Why the Samsung washing machine does not spin clothes: finding the problem and fixing it
Most washing modes in an automatic machine end with a spin cycle. This allows you to remove excess moisture from the laundry and prepare things for further drying.
If the Samsung washing machine does not spin, this may indicate a breakdown and the need for repair.
Why the Samsung automatic washing machine stopped spinning clothes, how to identify the breakdown and fix it, we will tell you in the article.
Reasons why the Samsung washing machine spin does not work
The absence of a spin cycle may indicate serious malfunctions, without which the full cycle of washing items will be impossible.
Breakdowns that affect spinning:
Lack of drainage, in which the washing machine does not proceed to the next stage of operation - spinning.
- Worn motor brushes.
- Drive belt stretch.
- Tachometer failure.
- Failure of the control module.
- Wear of shock absorbers.
- Bearing wear.
- Electric motor failure.
- The pressure switch is malfunctioning.
To determine the cause of malfunction, you must:
- analyze the condition of the machine itself,
- what messages are shown on the display,
- whether the device makes any uncharacteristic sounds when operating, etc.
You should analyze the situation with the condition of the washing machine methodically, starting with the simplest options, checking each component step by step.
Consumer errors
Not in all cases, the lack of spinning indicates a breakdown. First you need to assess the situation and pay attention to possible consumer mistakes.
Situations in which the problem is not in the spin cycle:
Drum overload. There are too many things embedded that, having absorbed water, have become even heavier. The machine cannot gain speed and spin the laundry. Putting some of the laundry away from the drum will help solve the problem.
- Another situation in which things do not spin is when you select one of the delicate modes. Or an accidental, or maybe special, disabling of this function.
- Imbalance of things in the drum. This situation may arise when things gather in one lump during washing, and the machine itself cannot distribute them evenly. For example, a tumbled blanket or duvet cover, into which all the other things from the drum got caught.
- The mode of low spin speed (or no spin at all) is selected. If it is possible to set different spin intensity, then the minimum one may be accidentally selected.
When starting the washing machine, you should make sure that the program is set correctly and the total weight of the items in the drum does not exceed the permissible limit.
Determining the source of the failure
In rare cases, an accidental failure may affect the operation of the washing machine.. Such factors include a voltage drop in the network or a problem with the water supply. When the operation of external communications stabilizes, it is necessary to restart the spin function and monitor the operation of the washing machine.
In some cases, the washing stops, and the washing machine itself reports a failure by displaying an alphanumeric error code on the display. It could be:
- E4,
- UB,
- UE.
It is almost impossible to determine at first glance what the problem is, so it is necessary to carry out the analysis gradually - from node to node.
In some cases, the type of breakdown can be determined by the condition of the machine:
"Behavior" of the washing machine | Which node should you pay attention to? |
Lack of spin speed | Drive belt |
The drum does not spin at all or does not gain momentum | Tachometer, control module |
No drain - the cycle does not reach the spin cycle | Pump, pipe, filter, drain hose, sewerage, control module |
No spin speed, sparking | Motor brushes |
Excessive vibration when trying to spin the drum; spinning does not occur. There may also be an uncharacteristic knocking sound of the drum against the body | Shock absorbers |
When you try to spin the machine, it makes loud noises and rattles. If you swing an empty drum by hand, it dangles freely on the shaft. In addition, there may be rust marks on the outside of the tank. | Bearings |
“Hanging” on the spin cycle. If you start again, the drum does not move. At the same time, the hum of the engine may be heard. It is also possible that plugs may be knocked out or, conversely, complete failure of operation. | Electric motor |
The drum rotates during the spin cycle, but there is no spin as such. | Pressostat |
Even despite the characteristic signs inherent in a particular breakdown, in-depth professional diagnostics of the device may be required.
What to do?
If consumer errors are excluded, you can move on to analyzing the operation of the nodes. It is better to do this in the following order: start with the most accessible ones, leaving the most difficult ones for later.
Preliminary preparation of the machine:
- if there is water in the washing machine, it must be drained (naturally or through an emergency drain);
- disconnect the washing machine from the power supply;
- shut off the water supply to the device;
- pull out the washing machine in such a way as to provide convenient access to its rear wall;
- pull out the powder receptacle.
Drain violation
If the washing machine does not drain the water, it cannot proceed to the spin cycle. In this case, it is necessary to gradually sort through all possible problems associated with the drain.
Next, you need to diagnose the operation of the drain pump., check the permeability of all systems associated with draining water.
The drive belt has expired
If the drive belt is stretched, it does not provide the necessary contact with surfaces. If it “slips,” the part must be replaced, since it cannot be repaired.
Tachometer failure
The tachometer is an element of the washing machine that is involved in the rotation of the drum. This unit is responsible for controlling the number of engine revolutions.
