Important rules for storing carrots and beets in the cellar for the winter
The harvested carrots and beets can be preserved not only until the winter cold, but also until next autumn. A cellar is ideal for overwintering vegetables.
There are several ways to store root vegetables. Subject to certain rules, agricultural products can be stored both together and separately.
Let's take a closer look, how to properly preserve carrots and beets for the winter in the cellar, underground or basement.
Can it be stored together?
Orange and burgundy root crops have similar requirements for winter storage. They have the same required level of temperature and humidity. Harvesting of these crops also occurs at the same time.
Both varieties of vegetables winter well in:
- sand,
- sawdust,
- clay,
- onion peel,
- peat
This allows you to leave carrots and beets in the same cellar until spring, even in the same container.
Despite such similar characteristics, root vegetables have some differences. Beets are considered a more shelf-stable crop, carrots – more capricious.
That is why ideally these vegetables are kept separately. If this is not possible, then placing them in one box, it is necessary to separate the cultures with a layer of filler.
It is not recommended to place carrots and beets close to each other. At the same time, being together in the same cellar does not affect the quality of both vegetables.
Preparation for storage in the underground or basement
After digging out of the ground, root crops must be fully prepared for underground storage. Ignoring this stage is fraught with rapid spoilage of plant products.
The preparatory process consists of successive steps:
- The dug up vegetables are dried in the fresh air in the shade.
- Remove dirt from the surface with a dry mitten or rag.
- Root vegetables are calibrated, removing damaged and diseased ones.
- Cut the tops of carrots and beets to a height of 5-10 mm.
- The cut is powdered with chalk powder or ash.
Read about how to prepare carrots for long-term storage here.
How correctly, under what conditions?
Regardless of the method of planting the crop, it is necessary to adhere to some general rules. Air temperature should remain stable throughout all months.
Its range can vary within a narrow limit: from 0 to +4 degrees. Lower temperatures cause vegetables to freeze, while higher temperatures cause them to sprout.
In both cases, the product spoils. In addition, the cellar is made ventilated and darkened. The air humidity in the room where the root vegetables are stored should be 85-95%.
In the sawdust
For storing carrots and beets Sawdust and wood shavings are suitable:
- ate,
- pine trees,
- fir trees
This material perfectly regulates humidity and serves as a thermal insulation layer.
A layer of sawdust 2-3 cm thick is poured into the prepared containers.Place vegetables on a loose “cushion” vertically with the wide end down, close to each other. Sprinkle wood filler on top so that it covers the tops of the carrots.
In sand
Sand filler is disinfected by heating over an open fire or in the oven.. Another method of disinfection is soaking the sand with a strong solution of potassium permanganate. But after this procedure, the substrate should dry well.
To prevent the products from rotting, chalk is added to the sand. A layer of sand is poured into the boxes and one type of root crop is placed. Cover the vegetables with filler so that they are not visible.
Place a second row of carrots or beets. Covered with sand again. For beets, the sand is slightly moistened.
Containers are placed on racks or the floor. In the latter case, the boxes should stand on a grid or stand. In sand in cellar conditions, vegetables retain their quality for up to 6-8 months.
In onion skins
Dry onion wrapping absorbs excess moisture and protects agricultural products from fungal contamination. The husks are poured into a box or bag.
Root vegetables are placed in such a way that each specimen is surrounded by filler. The containers are covered with a lid, and the bags are tied with a rope and sent to the cellar.
In the ground
High-moor peat is used as an earthen filler.. It should be a loose, slightly decomposed substrate. It is dried and the humidity level is adjusted to 40-50%.
Several more ways to store carrots in the ground are discussed in this article.
In a plastic bag
Large bags made of polypropylene or polyethylene are suitable for storage.Vegetables are placed in bags, then sealed or tied tightly.
Polypropylene bags are semi-permeable, so they allow air to pass through. Plastic bags do not have this feature, so they are pierced with a thick needle in several places.
The bags are placed on prepared racks or hung on a hook in the cellar. You can learn how to store carrots in bags here.
In clay
Before planting root crops, it is necessary to prepare a clay substrate. To do this, it is moistened with water for several days. Clay saturated with moisture acquires a creamy consistency.
The wooden box is lined with film or polyethylene. If an enamel or plastic container is used for storage, a waterproof layer is not needed.
Next, the root vegetables are placed in a container in one layer and filled with mash. After the clay “sets” slightly, lay out a layer of carrots or beets again and pour over the clay filler.
Possible problems and solutions
During storage, problems may arise that affect the quality and shelf life of products. The most important ones are related to changes in temperature, humidity, and the appearance of fungus.
Every problem has its own solutions.
Changing the temperature. If the cellar is poorly insulated during the winter months, the temperature may drop or rise.
If the thermometer shows a critical level below zero degrees, a bucket of smoldering coals can help out. When the temperature rises, the cellar should be ventilated.
- Change in Humidity. This indicator can be adjusted using salt and charcoal.Moisture-absorbing filler is poured into boxes and placed in the corners of the room.
- The appearance of mold. Lime is used to disinfect the cellar. It kills pathogenic fungi and dries the air at the same time.
To reduce fungal infection of root crops, it is useful to use plants that secrete phytoncides. To do this, carrots and beets are arranged with sprigs of fern, rowan, and tansy.
Tips and prohibitions
To prevent the harvest from spoiling, it is necessary to take into account some nuances. They relate to harvesting, creating conditions in the cellar, and proper preparation of storage and vegetables.
Experts recommend storing mid- and late-ripening varieties for long-term storage:
Variety/Vegetable | Carrot | Beet |
Late ripening | Queen of Autumn, Red Giant, Vita Longa, Emperor | Renova, Gribovskaya, Incomparable, Egyptian flat |
Mid-season | Nantskaya-4, Samson, Nectar F1, Moscow Winter | Bohemia, Top Hat, Opolskaya, Patrick |
Another factor that affects the safety of vegetables is the harvest time. It is most optimal to dig up root crops in late September - early October.
A guideline for a successful harvest period can be 2-3 yellowed lower leaves in the tops. Be sure to choose a dry day for cleaning.
There are several taboos that are worth remembering when planting and storing carrots and beets underground. In particular, it is strictly not recommended:
Harvest in rainy weather.
- Wash vegetables before placing in containers.
- Place undried root vegetables.
- Leave rotten specimens in the cellar.
- Keep the storage temperature above +5 degrees.
- Keep root vegetables and apples.
Video on the topic of the article
A super way to store carrots and beets is presented in the video:
Carrots and beets retain their quality perfectly when stored in an unheated cellar. To extend the shelf life of products to 12 months, it is recommended to follow all rules.
To do this, you should choose mid- and late-ripening varieties, carefully prepare the cellar, filler, and the products themselves, and follow the technology of the chosen planting method.