Eco-friendly washing, or how you can replace washing powder
Using washing powder is a common option for washing detergent.
In addition to it, alternative means can be used - purchased drugs or those created from improvised means.
This allows you to find a way out of a situation when the powder suddenly runs out or when you want to use a natural remedy.
We'll tell you in this article how you can replace washing powder if, for example, you run out of it at home.
All replacement options
A substitute for washing powder can be products found in the household. Effective alternative options include natural preparations, washing with which gives very good results.
Depending on the chosen drug, the appropriate level of acidity is ensured:
- A moderately alkaline environment is better for caring for synthetics.
- Alkaline – for processing things made from plant fibers – flax, cotton.
- Sour – for care woolen clothes and silk.
Laundry soap
Laundry soap is one of the options for washing preparations that can be used to care for the things of children and allergy sufferers. This is an environmentally friendly product that prevents things from becoming harsh.
Bar soap is also suitable for washing, but For a complete wash you need to make soap shavings. To do this, the laundry soap is rubbed on a fine grater. You can supplement the composition with soda and salt.
If the soap is intended for washing in a machine, it is advisable to add it not in its pure form, but as part of products that contain soda. It is best to pour it not into the tray, but directly into the drum. This is due to the fact that upon contact with water, the soap becomes viscous and may not be washed out of the cuvette.
A mixture of a spoon of soda and 50 grams of soap is enough for one wash.. If the laundry is not very dirty, the amount of soap shavings can be halved.
In order to prevent soap residue from sticking to the elements of the washing machine, it is better to add a little citric acid to the washing mixture. For hand washing, this is not necessary, and you can even use just grated soap, without additives.
Homemade soap-based powders are a product that It is better not to use it on an ongoing basis in automatic washing, since it increases the likelihood of breakdowns due to the adhesion of soap mass to the elements of the washing machine.
Read more about washing with laundry soap Here.
The use of borax is possible for processing adult clothes and children's underwear. You can purchase this substance at a pharmacy. A good result is obtained by mixing borax, soda and soap shavings.
One of the popular recipes:
- grate 200 g of laundry soap;
- add a glass of soda ash and the same amount of borax;
- mix everything.
Soda ash and baking soda create an alkaline environment, which ensures washing of cotton and linen items. This option is also suitable for processing bed linen, including those made from thick fabrics.
For washing things, it is advisable to set the temperature in the range from 50? C to 70? C. Only in this interval the effect will be high. Soda ash has a pronounced bleaching effect. If this is undesirable, then it is replaced with food grade food.
Silk and wool should not be washed with soda solution, as this can lead to damage to the material - fragility and rapid wear.
Read more about washing with soda In this article.
The use of mustard is quite universal. Its use allows you to wash things in a machine or by hand.
For processing in an automatic machine you need:
- Place things in the drum.
- Sprinkle 50 g of finely ground mustard directly onto the items.
- Set the washing mode.
- Adjust the temperature reading. It should be no more than 40? C, otherwise the mustard will brew.
Mustard is a product that can be used not only for laundry, but also for washing dishes.
Regular kitchen salt can be used to wash cotton and linen items. An additional advantage from this use is the preservation of bright colors.
When washing by hand, a solution is prepared based on the proportion: for each liter of water - 1 tbsp. l. salt. The laundry is soaked for a couple of hours, after which it is rinsed well. The disadvantage of this use is its poor effectiveness on difficult stains.
Salt can be used as an addition to another detergent to enhance the effect and maintain the brightness of colors, including during automatic processing.
Soap root
For silk and wool, soap root can be used.You won’t be able to use it right away – you need preparation.
- Prepare the required amount of root - 50 g for each kilogram of dry things.
- Chop the root into small pieces. The smaller they are, the better.
- For every 50 g of dry product you will need? l water. Boil water.
- Infuse the root for 1 day, stirring occasionally.
- Boil for 60 minutes over low heat.
- Remove from stove.
- Let cool.
- Strain.
- With the remaining root, repeat the entire procedure again, pouring boiling water for 6-8 hours. This will allow you to get another portion of the solution.
You should not prepare a soap solution from the root for future use, since it cannot be stored and must be used immediately.
horse chestnut
Horse chestnut is a natural remedy that can also be used for washing. At the preparation stage you should:
- collect chestnuts;
- remove the top brown layer from them, this is a prerequisite, since the peel can stain fabrics;
- dry the white kernels;
- Grind the chestnuts very finely, it is best to do this in a coffee grinder.
The resulting powder is a laundry detergent; it can be used for both hand washing and machine washing. If you plan to wash by hand, it is advisable to soak the items in advance.
Purchased funds
If you don’t have regular laundry detergent, you can use other store-bought products to get things in proper shape. These are capsules, gels and eco-powders based on soap.
The gel form of washing powder is a product that can be used for manual and automatic processing of things.
The use of this drug is similar to powder:
- for automatic washing, the gel is also placed in the cuvette of the washing machine;
- if done manually, dilute it in water.
The dosage is indicated on the packaging of the product. There is also information on temperature conditions and what specific things the drug is intended for.
Soap powder
Soap powders are environmentally friendly laundry detergents. Such products are aimed at washing children's clothes, clothes for allergy sufferers and people with sensitive skin. Also, soap compositions are preferred by those people who care about the environment.
Depending on the manufacturer's recommendations and the texture of the product, the order of use depends. This could be one of the options:
- falling asleep in a ditch;
- preliminary dilution with water;
- placing directly into the drum.
Soap products are based on soap shavings and additional components. Before using such a product for washing in a machine, you must make sure that the product is intended for this purpose.
Read more about soap powder Here.
Capsules are a fairly new type of detergent. This is the most compact release form, which is intended exclusively for automatic processing.
The capsules are used very simply - they are placed in an empty drum, and dirty laundry is placed on top.When using such products, no additional preparations are needed, which simplifies the washing process.
6 recommendations
Expert advice will help you avoid making mistakes when choosing an alternative laundry detergent:
- When choosing a laundry detergent instead of traditional powder, you need to consider the type of fabric.
- Mixing several ingredients for washing should take into account the composition of the material.
You can buy soap root at a pharmacy.
- Many alternative options for washing products with natural composition require preliminary preparation (rubbing, brewing, straining, infusing), so it is necessary to plan such washing in advance.
- Viscous compounds containing soap should not be placed in the cuvette - they may not be washed out completely, but will only be smeared over it and the outlet hose.
- When using soap powders for washing (both purchased and homemade), it is necessary to regularly clean the washing machine. For example, using citric acid.
All the most important and useful information about washing powder is in this section.
If the question arises of what can replace washing powder, then there are a large number of options for solving the problem. These include natural and synthetic products that can provide high-quality results no worse than when washing with the usual powder.