What are the responsibilities of a janitor in cleaning the local area?
Without janitors it is impossible to maintain order in public facilities. It is an essential profession, regulated by law, with its own duties and responsibilities.
Read the article about what the duties of a janitor for cleaning the local area are, according to the job description, what requirements apply to candidates and more.
Legal norms
To service the territory of an apartment building, you may need not one, but several janitors. When compiling staff, it is necessary to take into account the area where the cleaning will be carried out, its infrastructure, seasonality and other factors.
The legislative framework:
- Order of the State Committee for Construction of the Russian Federation No. 139 “On approval of recommendations on the standardization of labor for workers involved in the maintenance and repair of housing stock.”
- Resolution of the State Construction Committee No. 170.
The documents spell out the temporary standards necessary for performing various types of work for a janitor. To calculate man-hours, knowledge of the classification of territorial objects is required.
What is included in the job description?
A janitor hired to take care of the local area is required to perform the following types of work:
cleaning sidewalks, streets and areas related to the territory of the serviced building from garbage;
- cleaning sidewalks and paths from snowdrifts and icing, sprinkling these areas with sand during icy conditions;
- digging grooves for water drainage and their timely cleaning;
- washing bins and removing garbage from them;
- watering courtyards, sidewalks and walkways with water during the hot season;
- lighting and extinguishing lamps in the territory belonging to the management company in which he works;
- removing dirt from signs and signs;
- cleaning roofs and awnings from snow, chipping icicles;
- cutting grass and bushes;
- watering flower beds and other green spaces in the summer;
- cleaning well covers from ice, debris and snow - this is necessary to ensure access to public utilities;
- maintaining the cleanliness of the tools used for work, keeping them in proper order;
- cleaning playgrounds.
The janitor must ensure that garbage containers are removed in a timely manner, and that the areas on which they are located are kept clean. His job description specifies responsibilities for monitoring the cleanliness of stairwells, public toilets (if any) and other common areas.
The employee must ensure the safety of the plantings and their fences. The duties of the janitor include filling out technical documents about the work performed.
Requirements for a candidate
A janitor is one of the most in-demand professions, since to get a job there is no need to graduate from a vocational educational institution or acquire special skills. The main condition for employment is that a person reaches the age of 18 years.
The potential candidate must undergo a medical examination, during which it will be established that The following types of work are not contraindicated for him:
Physical labor, carrying and lifting heavy objects.
- Prolonged exposure to fresh air.
- Work at night.
- Work that requires increased concentration. An example of such activity is clearing debris from the roadway or removing ice from a roof.
- Work in dusty conditions, contact with chemicals.
A janitor can be hired full-time or part-time. These issues are regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Women are often hired as janitors, although it is believed that this work is more suitable for men, as it requires physical endurance.
Before hiring, a candidate for the position of a janitor must be trained in sanitary standards, labor protection standards and fire safety. If an employee's responsibilities include replacing lamps, he must obtain an electrical safety group.
Basic requirements for peoplewho want to get a job as a janitor in a management company or other organization:
- absence of bad habits;
- hard work;
- responsibility;
- politeness;
- accuracy;
- diligence;
- self-discipline;
- goodwill.
These qualities are optional but desirable.
How does the season affect?
If in the summer women can be hired as janitors, then in winter it will not be possible to do without male labor. Therefore, many management companies open vacancies for the winter period (seasonal work).
During the cold season, the duties of a janitor expand significantly.. Often he has to manually clear snow, knock down ice, and rake away rubble.
During snowfall, this work is performed at least 2 times a day. Sometimes going out at night is required. People with good health can cope with such responsibilities. Therefore, the season has a direct impact on the requirements for the candidate.
For 1 janitor, the annual work rate is 3630 sq. m. For example, if the area of the territory is 5000 sq. m, then 1.37 people are required for high-quality work, that is, the second employee is hired on a part-time basis.
Responsibility for unfair treatment of labor
If an employee does not fulfill his duties, or performs them incompletely, he will have to bear the responsibility provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Before starting work, the employee signs an agreement, which outlines the entire list of job descriptions. By signing the document, the employee agrees with the responsibilities assigned to him.
For a minor violation, management may limit itself to a reprimand. If it is significant, a deduction from wages is possible. The extreme penalty is dismissal.
For material damage caused to the management company, the employee is punished within the limits established by the labor and civil codes of the Russian Federation.
The provisions for which the janitor is responsible:
Late performance of duties or their poor quality implementation.
- Failure to comply with instructions, orders and other points specified in the employment contract.
- Damage, neglect or theft of property.
- Failure to comply with safety regulations or fire safety regulations.
- Rudeness towards management staff or visitors.
- Untidy appearance, going to work without a uniform.
- Accumulation of waste caused mice and rats to appear in the area.
- Fire caused by unmown dry grass and debris.
- An accident due to ice or due to falling snow and ice from the canopies.
Who controls the work?
Janitor's work controlled by the following persons:
- owners of apartment buildings served by a janitor;
- direct employer: management company, homeowners' association or housing society;
- Rospotrebnadzor.
The employer is obliged to monitor how well the employee performs his work. If it is determined that the residents' complaints are justified, action must be taken.
Also, the management of the management company is obliged to independently monitor the quality of work performed by hired employees. If necessary, they are given reprimands or penalties are applied.
You will find everything you need to know about cleaning the area in this section.
The main responsibility of a janitor is to keep the local area clean. The work cannot be called easy, especially in winterTherefore, this position requires people with good health.
Control of the work of janitors is the responsibility of the owners of the apartment building and the management company to which it belongs.
In order to draw up standards, literate people need to work as janitors. According to the tables taken from the ceiling, the salary should be significantly higher than the average. It would be more correct to conclude an individual contract. There are always plenty of vacancies for janitors, especially in winter, for a minimum wage (and no one will pay more) and there is a choice. You can change your place of work every month, especially since in winter you need good health.
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