Effective and effective ways to remove super glue

foto17988-1For household repairs that require reliable fastening of broken parts, superglue is most often used.

Suitable for gluing most materials and drying quickly, it gives a fairly reliable connection. But if used carelessly, it can leave streaks and stains that are difficult to remove.

Special preparations and home recipes will help you deal with glue marks. In this article we will tell you how to remove super glue from various surfaces and objects.

How to remove “Moment” from a surface: which method to choose?

foto17988-2Superglue is a synthetic drug that is available in liquid form in small tubes designed for one-time use. When applied to a surface, it quickly sets in air, giving reliable adhesion to the material.

The adhesive property is ensured by the inclusion of cyanoacrylate in the composition. It is a water-insoluble substance that, when hardened, becomes resistant to mechanical stress and humidity.

To remove glue, it is necessary to use those means that can transform it from a solid state to a viscous one. In this form, the glue is easier to remove.

You can act on hardened glue in several ways:

Method of influenceThe essence of the methodNote
MechanicalPhysical mechanical impact (cutting, filing, etc.Rough mechanical impact can lead to damage to the stained surface
TemperatureApplication of high or very low temperatureDespite its resistance to temperature fluctuations, targeted heating leads to softening of the composition, and freezing leads to its fragility.
Special meansThe use of purchased products that are designed to soften the adhesive and remove itThe price of such products is higher than home recipes, and the volume of product purchased is small
ChemicalsHomemade recipes based on drugs available in the householdMany substances that can dissolve superglue are already in the medicine cabinet, in the kitchen or around the house.

The best cleaning result can be achieved using several methods at once, for example, softening the glue with chemicals and subsequent mechanical removal.

How to scrub at home?

The easiest ways to deal with glue that gets on a clean surface are: use the tools that are at hand:

  • in the kitchen (vinegar, oil, etc.);
  • in the first aid kit (Dimexide, alcohol, etc.);
  • on the farm (White alcohol, gasoline, etc.).
If the use of simple formulations does not produce an effect, you can use store-bought drugs.


Acetone is a solvent used to remove paint and superglue. Work order:

  1. foto17988-3Moisten the napkin with acetone.
  2. Moisten the area stained with glue with the solution.
  3. Leave for at least 15 minutes for the glue to soften.
  4. Clean with a scraper.
  5. Wash the surface.
  6. Wipe off.

Acetone can lead to smearing of superglue, so all work must be carried out as carefully as possible.

White spirit, gasoline

White spirit and purified gasoline are suitable for use as a stain remover for complex types of stains, and as solvents for various types of glue. To do this, soak a rag with the selected solvent and actively rub the surface stained with super glue.

White spirit is an easily evaporated substance, when working with which it is advisable to use a respirator.


Dimexide is a medical preparation that can be used as a glue solvent and to remove stains.

Application procedure:

  1. foto17988-4Moisten a napkin with Dimexide.
  2. Wipe the stain with the solution, trying to actively moisten it. If the glue drip is on a horizontal surface, you can leave the napkin lying on the spot of contamination.
  3. Once the glue begins to soften, scrape it off with a plastic scraper.
  4. Rinse the cleaned surface and wipe dry.

The downside of Dimexide is a pronounced unpleasant odor.


Alcohol-containing solutions can act as a solvent superglue:

  1. The glue stain is well soaked in alcohol. If possible, a rag soaked in alcohol should be left directly on the stain.
  2. If this is not possible, then after 10 minutes the application of alcohol should be repeated.
  3. The softened superglue composition is scraped off the surface with a scraper.
  4. The surface is washed.
Alcohol may be a weak solvent, so if there is no effect, you should try using a different recipe.

Soda (salt)

Salt and soda come in powder form. The abrasive qualities allow these substances to exert a mechanical effect:

  • foto17988-5for the best effect, prepare a thick paste from soda, which is applied to the problem area;
  • slightly tinder;
  • leave the pulp for some time to act;
  • tinder again, helping with the work with a plastic scraper.

For large drips this method is ineffective.


