Ways and means to remove stains from a mattress at home without ruining it
Stains on the mattress appear frequently, and dealing with them is not as easy as it might seem.
Most items cannot be fully washed, which complicates the task.
Read the article about how to remove different types of stains from a mattress using improvised and store-bought products, as well as how to dry the product after treatment.
Universal recipes
To get rid of stains on the mattress, use improvised means. There are compositions that can be used to combat different types of pollution, regardless of their origin. The number 1 solution for cleaning a mattress is hydrogen peroxide.
Mode of application:
Soak a cotton pad with peroxide.
- Apply it to the problem area.
- Leave for 15 minutes to take effect.
- If the stain contains organic matter, it will begin to foam. Foam must be removed with a clean, dry cloth.
- Continue processing until the surface of the product is clean.
- Carefully remove any remaining product with a sponge soaked in clean water.
Universal remedy No. 2 is a mixture of salt, soda with the addition of a solution of citric acid.
- mix soda and salt in equal proportions and pour them onto the stain;
- dilute citric acid in a separate container, take 1 tablespoon of powder per 200 ml of water;
- pour the liquid into a spray bottle and irrigate the contaminated area;
- upon reacting with the acid, the soda will begin to foam;
- when the reaction is complete, the mixture is collected with a brush;
- the stain is treated with soapy water and left to dry.
Remedy No. 3 – ethyl alcohol. It leaves no traces and does not require rinsing, suitable for all types of upholstery.
Mode of application:
- Soak a cotton pad in alcohol.
- Apply it to the dirt.
- After half an hour, wipe the stain with a clean, damp cloth. If it is still noticeable, you can treat it with soapy water.
- Allow the surface to dry naturally.
How to remove with special preparations?
You can get rid of stains on the mattress using store-bought products. They are suitable for any surface and remove various contaminants equally effectively. Top 3 best products:
Stain remover Vanish Gold
You need to choose a product designed for caring for carpets and upholstery. in the form of a spray that does an excellent job of removing stains on the mattress and does not require rinsing.
The product is applied using a sprayer and works in a minute. To combat complex stains, the exposure time can be increased. Price – 370 rubles.
Dr. Beckmann Spray
This is a concentrated universal composition based on oxygen bleach. He does not contain fragrances, phosphates and chlorine, so it can be safely used to clean your sleeping area. Price – 260 rubles per package.
Universal stain remover.The composition is available in the form of a spray; it can be used to treat difficult stains. The product is suitable for treating cotton and synthetic mattress upholstery. It is environmentally friendly, odorless and consists of 100% natural ingredients. Price – 900 rubles.
How to remove different types of contaminants?
The choice of the optimal cleaning product depends on what exactly the mattress was stained with. For example, hydrogen peroxide helps get rid of blood or urine stains, and you can remove cosmetics using laundry soap.
Urine not only leaves behind stains, but also an odor that ingrains itself into the fabric and is difficult to remove. To deal with the problem, operate as follows:
- Cover the surface of the stain with baking soda.
- In a separate container, dilute vinegar with 9% water, mixing the liquids in equal proportions.
- Pour the solution into a spray bottle and irrigate the contaminated area. This treatment will lead to the formation of foam; you need to wait until the reaction is completed.
- Soak a rag in the soapy solution and pass it over the surface of the mattress, then wipe it with a clean damp cloth to remove any remaining product.
After processing, the product is sent to dry in fresh air for at least 3 days. Will tell you in more detail this article.
You can remove a blood stain from a mattress using ammonia. Algorithm of actions:
open the windows to allow fresh air into the room, as ammonia has a pungent odor;
- dissolve ammonia with water in a ratio of 1:4;
- spray the composition using a spray bottle on the contaminated surface;
- leave for half an hour;
- soak a cotton pad in the solution, gradually removing the stain;
- Wipe the mattress with a dry cloth and leave to dry.
Ammonia should not be used by people suffering from bronchial asthma or respiratory failure. You can find out more here.
Makeup stains can be easily removed with laundry soap. Mode of application:
- grate the soap into shavings, dissolve in warm water until a thick paste is obtained;
- apply it to the stain, whisk with an old toothbrush;
- leave for 15 minutes;
- Remove with a damp cloth and wait for the mattress to dry.
If the ink is fresh, you need to sprinkle it with starch or talcum powder, cover it with a paper napkin and press it with a press. After 12 hours, the powder is collected with a vacuum cleaner or swept away with a brush.
Old stains are treated with ethyl alcohol.
- Moisten a cotton pad with vodka.
- Use it to treat the problem area.
- Leave to act for 15 minutes.
- Collect remaining liquid with a dry cloth.
