What is included in cleaning the territory of an apartment building, whose responsibility is it?
The issue of quality of cleaning of the territory of an apartment building worries many owners of such housing.
To understand whether the work is being carried out in full, who is responsible for it, what is included in the list of necessary procedures and more, you need to study the regulations and laws designed to control these processes.
Read about this and more in the article.
Cleaning of an apartment building cannot be performed at the personal discretion of the management company or other responsible person. At the legislative level, regulations have been adopted to regulate this process.
List of regulations and laws:
- Housing Code of the Russian State;
- Government Decree No. 491;
- Manual on maintenance and repair of housing assets (MDK 2-04.2004);
- Gosstroy Resolution No. 170.
In addition, each region has adopted documents clarifying or expanding government regulations.
What applies to the adjacent area of an apartment building?
It includes space that is assigned to one or more objects. The exact footage is registered in the cadastral register. If in doubt, residents can submit an application to this government agency and obtain the necessary extract.
There may be various objects located on the territory, including:
- Substations (gas and electric).
- Parking places.
- Playgrounds.
- Garbage bins.
- Squares and more.
Who should clean up?
The territory of an apartment building is intended for public use. Third-party organizations must maintain order on it.. If the house belongs to a management company, then this responsibility is within their competence.
The house and surrounding area are a single complex, which is served by one HOA or housing cooperative. Its director, on the basis of an agreement concluded with the owners, hires workers responsible for cleaning the local area.
Regular cleaning of the territory of an apartment building includes the following list of mandatory work:
- garbage collection;
- cleaning and washing trash bins located next to the entrance;
- cleaning the porch and entrance area;
- clearing parking lots, sidewalks, and walkways of debris;
- cleaning the metal grate located near the entrance;
- lawn and other vegetation care.
The main list of works is modified and supplemented, depending on the time of year and the objects located on the territory of the house.
Additional services that management companies can provide include:
- landscaping of the site;
- decorating landscape design and maintaining its cleanliness;
- planting new vegetation;
- construction of architectural elements, etc.
The frequency of cleaning must be observed. If the performing organization ignores this point, it does not fully fulfill its responsibilities. According to accepted standards, the territory of an apartment building must be cleaned once a day.
Sidewalks and roads along which people move are sprinkled with sand or salt at least once a day. This is especially true during icy periods.
Features of work at different times of the year
Depending on the time of year, the list of work performed will differ. Features of summer cleaning:
Sweeping the area adjacent to the house.
- Watering sidewalks and paths, provided that the air temperature remains above 30 degrees.
- Garbage collection.
- Caring for plantings: trees, shrubs, lawns and flower beds.
- Delivery of sand to sandboxes located on children's playgrounds in the local area.
- Painting of iron elements. These can be horizontal bars, fences, swings, benches, etc.
- Whitewashing borders and tree trunks.
- Cleaning waste bins and treating areas adjacent to them.
In winter the list of works changes, it largely depends on weather conditions:
- Paths, parking spaces, sidewalks and driveways are cleared of ice and snow is removed from them. Depending on the volume of work and the area of the local area, they can be carried out either manually or using special equipment.
- Sprinkling walkways and sidewalks with anti-icing mixture. It must include crushed stone and sand, which makes sidewalks safe for people to move around.
- Clearing snow at the entrance to the basement.
- Knocking down icicles and ice from the roof of a house, from gutters and from sewer hatches.
- Cleaning garbage bins and trash cans.
- Maintenance of children's playgrounds.
In spring and autumn, the list of work includes the following activities:
- flushing drains and canals, cleaning them from fallen or last year's leaves, from debris that has accumulated over the winter;
- drainage of melt or rainwater to receiving wells and hatches;
- removal of collected garbage and leaves, snow residues and cleared ice.
What to do if they don't clean it up?
If the cleaning of the local area is carried out with violations, is carried out rarely, or is not done at all, Residents need to do the following:
Contact the chairman of the house with a verbal complaint. On behalf of all owners, he must draw up a statement with the existing claims, collect signatures and take the paper to the management company.
Its management is obliged to consider the application and take measures to eliminate deficiencies.
- If the management company does not respond to residents’ complaints, you must contact the Housing Inspectorate to conduct an inspection. The act must indicate the essence of the claim, details of the organization, full names of residents, numbers of their apartments and collect signatures.
- Another body that controls the work of the Criminal Code can be the procurator.
A statement must be drawn up specifying the requirements for the return of funds transferred by the management company for services not provided.
If, even after all inspections, the cleaning of the local area is not carried out according to the rules, the issue of changing the management company should be considered.
When choosing a new organization, you need to evaluate the reliability of the selected contractor, its experience in this area and reviews of residents whose houses it already serves.
Cost of cleaning the local area consists of several factors, including:
- scope of work;
- season;
- the presence of additional objects in the treated area (garbage or playgrounds, flower beds, lawns, etc.);
- the need for solid waste removal;
- average cost of services in the region.
At whose expense is it carried out?
Cleaning the territory of an apartment building is paid for by the owners of the residential premises. Each person living in this building contributes a set amount.
Tariffs are calculated on an individual basis. The monthly payment is based on the total living space occupied by the owner.
The management company receives the funds. Every month she sends out receipts that need to be paid. Tariffs are agreed upon at a house-wide meeting. Their unilateral increase is unacceptable.
You will find everything you need to know about cleaning the area in this section.
Cleaning the territory of an apartment building is the responsibility of the management company. It is paid by homeowners who have entered into an agreement with the selected organization.
The list of works is fixed in regulations and lawsadopted at the state and regional level. Residents of the house must monitor the quality of cleaning. If they are not satisfied with it, they need to file a complaint with the regulatory authorities.