
foto17317-1Preserving the carrot harvest requires creating suitable conditions and following certain rules.

Depending on the organization of storage, carrots can be stored for a long time - until the next harvest.

Read the article about how to properly store carrots until spring and the best way to organize vegetable storage for the winter.

How to organize storage correctly?

Carrots are one of the vegetable crops that are resistant to cold and are able to retain their beneficial qualities and attractive appearance even with slight frosts.

The duration of storage of the harvested crop depends on several factors:

  • foto17317-2choosing a variety suitable for long-term storage;
  • selection of ripened vegetables;
  • preparation of collected root crops;
  • temperature air – from 0? C to +2? C;
  • humidity – 90-95%;
  • lack of apples in storage in the immediate vicinity;
  • protection from light.

Proper storage also includes minimizing the chance of carrot damage.

Preparation rules

Preparation for harvesting vegetables begins with harvesting. This applies to almost all options for preserving vegetables in the winter. An exception is the method according to which the vegetables remain directly in the garden.

Read more about the stages of preparation here, about the timing of harvest - Here.

Variety selection

Late-ripening varieties of carrots are chosen for storage. It is advisable that they be designed for a specific region. The collected carrots are carefully cleared of soil, dried and sorted.

Collection times depend on the climatic conditions of the region. The main requirement is to harvest before frost. Otherwise, the vegetable will lose a significant amount of nutrients.

If the harvest was carried out too early, the beneficial substances did not have time to accumulate in the tubers; if it is too late, then there may even be an excess of sugars. And this, in turn, often leads to damage by insect pests and rodents.

Find the best varieties of carrots for long-term storage here.


foto17317-3Before storing, the tops are cut off from each vegetable.. They do not leave it, since the greenery that is no longer needed will draw on useful substances.

To prevent the vegetable from sprouting while lying down, gardeners cut about 1 cm from the top of the fruit. Pruning carrots is necessary in order to preserve the beneficial substances in the roots.

Whether or not to wash a vegetable before harvesting is a controversial issue even among experienced gardeners. You need to start from the following circumstances:

  • volume of collected root crops;
  • availability of time and effort for the labor-intensive washing process;
  • availability of space for drying wet vegetables (for example, an awning);
  • ability to use large amounts of water.

A washed vegetable requires observing certain nuances when storing it in winter, which are not always possible to implement.

Whether it is necessary to wash carrots before storing them, he will tell you this article on how to properly trim a vegetable - this.


When choosing a storage method, you need to take care of the storage arrangement in advance. For a private home, the best option is a cellar. For an apartment, such a place could be a storage room, balcony or refrigerator.

In the absence of an equipped storage room, carrots can even remain for the winter in a garden bed or in a hole dug in the ground. Each option has its own characteristics and nuances.

Choosing the best storage method should take into account what conditions are in the room, and what additional attributes are available (boxes, sand, peat, sawdust, etc.)

Can it be stored in sand?

foto17317-4Storing a supply of vegetables in the sand is a simple method in essence and not complicated in organization. It can be used using containers and when stored in bulk.

In all cases, slightly damp sand serves as a “cushion” on which a layer of root vegetables is laid, and a separator between subsequent layers. The final top layer is sand.

Achieving the required level of its humidity is very simple: for each bucket of sand, use 1 liter of water. It is advisable to use boxes that are not too large, but those that can accommodate no more than 20 kg of vegetables.

Read about storing carrots in sand here.

In plastic bags

Plastic bags allow you to compactly organize the storage of vegetables. The carrots folded in them are placed in a cool place. There is no need to tie the bags themselves, since access to air and removal of carbon dioxide released by carrots must be ensured.

If the bags are tied, then a sufficient number of holes must be made throughout their entire area. It is advisable to choose small ones that can accommodate from 5 to 30 kg of vegetables.

The best option is opaque bags. Otherwise, they will need to be covered with burlap to block the light.

The bags' compliance with all conditions is determined by whether condensation forms on the polyethylene from the inside or not. If water appears, this is a signal that the humidity is high. In this case, fluff lime will help solve the problem. It is poured near the bags, and the level of air humidity is restored.

If the bags are not new, but left over from last year’s harvest, they must be washed in advance and dried thoroughly, turning them inside out. Read more about storing carrots in bags here.

In the sawdust

Pine sawdust is an excellent option for preserving vegetables for a long time.. One of the important advantages of this option is the disinfecting properties of pine needles. Read more about storing carrots in sawdust Here.

In the cellar

Storing vegetables in the cellar during the winter is the most convenient and practical option. The room is prepared in advance:

  • foto17317-5remove the remnants of last year's supplies;
  • carry out disinfection;
  • organize waterproofing from groundwater and precipitation;
  • install thermal insulation to protect food from frost;
  • repair, troubleshoot lighting problems, etc.

