DIY instructions for repairing the Indesit washing machine drum
Indesit washing machines are valued by users for their reliability and long service life.
One of the main components of the device is the drum. If it fails, it is impossible to continue using the equipment.
Read the article about when it is necessary to repair the drum of an Indesit washing machine, whether it can be done with your own hands or whether it is better to call a specialist.
Part structure of the Indesit washing machine
The drum of the Indesit washing machine looks like a cylindrical tank with many small holes and ribs on the walls. It is made of stainless steel. The design of the drum includes not only the tank itself, but also other parts: cuff, cross, shaft, etc.
The drum is located in a tank, which is represented by a large plastic container. It is durable and lightweight.
At the top of the tank there is a hole for the hose. It carries water and detergent into the drum. At the bottom of the tank there is a pipe through which the water leaves. There is also a pressure switch tube there.
The tank and drum are connected at the rear using a metal cross with bearings and a bushing. Next comes the shaft, which is driven by a pulley and belt. The drum is driven by a cross and a shaft.
The tank in which the drum is located is fixed on springs, shock absorbers and dampers. The fastenings are not rigid, but reliable. To compensate for vibrations that occur when the drum rotates, a counterweight is built into the machine.
There is a heating element at the rear of the tank, responsible for heating, but this part does not come into direct contact with water. At the bottom there is a motor that drives the drum. The tachogenerator is responsible for speed control. Knowing the structure of the drum, it is easier to detect a malfunction and fix it.
Possible faults
Drum failure does not always result in a complete stop. Sometimes it works, but makes strange sounds, sometimes it starts to wobble or water stagnates in it. The causes of malfunctions vary, as do the methods for eliminating them.
Doesn't turn
If the drum of your Indesit washing machine stops rotating, this could happen for several reasons:
- overload - in this case, it is enough to remove some of the excess laundry to restore the functionality of the device;
- belt slippage, alignment or breakage - if it is worn out, replacement is required;
- malfunction of the control board or motor;
- The motor brushes are worn out and need to be replaced;
- a foreign object entered the drum causing it to stop;
- the tachometer responsible for the rotation speed of the drum has broken down;
- the oil seal has worn out, which has led to water entering the bearing, causing it to rust and be destroyed;
- there was a loss of contact.
Read more Here.
Sometimes it happens that the drum continues to work, but at the same time a strange creaking and grinding noise comes from the machine. These sounds clearly indicate that parts are rubbing or touching each other. Normally this should not happen. Without analyzing the equipment, it is impossible to determine which components are malfunctioning.
The only reason for the squeak that can be eliminated on your own is to clear the blockage that has formed in the cuff area. If debris adheres to the seal, excess friction occurs, which leads to the appearance of characteristic sounds. To remove it, simply bend back the rubber band and clear the clogged cavity.
Creaking can occur due to the following reasons:
The springs on which the tank is suspended are worn out. If they lose their elasticity, then when the drum rotates it will begin to sway from side to side.
The problem can be solved by replacing the springs. Moreover, this applies to both parts, since replacing only one component will lead to uneven distribution of the load.
- The shock absorbers, which are designed to reduce machine vibrations, have worn out. Most often this happens due to prolonged use of the device. Incorrect installation of the machine can contribute to the breakdown. The problem can only be resolved by replacing the part.
- The belt is worn out. This problem is caused by constant overload of the machine, or a long service life of the equipment. In this case, either belt adjustment or replacement is required.
- A foreign object has entered the space between the body and the tank. This can be any small thing, for example, a handkerchief, a baby sock, etc. Its presence prevents the tank from rotating, which causes squeaking. You cannot leave the item inside, as it will cause the drum to jam.
- Imbalance. This happens due to the shaft being loosened.Rotation at high speeds leads to friction of the drum against oil seals, cuffs and other components, which causes the appearance of a characteristic sound. To fix the problem, you need to secure the shaft.
- Body divergence due to weak bolt fastening. In this case, a creaking sound will appear during the spin cycle. To deal with the problem, you need to tighten all the bolts.
- Loose tank fastening. Most often, this problem occurs with narrow Indesit machines, since the parts in them are too close to the body. To solve the problem, you need to adjust all the fasteners.
- The shaft bearing has rusted or begun to deteriorate. In this case, a metallic creak will be heard during the spin cycle. A part needs to be replaced.
The water is standing
Sometimes there is water left in the tank after washing. This may happen due to the following reasons:
- The drain hose is clogged or a blockage has formed in the water drainage system. You can cope with this problem yourself. The device must be disconnected from the network, unscrew the hose, drain the water and rinse it. There is a small hatch in the front of the Indesit washing machine. You can find it at the bottom. Place a rag under it and unscrew the drain filter. If it is clogged with debris, it is cleaned.