Vegetable oil or another product that has a high percentage of fats will help in cases where nothing else is at hand. A sufficient amount of oil must be used; it must cover the entire surface of the stain well. from glue.

If the adhesive trace is located on a vertical surface, then using a swab made of rags or cotton wool, oil should be applied repeatedly. After softening, the stain is cleaned off. The surface will need to be additionally treated with a degreasing compound to remove all the grease.

Instead of oil, you can use Vaseline or any fatty cream.


Hydrogen peroxide is suitable for cleaning metal and leather products. To influence the problem area, it is advisable to prepare a compress of peroxide and hold it for some time until the superglue softens. After this, remove it with a scraper.


foto17988-6Table vinegar contains acetic acid, which reacts with superglue and helps soften it.

The technology of operation is similar to other methods: vinegar in its pure form is applied to the stain, and, after the glue becomes plastic, final cleaning is carried out.

The use of such a solvent is more productive on relatively fresh adhesive traces, and may not cope with old ones.

Top 3 special tools

If simple home methods are ineffective, you can use special purchased medications.They are distinguished by high efficiency and quick achievement of results.

Anticlay Super Moment

"Super Moment Antikley" is one of the most popular and popular drugs, capable of dissolving superglue. It is produced in small tubes of 5 grams. The product is sold in a sealed tube, which costs about 120 rubles.

Right before use, a cap is screwed onto the tube, which pierces the factory sealed membrane. Using the thin nose of the nozzle, anti-glue is applied to the required area.

After the solvent has worked and the glue has softened, it is carefully collected with a plastic scraper and removed from the surface. To avoid streaks, the area where the stain was is wiped and dried.

The great popularity of anti-glue is explained by its advantages:

  • efficiency;
  • affordable price;
  • ease of use.

Despite the small volume, the amount of anti-glue placed in the tube is generally enough to remove stains caused by using one tube of superglue.


Second Anticley

The remover comes in small packaging – 3 grams per tube. Cost – from 60 rubles per tube. The product allows you to remove stains accidentally left by glue and eliminate improper gluing of materials.

Application is very simple:

  1. Apply to surfaces stained with glue.
  2. Wait 60 minutes.
  3. Clean the surface.

The product is very easy to use, inexpensive, and effective. But if a fairly large area of ​​the object is stained with glue, you will need 2-3 tubes of anti-glue.


Cleaner Contact

The manufacturer produces the cleaner in two types of packaging:

  1. Bubble with a brush.
  2. Tube with nozzle.

In both cases, the Contact is well applied and distributed. The drug costs about 100 rubles.A small volume is sufficient for one use in most cases.

Contact is applied to the glue stain and left for several hours to allow the reaction to take place and the adhesive mass to become plastic. The product in the package is completely ready for use.

If the surface is not cleaned properly the first time, the application of the cleaner can be repeated. This situation can arise with thick, old superglue drips.


Features of removal taking into account the type of material

Working with superglue requires extreme care. Otherwise, there will be drips, leaking drops of glue and streaks. They can be eliminated in different ways, but you must take into account the material of the surface that needs cleaning.


Wooden surfaces differ from each other:

  • type of wood;
  • the presence/absence of additional coating, for example, varnish or paint, etc.
Type of wooden surfaceProhibitionsPermissions
Varnished or paintedIt is not recommended to use solvents that are aggressive in their impact, as well as to exert mechanical impact - this can damage the coatingOil, other fats
Untreated wood surfaceOil, fatsGrinding
Chipboard or plywoodOil, fatsAcetone, vinegar, Dimexide,

Tile, glass

foto17988-10The smooth, non-porous surface of tiles and glass allows you to resort to various methods of cleaning the surface from glue.

In addition, a very smooth surface gives less strong adhesion to the glue. Therefore, it will be easier to remove it.

Any of the listed chemical methods can be used, as well as special products that work on the principle of dissolving glue.

Glass and tiles can be easily cleaned from softened glue using a scraper or plastic knife.

Tile and glass surfaces should not be subjected to intense, sharp mechanical stress, such as impacts, as the material may crack and split. Read more about removing super glue from glass. Here.