There is no need to rinse off the alcohol; it will evaporate on its own in a few hours.
Coffee and wine
Wine and coffee stains can be removed with citric acid.
Mode of application:
Dissolve 1 tablespoon of citric acid in a glass of warm water.
- Apply it to the stain in any convenient way.
- Leave for half an hour.
- Use a cotton pad or a clean white rag soaked in lemon juice solution to wipe the contaminated area until the stain completely disappears.
- Treat the mattress with a clean, damp cloth.
- Leave to dry.
Yellow stains
Yellow stains can be removed with toothpaste. For processing, a composition without dyes and solid inclusions is used.
Mode of application:
- the paste is diluted with a small amount of warm water;
- distribute the composition over the stain and leave for 30 minutes;
- if the paste has frozen, moisten it with a damp sponge;
- Remove the cleaning agent with a damp cloth.
When the mattress dries, the streaks will disappear.
How to clean products depending on the filler?
Depending on what filler is used to stuff the mattress, the methods for processing it will differ:
- Spring block. This product should not get too wet. Moisture that gets on the metal blocks will cause rust, which will quickly appear through the upholstery. The cleaning agent is applied using a spray bottle, which helps to dose the volume of liquid. For processing, you can use citric acid, vinegar solution or ammonia.
- Foam rubber. This product can be washed by hand or in a machine if it fits the drum. For processing, use liquid powder, laundry soap or soda solution.
- Cotton wool. It is not recommended to machine wash such a product, as the filler will clump together, making it difficult to dry. Manual processing of the product with local washing is acceptable. To remove stains, use any available or store-bought products.
- Coconut coir. It cannot be wetted, so you can only deal with fresh stains on your own, which can be cleaned dry or with minimal moisture. Baking soda or salt are used as a cleaning agent.
- Holofiber. Such products are not picky in care, so they can be processed in a washing machine or by hand. It is acceptable to use liquid stain removers and washing powders, hydrogen peroxide, acetic acid, and ammonia.
Mold Removal
To get rid of mold on a mattress, use 9% vinegar, diluted in equal proportions with water. Processing is carried out in the following way:
- pour the solution into a spray bottle;
- irrigate the affected areas;
- leave to act for an hour;
- clean the fungus from the fabric with a brush with medium-hard bristles;
- air and dry the mattress for several days.
If the fungus cannot be dealt with the first time, then the procedure is repeated after the mattress has completely dried. In this case, the concentration of vinegar can be increased by halving the amount of water.
How to dry after cleaning and why is it important?
After cleaning, the mattress must be completely dried. If moisture remains in it, then in the near future dampness will form inside, which will be difficult to cope with. Its appearance is indicated by an unpleasant odor. If the mold grows too much, you will have to get rid of the mattress.
Drying recommendations mattress:
- It must be on a flat surface. It needs to be turned over periodically.
- Do not place the mattress in the sun or dry it near open flames.
- The filler should be distributed evenly.
- Do not try to speed up the drying process with a hair dryer or iron.
Dry cleaning services
If you are unable to deal with the stains on the mattress yourself, you need to contact a dry cleaner. The price depends on the complexity of the work and the area of contamination.
Approximate prices:
- 1-bed mattress on one side – from 1000 rubles;
- 1.5-sleeping mattress on one side – 1250 rubles;
- 2 sleeping mattress – 1400 rubles;
- Euro mattress – 1700 rubles;
- children's product - 850 rubles.
The advantage of going to a dry cleaner is that the stain will be completely removed from the mattress, and its upholstery will be disinfected with hot steam.Masters carry out work from home, at a time convenient for clients.
What should you not do?
To avoid damaging the mattress, The following mistakes should not be made:
Do not wet the product too much. Mattresses take a long time to dry, and poor quality drying can irreversibly damage the product.
- There is no need to immediately use aggressive or expensive chemicals. To begin with, you can try treating the mattress with improvised means.
- Do not smear the stain onto the mattress. You need to move from the edge towards the center so as not to stain clean areas.
- Do not scrub the mattress with a hard brush to avoid damaging its surface.
Helpful information
Tips to help you cope with stains on the mattress:
- Before choosing a cleaning product, you need to decide what type of stain the stain is.
- You need to start processing as early as possible. A fresh stain is easier to clean than an old one.
- Excess liquid is collected with a paper towel. They need to blot rather than rub the stain. Continue the procedure until the towel becomes dry.
- After completing the treatment, you need to completely remove any remaining detergent from the mattress, as it can destroy the fabric fibers.
You can get rid of stains on the mattress using improvised and store-bought products. Before you make a choice, you need to determine the type of contamination and the fabric from which the upholstery is made mattress. This will remove the stain quickly and without harm to the product.