Rules and options for how and in what to store carrots on the balcony
Storing carrots is a headache for many gardeners who do not have a cellar.
It will not be possible to leave the harvest in the apartment, since warm air will lead to its rapid spoilage. In this case, a loggia comes to the rescue.
About whether it is possible and how to store carrots at home on the balcony in autumn and winter, so that it does not rot, read the article.
Is it possible in autumn and winter?
Carrots are sensitive to temperature and air humidity. Therefore, when choosing a balcony for storing it, you need to create conditions in which it will not freeze, overheat and dry out.
In autumn, root vegetables can be stored on an open balcony. In this case, you need to monitor the weather.
If the temperature at night begins to drop below zero, it is necessary to take additional measures aimed at insulating the crop. On the open balcony, fresh carrots can remain until frost.
On the glazed loggia, the harvest can be left to winter, but only on condition that the temperature does not drop below -3 degrees.
Conditions for successful storage
The main condition for successful crop storage is maintaining air temperature in the range from 0 to +2 degrees. Minor deviations from the norm are acceptable.
Be sure to pay attention to air humidity. Its optimal rate is 85-90%.
You need to choose a place where direct sunlight does not penetrate. Carrots love the dark. Ultraviolet light promotes the destruction of carotene in vegetables and leads to their rapid spoilage. Vegetables that lie in the sun turn green and acquire a bitter taste.
If all conditions are met, the crop will remain edible for 9 months.
Preparing vegetables
Before storing the crop, it must be properly prepared. Actions to be taken:
Dig vegetables out of the soil, cut off the tops, leaving a small bunch no more than 1 cm long.
- Place the harvest to dry in the fresh air for a day.
- Bring the vegetables into the apartment, cut off the heads (by 3 mm) and remove the tails.
- Remove damaged and diseased specimens. Root vegetables with deep cracks are not suitable for long-term storage.
- Leave the vegetables in a cool, dark place, such as a pantry, for 10-12 days. During this time, all diseased fruits will manifest themselves. They need to be removed.
- The final sorting of the crop is carried out. Medium-sized vegetables, healthy, firm, even and smooth, are brought to the balcony.
There are several ways to store crops on the balcony. Carrots are poured with clay, covered with sand, and placed in jars and plastic bags. Each method has its own characteristics that allow you to extend the shelf life of vegetables.
In the sawdust
Sawdust from coniferous trees is used to store the harvest. They contain natural essential oils and resins that prevent the growth of microbes.Vegetables can be stored in sawdust until it warms up.
- clean and dry the wooden box, cover its bottom with a 2 cm thick layer of sawdust;
- place the carrots in a row, not allowing them to touch each other;
- cover the vegetables with sawdust so that they are not visible;
- lay out a new layer of carrots and sprinkle them with sawdust again.
The procedure is repeated until the box is full. From above it is covered with warm, breathable material, for example, an old sweatshirt.
In clay
To implement this method you will need:
- drawers without gaps;
- clay;
- water;
- cling film.
- Prepare a solution based on clay and water. They are mixed until the mass becomes homogeneous. In its consistency it should resemble village sour cream. If the clay is liquid, it is left for several days to thicken.
- Line the bottom of the box with cling film.
- Place the carrots so that they do not touch each other.
- Pour clay over the vegetables and let it dry.
- A new one is laid on top of the first layer. The procedure is repeated until the container is full.
- The top of the box is covered with a blanket or old jackets.
In sand
Sand is an excellent material that allows you to maintain optimal humidity and temperature in your storage container. It acts as an insulator, separating each vegetable from each other.
- Pour sand into the bottom of the box.
- Place the carrots on it so that the root vegetables do not touch each other. It is enough to maintain an interval of 20 mm.
- Cover the layer with sand.
- Place a new row of carrots on top of it.
The procedure is repeated until the box is filled to the top. To prevent microbes from multiplying in the container and mold from appearing, sand can be mixed with wood ash. In such conditions, carrots will last for at least 8 months.
In the moss
Moss helps create optimal conditions for storing vegetables. It maintains the required level of humidity, prevents heat loss and freezing of root crops. I use sphagnum moss to fill the box.
