Pros, cons and conditions for winter storage of carrots in sand
You always want to preserve a rich carrot harvest for as long as possible. One possible option is storage in sand.
In order for root crops to remain in excellent condition until the summer, it is necessary to properly prepare them for planting, as well as observe storage conditions.
Practical tips and nuances that novice gardeners are not always aware of will help you avoid failures.
In this article we will tell you whether it is possible and how to properly store carrots for the winter in sand, what it should be - dry or wet, what requirements must be met by the storage conditions of the root crop.
Is it possible to store it like this?
The question of whether sand is suitable for storing carrots for the winter interests everyone who has never tried this technology in practice. Experts and amateur gardeners give a clear positive answer.
Advantages and disadvantages of the method
There are different alternative methods of saving:
- in plastic bags,
- clay mash,
- peat,
- pine sawdust.
The sand method has its advantages compared to them. That is why it remains one of the most popular among gardeners.
The advantages are:
A stable temperature is maintained throughout the entire period.
- Carrots receive the necessary moisture and do not lose their elasticity.
- Free gas exchange between vegetables and air occurs through sand.
- The possibility of fungus penetrating into the filler is excluded.
- Sand is an accessible and inexpensive material that can be reused.
The “sandy” storage method has fewer disadvantages. They are mainly related to the labor intensity of the process.
Firstly, the carrots should not be laid in bulk, but in neat layers. This is painstaking work that requires patience and time. Secondly, when getting vegetables in winter, you have to peel them.
Third, it is necessary to accurately calculate the humidity of the sand. The last point is very important, since if it is violated, the root crops either wither or rot.
Preparation for the process
The harvested crop, as well as the filler itself, requires pre-treatment. This directly affects the storage duration. Proper preparation consists of several activities.
Drying, washing, hardening of root crops
The above-ground part of the harvested carrot is cut off, leaving a tail no more than 2 cm long.. The tops are cut off as quickly as possible after harvesting - in the first two hours, otherwise the green phytomass draws moisture from the root.
You can tear off weak tops with your hands. It is more convenient to cut stronger rods with a knife or scissors.
On rainy days, drying is carried out under a canopy or indoors. After this, the carrots are calibrated, selecting large specimens that have not been damaged by shovels or pests. Specimens with green tops are also removed for recycling.
At the same time, the remaining soil is removed from the surface of the root crops.. This is done with a brush or rag.It is highly undesirable to use sharp objects (knife, spatula), as they can damage the delicate skin.
Cuts, breaks, and damage to root crops are “open gates” for fungal infection.
Two days before laying in the sand, root vegetables must be cooled. The temperature can be lowered gradually or sharply - this moment does not affect the degree of hardening. The required value is zero degrees.
Most experts are inclined to believe that washing carrots before placing them in sand is inappropriate.
Dry or wet litter?
A loamy substrate is suitable for storing plant products. Sea sand is not recommended due to the increased amount of salt..
In the latter case, the sand must be dried to the optimum moisture content. If the filler has already been used in the previous year, it can also be used again to fill the root crops.
Carrots require a humidity of 90 to 96%. If this indicator falls, then the vegetables wither. It must be taken into account that during storage the root vegetables themselves release a certain amount of moisture during respiration.
It needs to be replenished. This is why the sand should always be slightly damp. Under normal conditions, one ton of carrots evaporates up to 16 grams of moisture.
The optimal filler is a moistened sand mixture that maintains friability. To achieve this condition, sand is moistened at the rate of 1 liter of water per 10 kg.
This is enough if the temperature in the vegetable storage is maintained from 0 to +3 degrees and the humidity is 95%.
If conditions are drier, the sand is moistened more. In very humid rooms it is recommended to use dry filler.
Which container to choose?
Suitable for long-term storage:
- wooden boxes,
- metal buckets,
- plastic containers.
Containers are washed and disinfected using lime or copper sulfate. If the container has already been used for storing vegetables and there are traces of fungus on it, disinfection is required.
How to properly preserve vegetables for the winter?
The required volume of sand depends on the amount of crop. On average, 1 kg of carrots requires 0.5 m3 of fine-grained filler.
The procedure for planting orange root crops consists of several steps:
The prepared sand is poured into containers to a depth of approximately 2-3 cm.
- Root vegetables are laid out horizontally or vertically in one layer.
- Fill in sand, completely covering the carrots.
- Repeat alternating layers until the container is full.
- The last layer is sand.
To enhance crop protection from mold, sand is mixed with a small amount of chalk powder or ash (2% of the total volume is sufficient).
Since sand creates optimal conditions for keeping carrots, they can be stored for a long time. By maintaining the required humidity and temperature in the storage, root vegetables remain fresh until the end of summer. This period is significantly reduced if the sand is waterlogged.
In these cases, vegetables are not stored for longer than 3-4 months.
Possible problems and solutions
To eliminate problematic situations, it is necessary to monitor abiotic factors during the entire storage period: temperature and humidity.
For convenience, it is advisable to place a thermometer and barometer in the storage. An indication of a change in conditions may be the carrots themselves, which are dug out of the sand.
Problems can be identified if:
The carrots are wilted. This means that the sand is too dry. To prevent root vegetables from losing their elasticity, it is necessary to slightly moisten the filler and increase the humidity in the room.
- Vegetables rot. The fungus develops if the substrate is too wet. To solve the problem, it is necessary to reduce the humidity in the room by placing containers with an adsorbent (for example, salt or coal) and improve ventilation.
- Root vegetables sprout. Growth begins in warm conditions. To stop the process, it is necessary to reduce the temperature to the required level. Ventilation with cold air can help.
In some cases, crop supplies can be lost due to rodents. This problem is solved with the help of traps or the use of poison.
Tips and prohibitions
To maintain product quality throughout the entire storage period, it is important not only to create optimal storage conditions, but also to choose the right carrot varieties. Not all varieties are intended for winter laying in sand.
Practice shows that the best choice is mid-season and mid-late varieties.It is they who have time to fully ripen in a temperate climate and at the same time accumulate the maximum amount of useful substances.
Examples of a good choice are the following varietal varieties:
Gribovchanin F1;
- Canada F1;
- Nayarit;
- Queen of Autumn;
- Nanteysk;
- Nantes 4;
- Perfect;
- Incomparable;
- Nevis F1;
- Shantanay;
- Rosal;
- Samson;
- Typhoon;
- Moscow winter.
A guideline for selection may be the shape of the root crop: an elongated conical one is more preferable than a shortened one.
Attention should be paid to sizing and selection of root crops. Mature, dense specimens are suitable for storage. The more tender and juicy the vegetable, the less it will lie in the sand. Conversely, the coarser the carrot's texture, the longer it will last.
There are several important precautions to take into account when collecting, processing, storing and storing carrots.
The most important of them:
You cannot harvest vegetables in cloudy rainy weather.
- It is not recommended to wash root vegetables before placing them in sand.
- Carrots are not dried in the sun or heated before storage.
- Vegetables should not be sprinkled with raw, undisinfected sand.
- When filling or removing carrots, you should not leave them on the surface without sand.
Video on the topic
This video will tell you about storing carrots in sand:
Storing carrots in sand filler is a convenient and proven method of wintering. It allows you to preserve the harvest for up to 10 months.
The main conditions are proper preparation of root crops and sand, as well as strict adherence to laying technology. In this case, carrots do not lose their qualities and nutrients.