If there is no shelving in the basement, then wooden pallets will be needed. They will prevent direct contact of the vegetable with the floor. Ventilation should be of medium intensity.

Preparation of the cellar, including disinfection, should be carried out at least 30 days before placing the new year's crop in it.

Read more Here.

In the ground until spring

Preserving carrots directly in the garden is a method that can be adopted by those who do not have a suitable storage place. This method is based on the resistance of the root crop to low temperatures.

Carrots left in the winter are weeded and the tops are removed.A simple shelter made of sand, boards and roofing felt is built over the garden bed to protect the vegetables from the vicissitudes of winter weather.

You can store carrots directly in the ground even if you were unable to harvest the crop on time. Read about how to store carrots in the ground until spring Here.

In banks

Storage in jars, buckets, pans and other containers is a fairly common method. To do this, take clean containers in which the carrots can be placed vertically.


  1. Prepared vegetables are placed vertically in a container.
  2. The free space between the fruits is filled with pine sawdust (sand can be used).
  3. The top of the container is covered with a lid.

Additionally, a piece of horseradish root, which has a bactericidal effect, can be placed in each container.

In bags

Fabric canvas bags allow you to store vegetables and compactly arrange supplies. To do this, vegetables are placed tightly without damage, and the top hole is tied. Additionally, sawdust from coniferous trees can be added to the bags.

In the hole

If there is no cellar, the carrot harvest can be stored in the ground right on the site, in a pre-dug hole.

The most convenient way to organize storage is in the form of a trench. Its depth can be from 0.5 m to 1 m, depending on how severe the weather is expected in winter. The optimal width is about 0.5 m.

For high-quality storage of vegetables, the pit should be prepared in advance:

  1. Cover the bottom with hay, or, alternatively, add sand. You can also lay boards. The main goal is to prevent the crop from coming into contact with the ground.
  2. Cover the walls of the improvised storage with boards.
  3. Drainage is organized around the pit.

Storing can be done in several ways: from placing a small fabric bag with vegetables in a hole, to storing in bulk, alternating layers with sand or hay. After the vegetables have taken their intended place, the storage is filled with straw or sand.

The width of the upper final “cushion” must be at least 0.2 m. The length of the trench-pit to be dug is determined by the amount of harvested crop.

In moss and peat

foto17317-7Moss has a bactericidal effect. As with the sawdust method, layers of carrots should alternate with filler.

The bottom of the box is lined with peat or moss, and dried vegetables begin to be laid out on it.

Garlic and onion peels also have a bactericidal effect., which can also serve as a delimiter between layers of root crops.

Ash and chalk against bacteria

Using ash is suitable for storing carrots in the basement. For this you will also need chalk.

Organization procedure:

  1. Combine 3 parts of ash with 1 part of chalk.
  2. Place carrots in boxes with the wide ends up, sprinkling them with the prepared mixture.
Chalk is able to stop the development of bacteria and preserve the freshness of prepared vegetables.

In newspapers

Using paper is an unpopular option. When adopting it, you need to be prepared for the fact that each carrot will need to be wrapped separately before storage.

It is advisable to use white paper for these purposes, not newspaper., since it is not desirable for printing ink to come into contact with food.

What is the best way to keep fresh at home?

The conditions of a city apartment rarely meet all the requirements of a vegetable storage facility. Any deviation from the temperature, humidity level, etc.affects the shelf life and external attractiveness of carrots.

It’s just that at room temperature, carrots quickly become unusable, since the conditions of the apartment are far from necessary, especially in terms of humidity and temperature.


foto17317-8Storing carrots in the refrigerator does not allow you to organize large stocks. Lack of space imposes restrictions on the choice of containers and packaging method, since bulky options are not acceptable.

A common method is to use plastic bags and cling film.

Due to the specifics of the storage location, stocks will have to be sorted regularly. This is necessary to prevent moisture from accumulating in the packaging and rotting the carrots.

If you need to organize long-term storage, up to a year, the carrots can be frozen in the freezer of the refrigerator. Compact storage is achieved if the vegetables are pre-grated or finely chopped. He will tell you about storing carrots in the refrigerator this article.


The balcony room is intended for storing vegetable stocks in the winter. It must be prepared - glazed, have closed shelves, special wooden or cardboard boxes.

Several storage methods are suitable for a balcony room:

  • sand;
  • sawdust;
  • ash;
  • bags, etc.

Before placing the crop on the balcony, you need to check whether the room meets all the requirements. Read more about storing carrots on the balcony here.

Peeled vegetable

foto17317-9Peeled carrots can be kept fresh in the refrigerator at temperatures from +2? C to +6? C. In this case, the vegetable must be properly packaged.

This could be one of the options:

  • cling film;
  • shrink film, etc.

If peeled carrots are not planned to be eaten during the day, they can be frozen for long-term storage.

