Everything you need to know about mechanized cleaning of adjacent areas
Keeping a large area clean is a labor-intensive process. Manual cleaning will require a large staff or will take a long time.
This will entail additional costs that not every manager can afford.
There is a way out - to resort to the help of special equipment, which will cope with the task much faster and will not require additional labor.
We will talk about mechanized cleaning of adjacent areas in the article.
What it is?
This is an integrated approach to cleaning the territory using special equipment - that is, machines that can be used year-round to collect and remove garbage, snow, waste on roads, streets, residential and industrial areas.
Types of machines:
- sweepers;
- watering;
- snow removal;
- lawnmowers;
- tractors;
- backhoe loaders and so on.
The choice of equipment depends on the object, season of the year, type and volume of work. Benefits of use mechanical assistants are obvious:
- Cleaning speed.
- Ease of use.
- High efficiency.
- Profitability.
When can you not do without special equipment?
Mechanized cleaning mode is used in cases where human hands and cleaning equipment are not enough. In addition, there are types of work that are physically impossible to perform without special equipment.
For example, sidewalks over 3.5 meters wide are served only by machines:
- loading mechanisms;
- rotary and utility dumps;
- equipment for sprinkling and removing ice;
- watering units and so on.
Special equipment is not used if:
- There are obstacles on the territory that impede free movement (flower beds, billboards, metal and concrete mini-structures).
- The length of the cleaning object is less than 3 linear meters.
- The width of the treated area is less than 2 m.
In this case, a set of cleaning measures is carried out manually using equipment.
Features of events
To carry out mechanized cleaning of the territory, a schedule is drawn up and approved. Standard frequency – 1-2 times a day. A time is selected when the area is practically free, with a minimum number of cars and people on it.
Cleaning of 24-hour facilities is carried out only after prior notification of visitors and employees (for example, a parking area near a supermarket).
When planning events, be sure to take into account:
- size and geometry of the site;
- coating material;
- presence of obstacles;
- weather;
- safety rules and regulations.
For example, the speed of movement of cleaning equipment in adjacent areas should be two times lower than when servicing the roadway. The choice of cleaning activities and mechanical assistants for each season is individual.
in winter
The main goal of cleaning during the cold season is to create safe areas for drivers and pedestrians. A set of measures is being carried out in two stages.
First, the surfaces are treated with deicing agents or sand. The next stage is raking and sweeping snow and ice using combined road machines, tractors and loaders.
In each municipal formation of the Russian Federation, regulations for seasonal activities for mechanized cleaning of various territories are developed and approved, which are included in the general rules of improvement in the form of targeted programs. For example, for the city of St. Petersburg this is Resolution No. 961 of November 9, 2016.
In summer
Systematic cleaning of the territory during the warm season is important due to:
- abundance of dust,
- fallen leaves,
- branches,
- dry grass and debris.
Events are mainly held in the morning hours between April and the end of October.
Main types of work:
- Sweeping and cleaning of asphalt surfaces and tiles.
- Moistening surfaces, washing off sand and dust.
- Collection, sorting and removal of solid waste.
- Cutting grass on lawns and lawns.
- Loosening the soil.
- Tree cutting.
- Collection and disposal of leaves.
What technology is needed for this?
For the summer season, machines equipped with brushes and humidifiers are convenient.. They cope well with dirt and dust. Universal tractors with attachments are also used, which can easily move along the roadway and sidewalks.
Watering machines with tanks are used in summer for irrigating and washing surfaces, caring for green areas, and in winter for filling skating rinks.
In winter, snow plows are used to remove precipitation. with rotary blades, equipment for throwing snow, sprinkling sidewalks and roads with sand and reagents during periods of ice. Loading mechanisms are invariably used to load garbage, winter precipitation, and fallen leaves.
Types of harvesting machines
Special equipment is used for different types of territories, cleaning work and seasons of the year.
For highways and industrial facilities
The most convenient assistants in cleaning these areas are: cars with various accessories:
- watering;
- loaders;
- excavators;
- combined and universal road machines;
- garbage trucks;
- sweeping and cleaning equipment.
Tractors with attachments are less efficient and dangerous on asphalt surfaces.
For the care of green spaces
Technology that helps you care behind flower beds, lawns, park areas:
Lawn mowers.
- Motokos.
- Machines for planting trees.
- Motor drills.
- Mini tractors.
- Machines for cleaning leaves and dry grass.
- Mounted plows.
- Branch shredders.
- Wood waste crushers.
Watering machines are used to irrigate green areas of streets, squares and courtyards.
Snow removal
Divided into two types.Universal and highly specialized heavy vehicles are used by municipal and road services to clear large areas of snow (roads, airport runways). The basis for them is trucks and tractors.
Heavy winter equipment includes:
- plow, brush, milling, auger-rotary snow blowers;
- gas jet snow removal machines;
- snow loaders of paw and milling type;
- snow chippers.
Self-propelled models, tracked or wheeled, with a gasoline or electric engine have several features:
- compact dimensions;
- light weight;
- efficiency in use.
During the period of ice formation, sand spreading machines are widely used.
Cost of professional services
Buying, maintaining and repairing your own equipment is expensive. And it is only advisable for companies with related activities.
In other cases, management organizations and business owners prefer to enter into contracts for work with cleaning companies and utility services. The cost of services does not exceed the costs of maintaining a huge staff of janitors or our own fleet of vehicles.
When setting prices for services, the following are taken into account:
- The area of the land.
- The nature of the coating.
- List of necessary works.
- Types of special equipment used.
- Weather.
- Frequency of events.
Often, companies' price lists indicate a negotiated price; the final cost of the work can only be assessed when visiting the site. One-time mechanized cleaning will cost the owner more than subscription services based on a contract.
Prices for main types of services:
- Loading snow with a forklift – 15,000 rubles.
- Snow removal - from 350 rubles per 1 sq. m.
- Loading and removal of snow - from 400 rubles per 1 sq. m.
- Sprinkling roads with reagents (one-time) – 12,000 (without reagent cost).
- Mechanized cleaning of the territory (one-time) – from 15,000 rubles.
- Subscription mechanized cleaning – from 40,000 rubles per 1000 sq. m.
You will find everything you need to know about cleaning the area in this section.
Mechanized cleaning of areas saves time, labor and increases the efficiency of the process. If you regularly use the services of professionals in this segment, you can also reduce costs.
Subscription services will cost much lessthan maintaining a large number of cleaners and equipment.