Plastic, silicone

Plastic and silicone surfaces can be cleaned of superglue using special means, as well as recipes based on the following substances:

  • Dimexide (applied for a short time, literally for a couple of minutes);
  • petrol;
  • White spirit;
  • heating - only for heat-resistant plastic;
  • oil, etc.
Silicone and plastic should not be scraped intensively, especially with sharp objects that can leave scratches.

The advantage of silicone is its plasticity; this quality can be used by bending and unbending an object during the process of removing glue.

There are many types of plastic, so Before using a solvent on a surface for the first time, it is advisable to conduct a reaction test on an inconspicuous area. Read more here.

Items made of fabric

Textiles stained with glue require special care. Items of clothing or upholstery can be very difficult or even impossible to clean. The type of fabric should be taken into account.

foto17988-11Most often, the following methods are used to clean the material:

  1. Cleaning with acetone, which is suitable for caring for natural fabrics.
  2. Treatment with an aqueous solution of vinegar.
  3. Using anti-glue.
  4. Mechanical cleaning with a brush in soapy water, etc.

The thinner the material is stained, the more delicate the treatment should be. Read more Here.

Suede and leather

Homemade recipes or anti-glue can be used for processing.You must try to soften the adhesive layer, and only then remove it.

Among the solvents used, one of the following can be used:

  • ammonia;
  • acetone;
  • petrol.
After removing the glue, both suede and leather require restoration measures and the use of special products.


For removing superglue from metal objects can be used as a solvent:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • special means;
  • Dimexide.

If the surface is painted, it is necessary to check the reaction of the paint to the selected solvent.

Household appliances (TV, phone screen, laptop)

foto17988-12Soiled household appliances are cleaned similarly to the recipes for plastic. A special care feature is to prevent the solvent from flowing into:

  • joints,
  • button locations,
  • switches, etc.

You should also not use solvents that contribute to the spreading and smearing of the softening glue.


A drop of glue falling on the floor is a fairly common occurrence. Dealing with the problem is not difficult if you know the type of coating.

CoatingGlue Removal Method
LinoleumAny recipe
ParquetDimexide, Anti-glue, acetone

After removing the glue, the floor must be washed, removing the solvent, and wiped dry.


The use of solvents on cars requires special care, especially in relation to surfaces with paintwork.

Durable in appearance, it is quite sensitive to chemicals and mechanical cleaning. The best option is purchased anti-glue.

Human skin

foto17988-13Very often, when working with glue, your hands get dirty. Several methods will help to cope with the problem, for example:

  • using soda slurry;
  • cleaning with pumice;
  • use of fat - butter, cream, etc.;
  • use of acetone;
  • rubbing with alcohol, etc.

Each method has its pros and cons. When using them, the skin is adversely affected, so after removing the glue, additional hand care is necessary to help the skin recover.

Several methods will help you remove the adhesive film from your palms or unstick your fingers, but first, it is better to hold the dirty brushes for about 5 minutes in warm soapy water.

General recommendations

The following recommendations will help you clean various surfaces efficiently:

  1. It is recommended to carry out technical work wearing rubber gloves in a well-ventilated area.
  2. The use of sharp objects, such as a knife, for cleaning can only be limited so as not to damage the surface. If the glue has hardened into a voluminous drop, then you can try to cut off the upper part, and remove the remaining trace with solvents.
  3. The use of serious solvents and caustic chemicals to clean the skin of your hands is not acceptable.
  4. Any solvent that comes into contact with human skin is harmful to health.
  5. For mechanical removal of superglue after exposure to solvents, it is recommended to use a plastic scraper, spatula or plastic knife. Sharp and well-sharpened instruments are used only as a last resort.

You will find all the most important and useful information about how to remove glue. here.


You can remove superglue that accidentally left stains using one of the methods presented. In addition to them, it is convenient to use special preparations that can dissolve the adhesive layer.

And to avoid troubles, when working with glue It is advisable to cover surfaces that may be dirty and wear gloves.


How to remove odor


Yellow spots