- The drain pump is clogged. To get to it, you will have to remove the case. After gaining access to the part, twist it, disconnect the pipe and wash it under high pressure of water.
- The pressure switch is faulty. To replace it, you will have to remove the top cover of the washing machine. The relay is located near the wall. It is disconnected and checked for blockages. The performance of the device is assessed using a multimeter. If it fails, it needs to be replaced.
- Control unit failure. It will not be possible to cope with its repair on your own. To perform these works, contact the workshop.
Loose and rattles when spinning
Drum in the Indesit washing machine starts to wobble in the following cases:
overloading of equipment - it is enough to remove unnecessary things for the device to start working properly;
- destruction of the crosspiece - most often it suffers due to faulty bearings; if a part fails, it needs to be replaced;
- damage to shock absorbers. Over time, they wear out, the lubricant dries out, the piston begins to move freely - this leads to the fact that during the spin cycle the machine will vibrate strongly and the drum will knock on its body; the problem can only be dealt with by replacing the shock absorber;
- destruction of the seal and bearings — their repairs must be carried out as quickly as possible; if you continue to operate equipment with worn parts, then in the near future you will have to change the crosspiece, calipers and even the tank itself, which will cost much more;
- spring malfunction - it can fly off, bend or burst; repairs are carried out depending on the characteristics of the breakdown.
Replacing an element
You can replace the drum of an Indesit washing machine yourself if acquire the following tools:
- screwdrivers;
- hacksaw for metal;
- mites;
- screwdriver;
- keys.
Step-by-step algorithm of actions:
- Unscrew the bolts that hold the back wall of the device.
- Remove the top cover, remove the washing powder tray, and remove the control panel.
- Pull out the cuffs. Remove the wiring and unscrew the hatch door.
- Remove the counterweight, pipe, pressure switch and valve for water intake. These parts are located at the top of the device.
- The heating element, engine, drain pipe, counterweight and shock absorbers are removed from below.
- Remove the tank from the hooks, and then pull it out of the housing.
- Unscrew and remove the pulley, then strike with a hammer and tap the drum out of the tank.
Install a new drum by performing the steps in reverse order.
Periodic cleaning of the drum will avoid premature breakdown of all components of the washing machine.
Perform this procedure as follows:
- Five sachets of citric acid are poured into the washing powder compartment.
- Start the wash cycle at the highest temperature.
- After its completion, remove the remaining stains with a fluffy brush.
It is recommended to carry out such cleaning for preventive purposes at least once every six months. Instead of citric acid, you can use 9% vinegar. White is added to disinfect the device. He will tell you about cleaning the washing machine drum from scale. this article.
How much does a new drum cost?
If the drum needs to be replaced, then It’s better to buy it complete with a tank, since removing it from the Indesit washing machine without damaging the base is quite difficult and time-consuming. The cost of the design starts from 5,000 rubles.
As a rule, the tank is not sold in retail stores. It can be ordered online. When purchasing, you need to choose exactly the drum that matches the model of the washing machine. Otherwise, the purchased part may simply not fit.
Call the master
Most of the work on repairing the drum of an Indesit washing machine cannot be done on your own. In order not to permanently damage the device, it is better to contact a specialist.
Cost of repair services depends on what type of work the specialist will perform:
- replacement of shock absorbers and springs – from 2200 rubles;
belt adjustment – from 600 rubles, replacement – from 1000 rubles;
- removal of a foreign object from the space between the tank and the body - from 600 rubles;
- strengthening the drum shaft - from 600 rubles;
- replacement of bearings from 4000 rubles;
- oil seal repair – from 3300 rubles;
- replacement of the cross - from 2900 rubles;
- drum replacement from 4000 rubles.
Prices do not include the cost of parts; they will have to be paid separately. You can find a repairman using an ad on the Internet. It is better to choose a large service center that has its own office.
Such organizations not only provide a guarantee, but also formalize the transaction. Many private craftsmen also work honestly, but in this case the risk of meeting a scammer is higher.
A lot of important and useful information about the repair of Indesit washing machines is presented in this section.
The drum of an Indesit washing machine can fail for various reasons. Sometimes they are trivial and easy to fix on your own, but sometimes you can’t do it without the help of a specialist.
You can reduce the risk of breakdown and reduce repair costs if you operate the device according to the instructions. The main thing for the drum is do not overload it and do not allow foreign objects to get inside.