Features, pros and cons of manual and mechanized snow removal

foto32381-1Snowfall always leads to problems with pedestrian and vehicle traffic. If its consequences are not eliminated in time, then a real collapse may occur in the city.

Read the article about how manual and mechanized snow removal is carried out, where to store and remove it, and who should do it.


There are two ways to clear the surrounding area from snow - manual and mechanized. Each of them has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.


Manual cleaning is practiced when it is necessary to clear sediment from a small area, for example, in the courtyard of a private house, or on a small local property. In some cases, manual labor is the only way to remove snowdrifts, since there are places that equipment simply cannot reach.

foto32381-2Manually cleaned snow:

  • from the roof
  • from the porch,
  • near the entrances,
  • on footpaths,
  • in small parking lots and more.

Often manual labor is necessary to ensure access for equipment.

To perform the work you will need the following tools:

  1. Shovels.
  2. Scoops.
  3. Ice axes.
  4. Broom.

You can increase the cleaning efficiency if you use reagents that melt snow. The main disadvantage of manual cleaning is its labor intensity.

To process a large area, several people will be required, who, during heavy snowfall, will have to work with virtually no rest.

Using special equipment

Mechanized cleaning performed using special equipment such as:

  1. Tractors.
  2. Excavators.
  3. Snow blowers.
  4. Dump trucks.

They are used when it is necessary to carry out work over a large area. The use of machines is advisable when clearing:

  • roads,
  • highways,
  • tracks,
  • parking lots,
  • areas in front of shopping centers,
  • in factories and beyond.

foto32381-3Advantages of using snow blowers and other machines:

  1. High speed of work.
  2. Saving time and labor costs for workers.
  3. Possibility of carrying out large-scale cleaning activities even during heavy snowfall.

Manual and mechanized harvesting are often combined with each other. This requires additional costs, but improves the quality of the work performed. To perform them you do not always need to buy expensive equipment. If cleaning with its use is required only a few times a year, then it is more rational to rent a machine.

Where to put the snow?

It is not enough to simply remove the snow. It needs to be stored properly and then taken to a special facility.


Snow must be stored in accordance with the following rules:

  1. It is unacceptable to place it in areas with plantings, sports facilities, or children's playgrounds. Do not form snow piles in public recreation areas.
  2. You cannot leave snow at public transport stops, on sidewalks, or roadways.
  3. It is possible to store snow more compactly if you form it into a cylindrical rather than a cone-shaped pile. To do this, edges are beaten along its edges. New snow is thrown into the edged craters.
  4. The snow is placed in piles in such a way that it does not create obstacles for the movement of vehicles and people.
Stored snow must be removed no later than 10 days after its collection.


Snow is transported to dry snow dumps, which have installations for collecting and purifying melt water. These are modern and environmentally friendly places that appeared in Russia only 20 years ago. In past years, snow was dumped into reservoirs or regular landfills located outside the city.

Also snow can be transported to special snow-melting stations. There are 35 such points in the capital. There are fewer of them in small towns. They are capable of processing up to 193,300 cubic meters of sediment per day. Before entering water bodies, melt water undergoes mandatory treatment in sewer channels.

Roof cleaning

foto32381-4Snow accumulates not only on roads, but also on the roofs of houses. This negatively affects the condition of the roof and also poses a threat to life.

In apartment buildings, management companies are responsible for this procedure.

The work is performed using the following equipment:

  • scrapers;
  • shovels;
  • stepladders;
  • stairs.

When carrying out work, it is necessary to take into account safety rules. If the house is higher than 2 floors, then special permission will be required. During the work, the area under the roof is fenced off with bright tape. The workers themselves must use belts.

While cleaning it is necessary to evenly distribute the load of snow mass over the entire roof. Otherwise the roof may be damaged. If there are icicles, they are knocked down.

The equipment used to clean the roof must be made of plastic or wood. When dumping snow masses, damage to structures and elements located below is unacceptable. It is completely prohibited to remove snow; the remaining layer should not be less than 5 cm.
To carry out the work, it is necessary to use the services of qualified persons.Otherwise, not only the life of the employee himself is at risk, but also that of other people.

Features for MKD

Snow removal in apartment buildings is the responsibility of the management company on whose balance sheet the residential property is listed.

Features of the work:

  1. If no precipitation was observed during the day, then cleaning of the local area is carried out as planned, once a day, at the beginning of the shift.
  2. If the snow thickness is 2 cm, the area should be swept once a day.
  3. When precipitation falls in a layer of more than 2 cm, the snowdrifts should be moved to the side of the road.
  4. During heavy snowfall, sidewalks with low pedestrian traffic are cleared every 3 hours, every 2 hours with a foot traffic of 50-100 people, and every hour with a foot traffic of more than 100 people.
  5. The janitor is not required to clear the entire road of snow, but must ensure that the path is at least 3 m wide.

Snowfall should not become a reason why people cannot move around the local area. Ensuring its accessibility is the responsibility of the management company. According to regulations adopted at the legislative level, the consequences of a snowfall must be eliminated no less than 6 hours from its completion.

Price of work

Loading and removing snow using an excavator or other specialized equipment costs from 2,000 rubles per hour. The cost of handmade work starts from 500 rubles per hour.

The cost formation is influenced by the scale of the upcoming snow removal. Most companies rent snow removal equipment for at least 2 hours.

How to find a company providing a service?

foto32381-5Owners of private territories may be puzzled by searching for a snow removal company.Firms providing such services specialize in carrying out work in winter; they have all the necessary equipment and staff.

It is comfortable to interact with large organizations. The customer just needs to call the selected company, voice his requirements, and agree on the timing and cost of the work.

Most large organizations offer a comprehensive service for clearing not only the territory, but also the roof of snow. When choosing a contractor, you need to clarify his experience in this field, as well as read the reviews that other clients have left about him. Most snow removal deals are available online.

How to draw up a contract and estimate?

When drawing up a contract, the following points must be specified in it:

  • list the volume and types of work to be done;
  • clarify the obligations and rights of the parties;
  • indicate the cost;
  • determine the area of ​​the cultivated area.

After completion of the work, a certificate of acceptance is drawn up. The document is sealed with the signatures of the parties.

An estimate must be drawn up that reflects all the expenses necessary to achieve the goal. It specifies the type of work, units of measurement, intermediate and total costs.

You will find everything you need to know about cleaning the area in this section.


Cleaning the area from snow can be carried out both manually and mechanically. It all depends on the specifics of the work. The main thing is to choose a reliable contractor and correctly draw up a contract for the provision of services.


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