Boiled root vegetable

Boiled carrots are a product that is ready to be eaten as an independent dish. Cooked carrots cannot sit for long, even in the cold.

The best storage option is in a plastic container under a lid in the refrigerator. After a couple of days have passed, the vegetable will begin to deteriorate and will be unsafe for health.

Natural carrot juice

Carrot juice, which is obtained by squeezing fresh vegetables, is a very healthy drink with a high carotene content.. This is a perishable product that is not intended for storage without additional processing.

In order for vegetable juice to bring only benefits, it is advisable to drink it immediately. The unfinished remainder can sit in the refrigerator for several hours. But it should be taken into account. That there are fewer and fewer useful substances in it literally every minute.

You can find out how long carrot juice can be stored here.

In Korean

foto17317-10Carrots cooked in Korean are grated fresh vegetables to which spices and hot vegetable oil are added. This dish contains no perishable ingredients.

The preparation technology requires that the salad “infuse” for 24 hours in the cold.. After this, the duration of the product's stay in an airtight plastic container or in a glass jar under a lid in the refrigerator.

You can learn about storing carrots in Korean Here.

How long is it stored?

The duration of storage of vegetables depends on the quality of the products being stored, the method and conditions of storage. Time intervals can only be determined on average:

  • the longest period (up to a year) is given by the freezer, in which already prepared (washed, peeled and chopped) root vegetables are placed;
  • on a glazed balcony, supplies can be kept for up to six months if all technology is followed;
  • In the refrigerator, in the vegetable department, carrots can successfully be kept for a couple of months;
  • in a well-equipped cellar - until the next harvest;
  • in covered wooden boxes with sawdust or sand - up to a year;
  • in the form of an embankment with sand in the basement - from 5 to 8 months;
  • boiled carrots – 2 days;
  • cleaned – 1 day;
  • natural carrot juice (freshly squeezed) – several hours;
  • cooked in Korean - up to half a month.
If the conditions under which the product is found are violated, the shelf life is rapidly reduced.

Why does it wither, turn black, rot?

foto17317-11When storing carrots, they should be sorted and sorted whenever possible. Very often, vegetables lose too much moisture when lying around.

This is due to the thin layer of skin on the root vegetables. As a result, the carrots wither, lose their hardness and presentation. The mass also decreases.

If black rot is noticed on root crops, then proceed as follows:

  1. Remove damaged vegetables.
  2. Treat (spray with a sprayer) the area that was the source of rot infection with fluff lime.

Pre-treatment of the crop can prevent spoilage of carrots. One option is treatment with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Storing a large number of root vegetables in one container can provoke the development of a disease - white rot.. Transmitted from fruit to fruit, the disease can spoil a large mass of root crops.

Prevention of infection of carrots with white rot is to soak them in a solution of potassium permanganate for a couple of hours.After this, the vegetables are dried. Treatment with potassium permanganate will not help prevent infection with black rot.

Good and bad neighbors

Not all vegetables and fruits that are sent for storage during the winter may be nearby. A suitable “neighbor” for carrots is beets. These root vegetables can be stored in the same storage, but not mixed together.

An undesirable neighbor in a cellar or other storage place is apples. As they sit, these fruits release substances into the air that stimulate the rapid ripening of vegetables and fruits nearby.

As a result, carrots in such a neighborhood will quickly deteriorate and will not survive the entire winter. Also, do not place containers with carrots near potatoes..

Read about storing carrots and beets together Here And here.


Storing carrots for a long time will be of better quality if take into account the following recommendations from experts:

  1. foto17317-12When storing carrots in a hole or in the ground, it is advisable to take care of repellers for hares and rodents.
  2. To collect carrots, it is recommended to use a pitchfork or simply pull the vegetable by the tops. This method will avoid damage to root crops.
  3. Early varieties tend to deteriorate quickly, so they try not to store them in winter.
  4. Frozen products cannot be returned to the freezer after defrosting. To avoid the formation of unnecessary surplus, it is recommended to package chopped carrots in small containers or separate plastic bags, each for preparing one dish, before placing them in the freezer.
  5. First of all, substandard specimens should be eaten.
  6. Vegetables that are damaged should be processed immediately - for example, grated and frozen.
  7. If the cellar or balcony may freeze, then the boxes should be additionally covered with felt.
  8. In order for carrots to be stored well, they must be grown properly, avoiding an excess of nitrogen fertilizers.
  9. The soil in the garden bed for carrots should be loose, neutral or slightly acidic.
  10. Before storing them in storage, the carrots are dried, but this should be done not in the sun, but in the shade.


It is possible to preserve carrots for a long time using various methods, taking into account the availability of suitable conditions. Most methods are easy to implement and do not require significant financial investments or special skills. If you follow all the rules, then delicious carrots can be on the table all year round.

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