Practical recommendations on how to preserve hot peppers longer at home for the winter
Hot capsicums are very popular among chefs in many countries.
Its beneficial properties and amazing taste are widely used as an addition to savory dishes, as well as as components of some medicines and cosmetic products.
Therefore, interest in the question of whether it is possible to preserve hot peppers for the winter and how to do this is quite justified.
Nuances of preparing vegetables for storage
Before storing hot peppers, they must be properly prepared for long-term storage during the winter. To do this, you must first decide for what purpose is it supposed to be used and what recipe to prepare it for:
For example, ripe hot peppers of rich red color are perfect for all winter preparation options. Whereas green is better to preserve.
- To determine the condition of the products, the pods should be laid out in one layer for 5 days to identify low-quality peppers.
- Be sure to rinse the peppers under running water to remove debris and insects.
- Place on a towel and let dry.
- Sorting: leave whole pods for storage in the refrigerator, drying or canning. Slightly damaged ones can be used for twisting and freezing.
Once the product is prepared, it can be prepared in a variety of ways.The main thing is to strictly follow the recipe.
Depending on further use, storage of these delicate products allows the use of several methods:
- short-term (1 - 3 months) storage under normal conditions while maintaining a fresh appearance;
- in a refrigerator;
- in the freezer;
- conservation;
- drying.
You can find out how to store hot peppers in pods Herehow to preserve vegetables longer for the winter - here.
This type of storage has as its main goal the long-term preservation of all the beneficial qualities of hot peppers. Moreover, they have an amazing property - they themselves do not spoil for a long time, but they can dry out.
But to preserve the product without allowing it to dry out, succeeds as follows:
- Place the peppers in a dry and cool room with a temperature not exceeding 10°C.
- Arrange the pods in one layer in a box or fold them into a plastic bag/container and place them in a basement or cellar.
- Dig up a bush with roots and peppers, then hang it in the pantry or on a glazed balcony.
Without resorting to processing, hot peppers can be preserved in this form for from one and a half to 3 months. At the same time, the products should not be exposed to ultraviolet radiation in order to prevent drying and preserve all the beneficial properties.
In a refrigerator
On the shelf of the refrigerator, capsicums do not lose their beneficial qualities and pungency for a long time, if you resort to little tricks. There are two simple and effective ways.
First recipe
This is a very simple storage method. The work progress is as follows:
- wrap each pepper in paper;
- Place in a dry container with a tight-fitting lid;
- Place it on the refrigerator shelf at the back wall.
Products can be stored for no more than 1 month. The advantages of this method are that the presentation and culinary qualities are not lost. True, we must admit a significant drawback: some pods still rot.
Second option
The preparation steps are quite simple. But the product turns out delicious - you'll lick your fingers.
Algorithm of actions:
- Cut the washed peppers in half. Remove the stem and seeds.
- Pass through a meat grinder.
- Place the mixture on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
- Place the baking sheet in the oven preheated to 60°C.
- Leave for half an hour.
- Cool slightly and place in a glass container with a hermetically sealed lid.
- Place in the refrigerator.
How to store peppers in the refrigerator, read here.
The main advantage of freezing hot peppers is almost 100% preservation of taste and quality characteristics. There are 3 ways to freeze products.
Among the positive aspects - it retains the pungency of the smell. You can use a little at a time.
Stages of work:
- remove the stalk, cut the pods into rings;
- place in small ziplock bags;
- place in the freezer in a stack.
Can be stored for 12 months. There is a small drawback - preparing for freezing takes a lot of time. Read more about freezing peppers Here.
This video will tell you about freezing hot peppers for the winter:
Whole pods
Small pods are suitable for this recipe.They can be folded more compactly into bags or containers.
- Select whole peppers.
- Place on a cutting board or tray so that the vegetables do not touch each other.
- Place the tray in the freezer.
Ground mass
Freezing the hot pepper mixture is similar to the oven-baked seasoning method. Only instead of heat treatment, the basis here is freezing of products.
- Grind the pepper in a blender or through a meat grinder;
- transfer the resulting burning mass into a container with cells or a form for freezing ice;
- put in the freezer;
- After freezing, transfer the cubes of the spicy mass into a bag.
This method is distinguished by the ability to use small portions of hot seasoning. Shelf life – 1 year.
Canned hot peppers are a tasty and fragrant product. For a spicy preparation, unlike previous recipes, In addition to the pods, other ingredients will be required. They will give the preparation an unforgettable taste.