- The bottom of the box is lined with moss;
- carrots are placed on top of it;
- layers alternate until the container is full.
To reduce the risk of crop damage, vegetables are laid out at a short distance from each other. Additional disinfection of the material is not required.
In onion skins
Onion peel is a natural antiseptic that prevents crop spoilage. It contains essential oils that help destroy mold and germs.
- cover the bottom of the box with husks;
- put a layer of carrots on it;
- Sprinkle the vegetables with peels and lay out a new layer.
When the container is filled, cover it with thick cloth. To store carrots, only dried peels are used. You can disinfect it in the sun.
In pans
You can use enamel pans to store vegetables. The main condition is the absence of chips and rust on them. Vegetables can be stored in a saucepan for 3-4 months.
- Wash and dry pots.
- Place carrots in them in layers or arrange them vertically.
- Cover the vegetables with a clean paper towel and cover with a lid.
This method is applicable if there are pots of a suitable size in the house. Unlike boxes, you won’t be able to fit a lot of carrots into such containers.
In plastic bags
To store carrots, you need to choose thick, dark bags that will prevent access to sunlight.
- put carrots, cleaned of sand and dirt, into bags;
- tie the bags and make several small holes in them to allow fresh air to enter;
- put the bags on a cool loggia; you cannot leave them in a warm room.
The harvest can last up to 4 months in bags. The vegetables will release carbon dioxide, which prevents them from spoiling.
Read more about this storage method Here.
In banks
This is a very convenient storage method if the fruits are small in size and easily fit into glass jars.
- Wash and dry the jars.
- Place vegetables in them. You need to try to leave a distance between them, which is filled with sawdust.
- Close the jars with metal or nylon lids.
The best varieties for storing at home
For storage on the balcony, you need to choose those varieties that are characterized by increased shelf life. These can be mid-season and late-ripening vegetables that are resistant to diseases and low temperatures.
These varieties include:
Queen of Autumn. A late-ripening variety that is harvested 120 days after germination. These seeds were bred by Russian breeders taking into account the harsh weather conditions prevailing in the country.
- Flaccoro. A Dutch variety that, if optimal conditions are created, will be stored until warmer weather sets in.
- Samson. The variety has excellent disease resistance. The fruits are smooth, large, and not prone to cracking. You can store Samson carrots on the balcony until mid-spring.
Possible problems and solutions
Even if all the rules are followed, carrots on the balcony may begin to deteriorate. The problem that arises must be corrected immediately by taking the following measures:
- Vegetables freeze. If the air temperature drops below -2 degrees, the container must be insulated with felt. During severe frosts, boxes of vegetables can be brought into the apartment. To keep them from getting too hot, you can leave them by the balcony door. As soon as the temperature returns to normal, the container is returned.
- The crop sprouts. In this case, repeated pruning is required. The tops may break through if a growing point was left on the head.
- There is mold in the drawers. Rotten fruits must be removed, and unaffected specimens should be sprinkled with wood ash mixed with sand.
- The carrots started to wilt. This occurs due to low humidity levels. You can increase it by covering the drawers with thick fabric.
Helpful information
To keep carrots on the balcony for as long as possible and not spoil, The following tips should be taken into account:
It is better to remove medium-sized fruits for storage. Large and small specimens are used first.
- If 2-3 different varieties were grown, then they need to be stored separately from each other.
- It is not recommended to wash root vegetables. Vegetables have a natural coating that protects them from rapid spoilage. Its removal reduces the plant's immunity.
- Carrots are trimmed with a sharp knife on a flat surface.It is unacceptable to remove the tops manually.
- If the carrots were slightly damaged during harvesting, they should not be thrown away. It is enough to leave it in the apartment for a day. During this time, small defects will heal.
- Vegetables should be checked periodically for mold and rot.
A balcony is the best alternative to a cellar. It can be used for storing carrots if suitable conditions are created on it. The main parameter is the air temperature ranging from 0 to +2 degrees.
You can choose any container for storing vegetables:
- boxes,
- packages,
- banks,
- pots.
The crop stays fresh the longest in:
- sawdust,
- in clay,
- in sand.