Everything you need to know about shock absorbers for Kandy washing machines

foto39382-1Kandy washing machines operate quite quietly and without strong vibrations. If the machine begins to knock and literally bounce when spinning or washing, this may indicate a problem with the shock absorbers.

Such a defect requires timely elimination, since increased vibration poses a threat to various components of the washing machine and can lead to serious equipment damage.

You will find everything you need to know about the shock absorbers of a Kandy washing machine in the article.

What are they and where are they located?

Dampers are devices that are included in the design of any modern washing machine.. Their main purpose is to dampen the oscillatory movements of the tank during spinning and washing. Shock absorbers are located under the tank, and they work in tandem with springs located on top, on which it is suspended.

Shock absorbers have a cylindrical shape with a rod inside, which consists of a rubber gasket and a rod. The base of the rod is a piston that moves under load. The movement of the rod along the tube occurs with force and resistance, which a special damper lubricant helps to increase.

Replacement or repair: what to choose?

Increased vibration, knocking and even independent movement of the washing machine during spinning and washing may indicate problems with the shock absorbers. For a detailed analysis, you will have to partially disassemble the washing machine to gain access to the parts.

foto39382-2Before you start disassembling the washing machine, the following steps must be taken:

  1. Disconnect the device from power by removing the plug from the socket.
  2. Shut off the water supply.
  3. Drain the remaining water through a garbage filter.
  4. Make sure there are no items left in the drum.
  5. Move the washing machine into a free space so that access to its body is provided from all sides.

Once the machine is prepared for further work, you can begin disassembling the body. At the first stage, remove the back wall, unscrewing all the screws. The dampers can also be accessed with the front panel and hatch door removed or through the bottom.

Depending on the condition of the dampers, a decision is made to repair or completely replace. If the damper elements have damage to the body (deformations, cracks, etc.), then such parts cannot be repaired; they must be replaced. If a problem with shock absorbers has arisen for the first time, their service life can be extended for a short time.

How to check that shock absorbers have become unusable - in the video:

How to replace?

When shock absorbers wear out, they should be replaced with new ones. They are selected based on the model of the washing machine. First, the old dampers are removed from the car. Each of them has two attachment points: to the car body and to the tank.

Dampers are mechanical devices, which are designed to restrain drum vibrations. To accurately determine the condition of the unit, the shock absorbers must be removed. You should try to compress the part by applying directed forces from both ends. If the shock absorber compresses easily enough without showing resistance, it requires replacement.

Fastening is carried out using plastic rods and clamps.When removing shock absorbers, you should not help yourself with a hammer, as this can easily damage the plastic tank and the fastening point itself.

New dampers are installed in place of the old ones. You need to act as carefully as possible, trying not to damage the plastic fasteners.

First, the upper part of the damper is connected to the tank using rods, then the part is fastened from below. Even if only one shock absorber in the washing machine is worn out, both should always be replaced at once.

The procedure for replacing dampers can be seen in the video:

How to repair?

It is not possible to restore the condition of a worn shock absorber in all cases. If the part is physically damaged, repair is not possible. The only case when it is possible to extend the life of the damper is to restore a layer of lubricant over the entire surface of the rod.

The method of restoring the working condition of the shock absorber by restoring the lubricant coating does not always help and only gives a temporary effect. After a short period of time, you will still need to replace the dampers with new ones.

For repairs, you should choose only a lubricant that satisfies all the parameters:

  • has moisture resistance;
  • has increased viscosity;
  • has resistance to high temperatures.

There is an example among craftsmen of handicraft modification of worn dampers by replacing gaskets. This is a controversial repair option that does not always give a satisfactory result. And it is also a temporary solution to the problem, allowing you to slightly delay the replacement of parts. Any repair of dampers is a small delay that does not cancel the purchase of new shock absorbers.

How to disassemble dampers and where to get lubricant to extend the life of the part can be seen in the video:

Where can I buy new parts for the Candy washing machine and how much should I pay?

Shock absorbers for a washing machine can be purchased in specialized stores that sell spare parts for washing equipment or ordered online. When choosing, you should focus on the model of your washing machine, since even machines from the same manufacturer may use different dampers.

foto39382-3They differ in the following parameters:

  1. Hardness (for example, 85N, 80N).
  2. Length when folded.
  3. Mounting holes.

Another solution to the problem is to go to the store with dampers already removed from the machine and purchase similar ones for subsequent installation.

The housing of the removed shock absorbers contains all the necessary information. The cost of dampers is in a wide range, from 500 rubles for a pair of parts.

It is undesirable to buy new shock absorbers of different hardness, since this circumstance may disrupt the functionality of the entire device.

Calling a specialist: the price of the issue

If you are not sure that you can cope with replacing shock absorbers without outside help, you can contact a company that provides repair services for washing equipment. There are such companies in every city.

It is better to give preference to those that have been working for a long time and have many positive reviews. With such a thoughtful approach, it will be possible to avoid scammers and unqualified craftsmen.

The cost of the work depends on the pricing policy of the company and the need to carry out additional repair work on other components in the machine. On average in the capital the price is from 1,000 rubles. The cost of dampers is paid separately.


Shock absorbers in a Kandy washing machine may become unusable over time and require replacement or repair.You can carry out work to restore functionality on your own or by contacting a repairman.

It should also be taken into account that many user errors make the situation worse and lead to faster wear and tear of equipment.


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