Why does the Indesit machine take in water but not wash: diagnostics and repair
Failure to start the washing process after the Indesit washing machine has filled with water indicates a problem.
Such a failure must be eliminated. The choice of method depends on the cause of the problem.
Why the Indesit washing machine takes in water but doesn’t wash, we’ll tell you what to do about it in the article.
What is the cause of the problem, what should I do?
The concept “the machine does not wash” can indicate various technical problems with the device.
They can manifest themselves in different ways:
- water intake and shutdown;
- pouring water and immediately draining it;
- pouring water and stopping work - the drum does not start spinning.
After this, the connection is made and the washing program is started. If the failure was accidental, then When you reboot, the settings will be reset and operation will be restored.
If a malfunction of the machine is accompanied by a fault code displayed on the display, it should be deciphered using the table attached to the documentation for the washing machine.
Problems with the drive belt
With such a breakdown, the engine of the machine makes noise, the water heats up and even then drains, but the drum itself does not spin. This indicates that the program is running and the problem is with the drum.
If the drive belt has fallen off the pulley or is torn, then the washing machine cannot receive a signal from the control module, and the drum does not begin to rotate.
To check the status of this node you need to:
Drain the water.
- Disconnect the device from communications.
- Pull out the machine to gain access to the back wall.
- Remove the rear cover of the service hatch.
- Diagnose the condition of the belt.
- If the belt is intact, it needs to be replaced. If it is torn, replace the part with a similar one.
- Reinstall the hatch cover.
- Connect electricity and water.
If the belt falls off regularly, you should figure out what the problem is. There may be a defect in both the belt itself and the pulley.
Drum jamming
Foreign objects entering the drum, and from it into the tank, can lead to jamming and blocking movement. At the same time, the machine takes in water and stops. Most often, before complete jamming, a grinding or scratching sound is heard as the drum rotates.
If a foreign object interfering with normal operation is not found, it is necessary to partially disassemble the washing machine from the rear wall. The service hatch provides access to the heating element. If you remove it, then By shining a flashlight on yourself, you can inspect the inside of the tank.
Will tell you how to repair a drum with your own hands this article.
Engine brush wear
As a result of physical wear of the motor brushes, the operation of the machine is disrupted: water fills in, the motor makes noise, but rotation does not occur. In this case, there may even be sparking from the motor. Worn brushes cannot rotate and require replacement.
Failure of the tachometer
The tachometer is a part that is responsible for measuring the number of revolutions. If this device fails, then the washing machine draws water, but does not rotate.
This is due to the fact that the signal from the tachometer does not pass through, and the device cannot determine at what speed the drum needs to be rotated. If this part fails, it is replaced.
Motor failure or overheating
If the motor breaks down, the automatic washing machine fills with water, but the motor does not start working. In such a situation, the machine may simply freeze or drain water. The problem with the motor can be solved by repairing the part or completely replacing it.
Instructions for replacing and connecting the motor are presented in this publications.
Control unit malfunction
If the control unit breaks down, the washing machine fills with water and turns off. To repair this unit, it is necessary to remove it and carry out a quality diagnosis. It is difficult to do this without experience, so it is better to entrust such repairs to professionals.
It may be necessary to resolder tracks, replace elements, etc. If repair is not possible, the entire board is replaced. You can find out how to repair the control module Here.
Electrical wiring fault
If, after filling with water, the washing machine does not continue to operate and stops, there is a possibility that the problem is with the electrical wiring. This may be a signal failure due to bending or broken wires. Also Possible overheating of the wiring and short circuit in the network.
The heating element has burned out
If the heating element is burnt out, the washing machine cannot wash according to programs that require heating water. But if the processing temperature is set to “cold water” and heating is not needed, the device will cope with the task.
When choosing programs with heating, the situation is different: after collecting water, it may be drained or the washing process may freeze.
To restore normal operation of the device, the heating element should be replaced. It can be accessed from the rear wall of the machine.
The heating element must be disconnected from the supply wires. You can check the serviceability of the part with a multimeter. The resistance value should be from 20 to 40 ohms.
The pressure switch is broken
If the water level sensor fails, washing will not be performed. All collected water is drained and the washing process stops.
When diagnosing the operation of a node, it is determined what caused the problem. It could be a blockage or a breakdown.. The sensor, if possible, is repaired or replaced with a new one. How to do this, read here.
Calling a master: where to find and how much to pay?
If it is impossible to carry out diagnostics and repairs yourself, you must call a specialist. It is better to search for a company that repairs household appliances on the Internet.
The cost of work depends on the company’s pricing policy and the complexity of the breakdown.
Average prices are:
changing the drive belt – from 900 rubles;
- replacement of motor brushes – from 1,400 rubles;
- replacement of tachometer – from 2,100 rubles;
- engine replacement or repair – from 2,000 rubles;
- repair of the control unit – from 2,000 rubles;
- replacement of heating elements - from 1,400 rubles;
- repair of the pressure switch - from 1,600 rubles;
- replacement of a temperature sensor – from 1,300 rubles, etc.
It should be borne in mind that the cost of work does not include the price of new parts if replacement is required. If a new part that needs to be installed instead of a worn one is already in stock, this must be reported to the dispatcher accepting the order.
Contacting random repairmen whose phone numbers were found through an ad may result in poor-quality repairs. In addition, there is a chance of falling for scammers who will carry out the work negligently. After the repair work, the company representative gives a guarantee.
A lot of important and useful information about the repair of Indesit washing machines is presented in this section.
If the washing machine fills with water but does not start working, you need to determine the cause of the failure. You can try to carry out diagnostics on your own or by contacting a household appliance repair company.