Frequency of cleaning the area from debris, cost of professional services

foto31886-1The task of every landowner, owner of an enterprise, housing and communal services is to keep the territories owned and entrusted to them clean.

It is not easy to train staff in the art of professional cleaning; providing them with equipment and special equipment is expensive.

The way out of the situation is the services of cleaning organizations on the basis of a contract and an agreed estimate. We’ll talk about cleaning the area from garbage and prices per m2 below.

Types of events

Classification of types of cleaning is made according to several criteria. Taking into account seasonality distinguish summer, which is characterized by the removal of large amounts of foliage, dust, and winter – with ice, snow and ice.

If complex activities are carried out with simple tools and devices - this is manual cleaning, using special equipment for sweeping, clearing snow, loading garbage - mechanized.

According to the frequency of events, they are distinguished:

  1. Primary – precedes regular cleaning, a level of cleanliness is achieved that will be constantly maintained.
  2. foto31886-2Daily – supporting (carried out during the day) and basic (at night or at the end of the working day on the territory).
  3. General (large-scale) – affects all elements of the object with deep cleaning.
  4. Urgent – carried out one-time, the volume is determined by the customer.
  5. After construction – in accordance with SanPiN, access roads are cleared and garbage is removed along the entire perimeter, its removal and disposal.

The use of water and detergents in the process is wet cleaning for deeper cleaning of coatings. Dry, for example, sweeping - to remove dust and debris.

If professional cleaners are hired for cleaning, an agreement is concluded, which reflects the customer’s wishes regarding the list of services and the frequency of their implementation. The exception is urgent cleaning; signing a document is not required for this.

What is included in the list of works?

The list of works for the removal, collection and removal of waste from the site, the basic requirements for their implementation are set out in the document GOST R 56195-2014.

Basic list of events in various territories:

  • sweeping the object;
  • lawn clearing;
  • cleaning the surrounding area;
  • collection of all types of garbage and waste.

Additional services are included in the estimate at the request of the customer, In this case, cleaning is carried out:

  • garbage containers, trash cans;
  • grilles, signs, billboards;
  • water drainage systems.

Services for cutting down trees, removing bushes, and mowing grass are popular.

The list is adjusted based on the season. In the summer, the collection and removal of leaves is added, in the winter - ice and snow. The comprehensive service is completed by removal of collected garbage and waste.

General technical conditions for professional cleaning are set out in the document GOST R 51870-2014, which is the basis for the activities of cleaning companies.


Maintaining an impressive staff of trained personnel, equipped with special clothing, personal protective equipment and a fleet of cleaning equipment is not affordable for every owner. To keep the area clean, it is easier to turn to professional cleaners.

The customer is provided with a wide selection of permanent, one-time and periodic services with or without a contract.

Average price for cleaning services per m2 in Russia:

Types of cleaningPrice, rubles per m2
Manual clearing in summerfrom 15 per m2
In winterfrom 17
Mechanized and watered in summerfrom 19
Using special equipment in winterfrom 19
Collection of small construction waste100 per hour per person
Garbage removalfrom 2000 per flight
Snow removal200 per m3
Dailyfrom 20
Cleaning leavesfrom 40
Snowfrom 50
The surrounding area in the warm seasonfrom 20
In the coldfrom 40

foto31886-3The final cost is calculated individually for each client after inspecting the territory and agreeing on the work schedule, taking into account pricing factors:

  1. Area of ​​the object.
  2. Type, seasonality of work.
  3. Frequency of events.
  4. Types of garbage, its volume.
  5. Deadlines.
  6. Landscape features
  7. Providing additional services.

All calculations are reflected in a separate document (estimate) and are attached to the contract concluded between the contractor and the customer. Prices for services are not affected by weather conditions and location of the facility.


An estimate for clearing the area of ​​debris is a financial document that contains a detailed calculation of the customer’s expenses for the entire range of professional activities at a given site.

Contains information:

  • about the services provided by the company;
  • their cost;
  • volume of work;
  • number of employees;
  • consumables;
  • deadlines.
As a rule, for large objects, the estimate includes the costs of depreciation and maintenance of special equipment that is used for cleaning, loading and transporting garbage and waste.When you add up all the expenses, you get the total cost of the entire range of services.

The document is a mandatory annex to the contract, its approval is confirmed by a personal signature and seal of the organization.

You will find everything you need to know about cleaning the area in this section.


Regardless of the time of year, areas near homes, offices, businesses, cafes and shopping centers must be kept clean. Garbage collection and removal is an integral part of comprehensive measures to maintain order.

An important condition is that cleaning of objects must be carried out professionally. If your own resources are not enough for this, it is better to contact a cleaning company.


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