Ways to keep peppers fresh at home for the winter for as long as possible
Juicy, nutritious, hot and sweet peppers are an indispensable ingredient for vegetable salads, stews, meat and fish dishes.
In order to enjoy its taste and beneficial properties for as long as possible, it would be a good idea to study the methods and methods of long-term storage.
We'll tell you in this article how to keep peppers fresh for as long as possible.
Storage Features
Based on the variety (type) of pepper, one or another storage method is chosen. For long-term storage, late-ripening varieties are chosen, and thin-walled fruits are ideal for drying, and dense, fleshy ones are ideal for freezing.
Before storing for long-term storage, unripe fruits must be kept on the windowsill, in direct sunlight, for at least two to three days.
Sweet or Bulgarian
In order for sweet bell peppers to retain their juiciness and taste for as long as possible It is important to adhere to three main parameters:
- Temperature - no higher than +10°C.
- Air humidity - maximum 95%.
- Minimum amount of sunlight (complete absence of direct sunlight).
Subject to optimal parameters, there may be several storage locations. Read about storing bell peppers Here.
For owners of private houses, the ideal place to store bell peppers is the cellar. For this sorted vegetables are laid out in two or three layers in a wooden box. The prepared containers are sent for storage in the cellar (for a maximum of six months).
Those who do not want to waste time on forming boxes with vegetables can store peppers without picking them from the bush. To do this, the bushes are suspended from the ceiling of the cellar with their roots up. The bush is periodically inspected, removing spoiled fruits.
Residents of city apartments can store sweet bell peppers in pantries or on balconies. The main thing is that the basic parameters of air temperature and humidity are observed, and there is no bright sunlight. Vegetables can be stored in dry, ventilated boxes (with holes in the walls), on the balcony or in the pantry for up to three to four months.
Refrigerator (freezer) compartment
In the refrigerator, sweet bell peppers are stored in the lower compartment, in a plastic bag with holes, having previously wrapped each vegetable in thin parchment.
Vegetables are frozen in two ways:
Vegetables are washed, dried, seeds and stalks are removed, and the pulp is cut into cubes or strips.
The chopped fruits are placed in portions in plastic bags and placed in the freezer.
- Vegetables are carefully cleaned of stems and seeds (it is important to preserve the integrity of the fruit). The peppers are inserted into each other, placed in a plastic bag, and sent to the freezer.
To prevent pieces of peppers from sticking together into a single mass, two hours after the start of freezing, remove the bag from the freezer and shake thoroughly.
Hot chili will add piquancy to meat and vegetable dishes.To preserve the taste and beneficial properties of chili peppers longer, you can use several methods. Read about storing chili peppers Here And here.
Carefully sorted pods (rotten ones are immediately discarded) are laid out in a thin (no more than 10 cm) layer on burlap, after which they are sent to dry in a place well lit by the sun. To prevent the peppers from becoming dusty during the drying process, they are covered with gauze or a very thin cloth.
If there is not enough space, the pods are strung on a fishing line (a thick needle will help to pierce the stalk), and then hung to dry in a dry, sunny place. To prevent the chili pods from becoming dusty, vegetable garlands can be placed in thin canvas bags before drying.
The chili must remain in this form for at least two weeks, after which the dried fruits are placed in a hermetically sealed container and stored in a closed cabinet.
Drying in the oven will help extend shelf life. peppers that are damaged or spoiled by rot. To do this, the fruits are cleaned of rot and seeds, cut into pieces, and, having laid them out on a baking sheet, dried in the oven at a temperature of 50°C for three to four hours.
Dry chili is ground in a coffee grinder or blender. Spicy powder is ideal as a seasoning for meat and fish dishes.
The freezing method will help you preserve hot chili peppers longer without much hassle.
Algorithm of actions:
- Sorted, washed, dried on a paper towel, the chili is cut lengthwise and the seeds are removed.
- The pure pulp of the chili peppers is carefully cut into strips.
- The prepared product is packaged in zip bags and stored in the freezer.
When frozen, hot chili retains its beneficial properties for up to twelve months. The only caveat is that defrosted peppers cannot be re-frozen, so you need to prepare vegetables in portions, exactly as much as is needed to prepare one dish.
Hot pepper pods can be stored in a cool, dry place for up to three months. You can extend the shelf life in several ways. Read about storing capsicums Here And here.
Dried hot pepper retains its pungency and beneficial properties for up to two years. To properly dry the pods, they need to be collected in bunches of three or four pieces, tied by the stalks with a strong thread, hang to dry in a cool, dry place.
Dry the pods for at least two weeks. It is important that the peppers are not exposed to sunlight or moisture during the drying process.
To freeze
Like bell peppers, hot capsicums can be frozen.
To do this, the pods are subjected to shock freezing:
- the pods are washed, dried, cut into two parts, and the seeds are removed;
- the prepared product is laid out in an even layer on a wire rack or tray and placed in the freezer (temperature -18°C) for one to two hours;
- Already frozen vegetables are laid out in portions in zip bags and sent to the freezer for further storage.
Capsicums can be stored frozen for up to twelve months.
Those who believe that nothing can spoil dried black peppercorns are mistaken.
In order for the spice to retain its beneficial properties for as long as possible (pepper is rich in calcium, iron, phosphorus, keratin and vitamins B, C) and aroma, it must be poured into a dry, clean glass or metal container with a tight-fitting lid.
In this form, in a dark, dry place, black peppercorns can be stored for twelve months. There is no point in storing the spice for longer (the product loses its aroma, essential oils, and vitamins).
Already ground black pepper is also stored in a well-closed container away from moisture and other strong-smelling spices.
The less air remains in the bag of vegetables, the better the peppers are preserved in the freezer. Wooden boxes and cardboard boxes with perforations are the best storage containers peppers in the basement, garage or balcony.
Tight, airtight containers are only suitable for freezers (it is important to ensure air circulation for the product).
After which they are stored in the refrigerator. At a temperature of +5 °C, pepper in this form stays fresh for up to three months.
Delicious and nutritious dishes with peppers all year round are possible. It is enough to choose the most optimal method that allows you to preserve the taste, appearance and taste of pepper for as long as possible, and strictly following all the recommendations to enjoy the nutritious product at any time of the year.