If it breaks, the washing machine does not rotate the drum intensively. As a result, spinning is either not performed or is performed very weakly.
The tachometer is a fairly reliable element that rarely breaks.
Control unit failure
The control unit is a board that connects to the buttons and sensors on the front panel, and also transmits signals to the components of the washing machine. It is located in the upper part of the front side of the washing machine.
Diagnosing a fault is a complex process that requires special knowledge and tools (soldering iron, multimeter, etc.).
Motor brush wear
As the drum rotates during spinning, the motor is activated. In cases where it sparks and does not create the required torque, it is necessary to inspect the condition of the motor brushes. If they do not make good contact with the manifold due to wear, the technician replaces them.
Shock absorbers are worn out
Shock absorbers in a washing machine are needed to dampen drum vibrations during the washing and spinning process. When the shock absorbers wear out, vibrations are not dampened, and electronic sensors prevent the drum from spinning.
As a result, spinning is not performed. If such a breakdown occurs, the shock absorbers need to be replaced.
When shock absorbers wear out, both must be replaced at once., even if the degree of damage to one of them is insignificant.
The video will tell you about replacing the shock absorbers of a washing machine:
Bearing failure
Bearing wear can occur during prolonged use of the washing machine. During this time, the oil seal begins to lose its tightness, which causes water to enter the bearings.This causes lubricant to be washed away and leads to rusting, and vibration and rotation make the situation even worse.
Motor damage
If it is impossible to spin the washing machine, You should not miss the possibility of such a serious breakdown as electric motor combustion. Malfunctions in the operation of this unit can be caused by a short circuit, stator failure and other circumstances.
The pressure switch is broken
A pressure switch is a sensor that controls the water level. The signal from it about the water level is sent to the control module.
If the signal is normal, which corresponds to the actual liquid level, the control module, after draining, gives a signal to spin.
But if the pressure switch gives incorrect signals, the control module does not “give the go-ahead” for spinning. This situation can occur when the pressure switch freezes on a signal indicating that the tank is full of water. Even if in fact all the liquid has been drained, the control module does not receive information about this.
The technician diagnoses the pressure switch - checks for blockages and damage. After the functionality of this unit is restored, the washing machine will begin spinning.
The video will show you how to check the pressure switch in a washing machine:
Calling a master: how to find and how much to pay?
Sometimes you can even cope with a problem in the absence of a spin on your own, but it is better to entrust high-quality diagnostics and repair of components to a professional. To do this, you should contact a company that provides household appliance repair services., and Samsung washing machines, in particular.
The cost of repairs consists of the prices for the work of the technician, the price of parts requiring replacement, and consumables. Depending on the complexity of the breakdown, the cost of repair increases. There may also be a difference in the price list of companies.
The average price for repairs in the capital (excluding the price of parts) is:
diagnostics of the pressure switch, repair, replacement – from 1,600 rubles;
- replacement of shock absorbers - from 2,200 rubles;
- electric motor repair/replacement – from 2,000 rubles;
- replacement of bearings – from 3,300 rubles;
- replacement of tachometer – from 2,200 rubles;
- drain cleaning – from 1,100 rubles;
- replacement of motor brushes – from 1,400 rubles;
- replacement of the drive belt - from 900 rubles, etc.
The final cost is determined in each specific case.
You can find a Samsung washing machine repair company on the Internet. For devices that are still under warranty, you need to contact the service center with the problem.. Information about them is indicated in the documents for the washing machine.
The technician is directly called by phone. The dispatcher needs to describe the breakdown of the washing machine and name the model (it is indicated in the passport for the device).
Expert advice
Recommendations from the expertsThose involved in the repair of washing household appliances will help to avoid problems with the spin function in the washing machine:
- Do not overload the washing machine. This will allow the engine to maintain functionality and prevent it from overloading.
When washing, you do not need to add more washing powder than recommended.Abundant foam due to its excess can damage the water level sensor.
- Before putting it into the drum, it is important to check the contents of the pockets and not place things in it that require repair - with poorly sewn buttons, dilapidated ones, etc. Small objects are the main cause of not only blockages, but also breakdowns.
- Do not use the spin function when washing shoes, as this creates an overload on many components and can lead to equipment breakdowns.
- Ensuring a stable voltage in the electrical network will prevent burnout and failure of the washing machine elements.
Find out more about repairing Samsung washing machines - at this section.
Video on the topic of the article
Why the Samsung washing machine does not spin and what to do about it, the video will tell you:
If a Samsung washing machine does not spin, the problem may be either due to incorrect user actions or equipment failure. It is quite possible to fix some problems yourself, but most problems will require repairs by a professional.