How to repair and replace the control board of a Candy washing machine?
The control board in Kandy washing machines is responsible for executing all programs. Its failure will lead to the device stopping or to the malfunction of individual components. Further operation of the equipment will be impossible.
Read the article about how to repair the control board of a Candy washing machine and what to do if a breakdown occurs before the warranty period expires.
How can you tell if a module has failed?
If the Kandy washing machine board is out of order or is not working properly, indicate the following signs:
- the device does not wring things out and freezes;
- the machine does not respond to commands;
- water does not fill the tank, the washing program does not start;
- the device turns on and off on its own, or starts programs that the user did not select;
- the machine freezes while doing work;
- the equipment “thinks” for too long, program processing is prolonged in time;
- the machine works without stopping;
- the display shows the progress of work correctly, but in fact the device does not perform any actions;
- the speed of rotation of the drum changes all the time: sometimes it accelerates, sometimes it slows down, sometimes it spins only in one direction;
- The heating element either heats the water or does not heat it.
Error codes for board failure may not appear on the screen if the failure is serious. In other cases, the designations will be as follows:
6, E6, E06, Err 6, Error 6. This error indicates a malfunction in the control module, a firmware failure, or a broken contact that leads to the board.
- 13, E13, Err 13, Error 13, ED. The last code is typical for Kandy models with drying. It indicates a malfunction of the board or problems with the wires leading to it.
- 14, E14, Err 14, Error 14. This error may indicate problems with the heating element, temperature sensor or control module.
- 15, E15, Err 15, Error 15. Codes indicate a breakdown of the control unit, or problems with its memory.
- 18, E18, Err 18, Error 18. An error may indicate a power outage or a breakdown of the electronic module.
In general, any error code displayed on the screen may be a signal of a malfunction of one or another track of the board, since it controls the operation of all parts. Therefore, the diagnosis must be carried out by a specialist.
What to do if the washing machine is under warranty?
If the washing machine is under warranty and the control board breaks down during this period, The manufacturer must carry out repairs at his own expense.. For SMA Candy this period is 1 year.
You need to contact the seller or the manufacturer. In this case, the claim must be made in writing. 2 copies are required. The document must state the essence of the requirements, attach copies of receipts and warranty cards.
If the responsible party insists that the breakdown was the fault of the buyer, an independent examination should be required. If a manufacturing defect is detected, the seller will have to replace the defective product. The guilty party pays the cost of all work. If the decision is unsatisfactory, it is necessary to file a claim and go to court.
If the warranty period has expired
If the warranty period has expired, the board will have to be repaired at your own expense. If you have knowledge in the field of electronics or if there is a simple breakdown, you can do the work yourself. It is better to entrust the solution of global problems to a specialist.
How to disassemble a household appliance?
To assess the condition of the board, it needs to be inspected. To get to it, do the following:
dismantle the top cover of the device - it is fixed with two bolts, which are unscrewed with a screwdriver;
- the board is located on the left in the corner, if you stand behind the machine, facing it;
- although the module is visible, to gain access it is necessary to remove the rear and front walls of the device along with the hatch;
- When all obstacles have been removed, the wires are disconnected from the part and carefully removed.
The module must be handled with care so as not to accidentally damage it. Experts recommend laying the machine on its side, this will make it easier to get to the desired part.
Removal and diagnostics of the electronic unit
Since there are many wires going to the module, you need to disconnect them in order. In order not to confuse the terminals later, it is better to take photos or videos of the entire process. This is especially true for craftsmen with little experience.
Diagnosis begins with an examination. Sometimes a defect can be visualized without special equipment; for example, it is easy to detect a swollen capacitor, a broken solder joint, or a burnt-out track. If possible, you should find a diagram of the module of the model being repaired and keep it before your eyes.
How to repair?
On your own, you can cope with problems such as:
- Resoldering capacitors. They are the first to suffer during voltage surges. If an element fails, it swells. To clarify the data, you can ring it with a multimeter and then replace it.
- First and second order resistors. 1st order resistors should have a resistance of 8 Ohms - 2A, and 2nd order resistors of 10 Ohms - 5 A. If there are deviations, the elements are changed.
- Thyristor commutatoR. It is damaged by power surges.
- Trigger. Normally, its resistance is 20 ohms.
Firming a chamber is a complex job, which can only be accomplished with special knowledge and equipment. To reprogram, you will need a special programmer adapter, as well as original Candy software.
Repairing the electronic module of the Candy washing machine, video instructions:
How to change a part?
If the control module cannot be repaired, it will have to be replaced. The cost of the part is about 8,000 rubles. You can purchase it in specialized stores or on websites.
Board replacement is very fast. It is enough to connect the terminals and install it in its original place. Then the machine is assembled in the reverse order. After repair, you should check the functionality of the device by running a short wash cycle.
Call a specialist, price of work
If there is no knowledge of electronics, repairs should be entrusted to professionals. Finding a master is not difficult, just open a message board on the Internet. Proposals are also published in newspapers.Sometimes friends who have already used the services of a specialist come to the rescue.
The average cost of replacing a module is 2,500 rubles. The part will have to be purchased separately. Repairs can be carried out both at home and in a service center.
Causes and prevention of breakdown
The control board in Kandy washing machines may fail due to the following reasons:
Marriage. It will not be difficult for a specialist to detect it. Defective boards are poorly soldered, the tracks on them peel off.
The fact that the plant did a poor job can be understood from the first weeks or even days of using the device. It will function intermittently.
- Voltage drops. Network surges negatively affect all components of the washing machine. The payment suffers first of all. If such drops occur frequently, then installing a voltage stabilizer is necessary.
- Incorrect operation of one or more parts. Over time, a malfunction in their functioning will affect the electronic module. To avoid such situations, any repairs must be carried out on time.
- Liquid getting on the board. Modern SMA models are protected from moisture, but not 100%. If water gets on the module, and at this moment the device is turned on, it will not be possible to avoid damage. To prevent costly repairs, you need to transport and operate the machine in accordance with the User Manual.
- Software failure. Electronics are complex and sometimes malfunctions occur.To minimize risks, you need to use only official applications and programs to control your washing machine.
- Insect excrement, such as cockroaches, gets on the board. When the board is turned on, it heats up, causing carbon deposits to form in places where it is dirty. This situation can be prevented by fighting insects and rodents.
Repairing a control board is not an easy task for the average person. You can cope with it only if you have certain knowledge, experience and equipment. In order not to permanently damage the device, it is better to entrust complex work to a specialist.