norm.
- The bathroom should be dry.After water procedures, the bathroom door should be left open - this will allow air to circulate better. An additionally installed electric heated towel rail can provide normal humidity and air temperature in the bathroom.
- Violation of the technology for installing plastic windows leads to condensation. It should be removed on time, otherwise a colony of mold will quickly grow, which will then spread to the walls.
- Gaps on the outside of the house can cause the walls to freeze. If this is the reason, mold begins to multiply in characteristic places: corners and joints. We must not forget about the seams between the tiles and other gaps, periodically checking their condition.
- You should not dry clothes directly in the room, and especially not place the dryer close to the wall. It is necessary to maintain optimal air temperature - no less than 18, no more than 25 degrees.
Folk remedies against mold on walls are quite effective, but specialized formulations show the best results.
Treatment should be carried out as early as possible, and in case of extensive damage to the walls, it is better to seek help from professional cleaning company employees.