How to effectively and safely remove mold from wallpaper: methods of control
Mold on wallpaper is a common problem in Russia due to the local climate.
The constant combination of humidity and heat in the premises leads to the formation of fungus on the walls, which must be combated so that it does not grow quickly.
You will learn how to clean mold from wallpaper and what products can help with this in this article.
How to remove fungus from the wall in a room without tearing off the wallpaper?
No one wants to get rid of the result of a renovation, so if mold appears, you shouldn’t rush to tear off the wallpaper.
There are even folk remedies for this that are suitable for different types of wallpaper. There are three main types:
Paper - This is inexpensive wallpaper that is easier to replace than to remove fungus from it, since stains will remain on it in any case.
This material is not intended for wet cleaning, so only dry cleaning products are suitable for it.
- Acrylic – this type can easily tolerate wet cleaning, but if mold appears on its surface, we can say with complete confidence that the fungus is on the walls themselves, since it simply appears on acrylic very rarely.
In this case, it is better to contact specialists and carry out major repairs, because even after cleaning, the mold will return.
- Washable - this type is closer to paper wallpaper with the difference that any dirt, including mold, can be easily removed from it. To clean, you need to use wet products, and although it will take some time before the fungus is completely eliminated, it is possible to clean it.
Folk remedies for use at home
So, how to remove mold from the wallpaper in the apartment? The most famous folk remedies for mold removal are:
- Baking soda – a special solution is made on its basis, in which one tablespoon of the product is per glass of water, and then the resulting mixture is rubbed into the wallpaper with a soft sponge. Soda begins to work as an antiseptic, and not only removes dirt, but also creates a kind of film that prevents mold from appearing again on the affected area.
- Vinegar – this product allows you to remove mold even from paper wallpaper. The vinegar solution should be poured into a spray bottle and treated with it on the affected area. Then, after about an hour, use a soft, dry sponge to remove excess product from the surface along with mold particles. It is important to carry out this treatment several times in a row during the week in order for the effect to take hold.
- Hydrogen peroxide – treatment with this product is similar to vinegar, only it acts more gently and not so quickly. It is well suited if, in addition to the mold itself, dark spots have formed on the wallpaper, since peroxide has a bleaching effect. It is important to remember this before applying it to a colored surface, since it will definitely corrode some of the paint.
- Ammonia - a very caustic and effective product, although it is better not to use it for wallpaper. Its solution with water in a 1:1 ratio copes well with fungus on tiles, wood or plaster.
Chemical substances
Due to the prevalence of the problem, household chemical companies have long begun to produce products to combat fungus on walls. They get rid of dirt faster, do not spoil the wallpaper, and the result of their action lasts quite a long time.
The most effective mold control products on the Russian market are:
Odorgone Professional for home - This chemical, produced in the USA, helps fight the smell of mold and prevents it from spreading throughout the apartment.
The product has a local effect, and although it does not help get rid of the problem itself, it works great as an accompaniment to other chemicals for cleaning fungus.
One bottle of Odorgone costs from 400 rubles, but since its consumption is very economical, it will be enough for a month of daily cleaning of the room.
- Cillit Bang. The product acts quickly, penetrates the wallpaper and can remove small growths of fungus on the wall itself. A single use is enough to completely get rid of dirt on the wall, and if you repeat the procedure regularly, you can completely get rid of the fungus itself. The product costs from 200 rubles per package of 750 ml.
- Sanitol Spectra – this remedy is used in cases where the affected area is too large, and the fungus itself has begun to spread not on the wallpaper, but on the walls. Sanitol is needed just to clean the plaster from mold, and then re-glue the wallpaper onto the fresh surface.
In Russia, it is difficult to find this product in the public domain, although it periodically appears in specialized building materials stores. The cost starts from 300 rubles per liter.
How to remove it yourself if nothing helps?
If black dots of mold become visible on the wallpaper, this means that the source of the problem is on the wall, which means that ordinary cleaning products cannot cope with the fungus. In this case, only global repair will help., which will take place in several stages:
First of all, you need to tear off the wallpaper from the affected area.
To prevent mold from appearing again after repairs, it is recommended to work with an area that is two meters larger than the contaminated area in radius, so there is a chance to get rid of spots that did not have time to appear on the wallpaper.
- The next step is to calculate all damaged areas. In places where mold grows, the plaster will be soft and pliable.
It needs to be cleaned with a metal brush so that the remaining areas are all strong and untouched by fungus.
- At the third stage, it is necessary to treat the walls with a chemical composition that will prevent the problem from returning. This is where products like Sanitol Spectra come into play. After applying it, you need to give the chemical a little time to absorb and dry.
- At the end of the repair, wall unevenness is eliminated using putty, which, after drying, is again treated with chemicals. Only after completing this stage can you glue the wallpaper again.
This way, you can save time and money, and most importantly, you don’t have to play with the health of the apartment residents.
Find out more about how to remove black mold With ceiling And walls living space.
What can I do to prevent it from appearing again?
To prevent mold problems from bothering you again, you should follow a few simple rules:
avoid moisture accumulation – ventilate the rooms more often, leave room doors open, keep the door to the bathroom open as often as possible, since this is where the main danger of fungus formation is;
- prevent condensation from forming on windows – moisture can flow down and remain in the openings between the wallpaper and the wall, so you need to make sure that the windows have valves to regulate air flow;
- buy a hood for the kitchen – this will allow you not to overheat the room and not provoke the formation of mold behind the stove;
- do not move furniture close to walls – it is imperative to leave a distance of at least 2-3 centimeters so that air can pass freely there;
- Don't ignore the damp smell in the room – it can signal stagnant moisture.
More global mold control measures include:
- during the next renovation, try to use water-repellent paint when treating walls;
- replace old plaster with new one throughout the apartment;
- check the integrity and reliability of water pipes.
Video on the topic
This video will show you how to 100% remove mold from wallpaper:
To summarize, we can say that any mold can be gotten rid of. However, the appearance of any fungus on the walls should signal that the microclimate in the apartment is disturbed, and it is necessary to fight not only the symptoms in the form of mold on the wallpaper, but also the very reason for its appearance.