Recommendations from thrifty housewives on how to keep hot capsicums fresh for the winter

foto45314-1In the fall, when vegetables are cheap in the markets, thrifty housewives make supplies for the winter.

Hot capsicums are suitable for storage in a standard city apartment.

Due to the presence of special substances responsible for the pungency of the vegetable, it does not spoil for a long time.

We will tell you in this article how to keep hot capsicums fresh for the winter.

Preparing vegetables for storage at home

For long term storage select whole, full-bodied fruits with thick walls. The pepper should not show signs of rotting, insect damage, or cuts. The skin should be smooth and shiny.

It is allowed to store unripe green peppers. Gradually it will ripen and acquire the desired sharpness.

It is not recommended to wash vegetables before storing them. Moisture on fruits provokes the development of rot. If the peppers are soiled, wash them in cool water and dry at room temperature until the moisture is completely removed from the skin.


Fresh hot peppers should be kept in a dark, dry and cool place. Several storage options are common. How to store hot peppers in pods, will tell you this publication.

In a refrigerator

foto45314-2Fresh hot pepper will not deteriorate up to 10-12 weeks at a temperature of +3 +5 degrees.

Dry, clean fruits are placed in perforated plastic bags or in plastic vacuum containers. Place the product in the vegetable compartment.

During storage, you need to monitor the condition of the vegetable.. If condensation has formed in the bag, transfer the peppers to a new dry bag and blot the fruits with a paper towel. Read more here.

In the freezer

Hot peppers (whole or cut into pieces), peeled from seeds and stalks, are filled into bags or containers.

At temperatures below -18 degrees, the vegetable does not lose its properties for up to 12 months. There is no need to defrost the fruits for cooking. Will tell you in more detail this article.

This video will tell you about freezing hot peppers for the winter:

On the balcony, in a cool closet

If the apartment has a room where it is possible to maintain low above-zero temperatures and humidity, the pepper is taken there. The fruits are placed in cardboard or wooden boxes. Each layer is isolated from its neighbors.

For this use:

  • clean dry sand;
  • thick paper (you can soak it with wax or oil);
  • stove ash;
  • soft straw;
  • wood shavings.
Under such conditions, the product will last up to 3 weeks. Sharp fluctuations in temperature and humidity levels in storage negatively affect the shelf life of fresh vegetables.

In the bank

foto45314-3Fresh hot peppers are placed tightly in a dry, sterile jar and filled with boiled (cooled to room temperature) vegetable oil.

The container must be filled to the top and sealed tightly. Place the jar with oil and pepper in a dark place.

Shelf life at room temperature up to 2 months, in the refrigerator up to six months. Instead of oil, you can use apple cider vinegar to infuse the chili fruits.

In pods strung on a rope

Fruits with long stalks are suitable for this storage method. The peppers are strung one by one on a rope, tying the stalks with it. Pepper garlands are hung in the kitchen, protecting from the sun's rays.

Vegetables remain fresh for up to 10 days, later withers and dries up. But dry pepper is also used to flavor dishes.

Dried fruits can be ground in a mortar or coffee grinder to obtain a spicy, aromatic seasoning. Store the powder in a tightly closed glass jar.

How to store hot peppers - in the video:

Useful tips

Hot peppers will make it less stinging to remove seeds from fruits. They can be thrown away before putting the vegetable in the freezer or adding oil.

When working with hot vegetables, you must wear gloves and avoid touching your face. The caustic pulp of the fruit can cause irritation to the skin and mucous membranes.

Vacuum bags and containers help vegetables stay fresh longer, regardless of storage method. By pumping air out of the container, the process of bacterial reproduction practically stops.

Fruits that have begun to deteriorate can be dried or prepared as a traditional Caucasian seasoning.

foto45314-4For this you will need:

  • 1 kg of chili fruit;
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic;
  • salt - half a tablespoon;
  • 0.5 cups vegetable oil;
  • parsley, basil;
  • 150 ml apple cider vinegar.

Whole peppers are pricked with a wooden toothpick to allow the marinade to penetrate inside. They are mixed with salt and garlic and herbs minced through a meat grinder, leaving to marinate for 2 hours.

Heat oil and vinegar in a saucepan until boiling. Peppers, placed in clean sterile jars, are poured with marinade and rolled up with tin lids. Store the seasoning in a cool and dark place.

To always have fresh hot pepper on hand, you can plant a seed of indoor varieties in a regular flower pot. The vegetable is unpretentious, blooms profusely and produces fruits at home all year round. You can find out how to preserve hot peppers for the winter here.


Hot peppers can be stored in the refrigerator and at room temperature for up to 10 weeks. The shelf life is affected by the integrity of the fruit, the cleanliness of the packaging and the constancy of temperature and humidity in the storage.

Hot peppers retain their taste in the freezer for up to a year. Dried vegetables can be stored for up to 2 years, the seasoning properties are not lost. Pepper doused in oil transfers some of the heat to the liquid. This vegetable can be used in salads.


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