In the marinade
Prepared for the winter according to this recipe, hot peppers delight with their unusual taste. It's not difficult to prepare.
- boiled water 150 ml;
- 9 percent vinegar 2/3 of a glass;
- hot pepper pods 10 - 15 pieces.
- Rinse the vegetables and let them dry.
- Remove the stem and seeds.
- Place in a 500-700 ml jar.
- Pour boiling water over the peppers.
- After 10 minutes, drain half the water and fill the jar with vinegar to the brim.
- Seal tightly with a screw cap.
In Georgian
This recipe has a little more ingredients than the previous one. But they are in almost every kitchen. And the result is amazing.
What you will need:
- 600 g hot pepper;
- 1 tbsp. l. salt;
- 1 tbsp. l. Sahara;
- head of garlic;
- ? Art. vegetable oil;
- 100 g table vinegar;
- half a glass of water;
- spices - celery, parsley (according to preference).
Cooking steps:
Bring water to a boil, add oil, vinegar, sugar and salt.
- Blanch the peppers in small portions in brine.
- Fold and enamel dishes.
- Boil the garlic and herbs in the remaining marinade for 1 minute.
- After cooling the marinade, pour it over the peppers and boil all the ingredients for another 5 minutes.
- Place the peppers with spices in a jar, pour in the marinade and roll up or screw on the lids.
The spicy snack can be stored for up to six months. It is recommended to keep it in the refrigerator.
In vinegar
This is the simplest recipe for preparing hot peppers for the winter. To prepare it you will need:
- washed and dried peppers, pods with stalks or cut into rings.
- vinegar 9 percent;
- glass jar and plastic lid.
- Place the product tightly in a dry jar, preferably made of dark glass.
- Pour in vinegar.
- Cover with a tight lid and place in the refrigerator.
All. There is nothing more to do. Vinegar from the preparation can also be used. It has an unusually pleasant taste.
Hot peppers in marinade, video recipe:
There are different ways to dry hot peppers for winter storage. Namely: hanging it, laying it on a surface, or using the oven for this.
How to dry vertically?
The procedure of hanging pods has been known since ancient times. However, some nuances must be taken into account.
- The pods should be hung by stringing them on a strong thread. Peppers with a tail, which is pierced with a thick needle, are suitable for this purpose. It turns out something like a bright garland.
- Hang the strung peppers in a well-ventilated place where the sun's rays do not penetrate.
- Wait for the pods to dry completely, determining the readiness of the product by the fragility and brittleness of the skin.
How to store hot peppers - in the video:
In horizontal
This process will take longer. And to implement it you will need a baking sheet or board and a well-ventilated place.
Drying technology:
- Remove seeds from fruits and cut into strips to speed up drying;
- line a baking sheet with a paper napkin;
- spread the straws on a baking sheet in a thin layer;
- cover with gauze, protecting from flies and other insects;
- Stir the cuttings periodically to ensure uniform drying and to prevent the appearance of mold.
Dried products can be stored for more than a year. To do this, it should be kept in a container with a tight-fitting lid.
In the oven
You can dry whole or sliced peppers in the oven. And if desired, the dried products can be ground in a blender and used as a seasoning.
Step-by-step instruction:
When using the oven to dry hot peppers, it is recommended to open the door slightly.
- Place a baking sheet with whole or chopped peppers in the oven after preheating it to 50 degrees Celsius.
- Be sure to stir the product so it doesn't burn.
- Check readiness by squeezing the pod. It should crumble.
- Then you can store it whole or sliced. But you can grind it in a blender or coffee grinder until it turns into powder.
When the product has cooled, place it in jars with a screw cap. Pepper can be stored in this form for up to one and a half years, while maintaining its heat and piquant flavor.
When starting to prepare hot peppers for storage for the winter, it would be a good idea to use simple tips. Here are some of them:
- You can regulate the heat of hot peppers, knowing that the seeds are their hottest component.
- It is possible to bring unripe fruits to full ripening if you leave them in a well-ventilated place.
- To avoid losing the smell and taste of peppers, it is better to grind the dried product immediately before use.
- When peppers are stored fresh and whole for a long time, their bitterness increases.
After reviewing the various options for preparing hot peppers for the winter, you can choose the most suitable option. Each of them has its own advantages and flavors. Properly followed recipe recommendations will ensure that the snack is spicy and warm during the cold season.