Little tricks on how to remove blood from a mattress at home
It is difficult to remove blood from a mattress, since it is deeply absorbed into its structure and is difficult to dissolve with classic cleaning agents.
Complicating the task is the fact that the mattress cannot be washed in a washing machine. However, you can cope with the problem if you use the right substances.
Read the article about how to quickly and effectively remove blood from a mattress (fresh stains and old ones).
How to remove a fresh stain?
If the stain has appeared recently, dealing with it will not be difficult. To remove it, substances such as:
Salt. It is better to use fine table salt. A fresh stain is blotted several times with a clean, dry cloth or paper napkin.
When the blood stops imprinting on it, the contaminated area is sprinkled with salt and moistened on top using a spray bottle for this purpose.
After 2-3 hours, the salt is collected with a vacuum cleaner. For better blood absorption, you can add 1 part starch to 4 parts salt.
- Ammonia. Before use, it must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:4. The composition is applied to the stain and left for half an hour. After the specified time, wipe the stain with a clean damp cloth until it completely disappears.
You need to work with ammonia in a room with good ventilation, as the substance has a pungent odor.Inhaling its vapors will lead to headaches. After cleaning, the mattress is taken out into the fresh air for ventilation.
- Soda. This powder is the No. 1 remedy in the fight against various contaminants. It is always available in the house, is inexpensive and allows you to deal with most types of stains. To remove blood from a mattress, soda is diluted with water to obtain a thick paste.
For 1 tablespoon of powder you will need 5 tablespoons of water. The finished mixture is applied to the stain and left for 3-4 hours. If the blood is fresh, it will be completely neutralized by the soda slurry. All that remains is to collect it with a vacuum cleaner or sweep it with a brush.
- Hydrogen peroxide. It helps not only to deal with stains, but also to disinfect the surface of the mattress, as it effectively dissolves any organic substances. A cotton pad is moistened with peroxide, which is used to systematically work on the stain until it completely disappears. You need to take care of several discs in advance, since a dirty sponge will have to be replaced with a new one all the time.
- Laundry soap. It is not used in its pure form. To combat stains, you will need a concentrated soap solution. To do this, the bar is ground on a grater, dissolved with warm water and applied with a sponge, carefully distributing the composition over the surface of the mattress. After 10 minutes, treat the area with a clean, damp cloth. If a halo remains, it is washed with saline solution. After drying, the salt that comes to the surface is collected with a vacuum cleaner.
The basic rule that must be followed when treating a mattress to remove fresh blood is to use a cool liquid. If its temperature is above +30 degrees, the protein will coagulate and the iron will oxidize. As a result, it will be difficult to deal with the stain.
How to remove old contamination using folk remedies?
If time has been lost and the blood has had time to dry, you can deal with it using improvised means, but the choice should be made in favor of potent compounds. In this case, a substance is selected that will remove existing contamination and will not harm the sleeping area itself.
Boric acid
To remove blood use boric acid, which can be purchased at a pharmacy. It is sold in powder and solution form. To treat the mattress, boric acid with a concentration of 3% is used.
If there is only powder in the house, then prepare the solution yourself, 1 tbsp. l. crystals you will need 200 ml of warm water. Before use, wait until the liquid cools down.
- soak a rag or cotton pad in the solution;
- treat the stain several times, change the napkin;
- apply it to the mattress, leave it as a compress for half an hour;
- Wipe the area with a clean, damp cloth to remove any remaining blood or acid.
This method allows you to deal with even the oldest stains in 2-3 approaches. The good thing about boric acid is that it can be used to care for both white and colored mattresses.
Lemon acid
Citric acid is suitable for caring for light-colored surfaces, as it has a whitening effect. Mode of application:
- Prepare a cleaning solution: 1 tablespoon of acid requires 100 ml of water. Stir the mixture until all the crystals are completely dissolved.
- Soak a clean rag in the concentrate and apply it to the stain several times.
- Leave the napkin on the mattress for 2 hours. It needs to be wetted periodically. If the citric acid solution dries out, its effectiveness will decrease.
- Wipe the area with a clean, damp cloth to remove any remaining product and blood.
Surprisingly, blood stains can be treated with Aspirin tablets. In medicine, this drug is widely used to thin the blood, and knowledgeable housewives use it to combat related pollution.
Mode of application:
- grind 2 tablets of Acetylsalicylic acid to a powder;
- dissolve them in 200 ml of water;
- apply the solution to the stain;
- cover the area with a dry paper or cloth napkin and leave for an hour;
- Wash the mattress first with soapy water and then with clean water.
The product can be used repeatedly without waiting for the mattress to dry completely.
Alcohol and ammonia
The combination of ammonia and ethyl alcohol allows you to clean even old stains. Mode of application:
- Mix 1 teaspoon of ammonia with 2 tablespoons of ethyl alcohol (vodka).
- Apply the product to the stain using a sponge.
- Rub the stain with an old toothbrush and leave on the surface for 10 minutes.
- Repeat the procedure, remove the pinkish foam with a rag.
- Rinse the area with clean water.
Alcohol can be used on any upholstery and does not harm the fibers. You also don't have to worry about the smell. As the mattress dries, it will evaporate.
Baking soda, vinegar and hydrogen peroxide
Three-stage mattress treatment allows you to cope with even the most stubborn and durable stains. Procedure:
- lightly moisten the treatment area with water so as not to wet the product too much; use a spray bottle;
- sprinkle the stain with baking soda and spread it evenly over the surface;
- irrigate the area with 9% vinegar, leave the product alone until the reaction is complete;
- after 15-30 minutes, wipe the stain with a damp cloth and moisten the mattress with hydrogen peroxide.
- As a rule, half an hour is enough for it to act.
- Remove any remaining product with clean water.
Special preparations for removing bloody marks
You can get rid of blood stains using special compounds. Tips for selection and application:
- To combat fresh blood stains, you can use dry products, which are represented by rollers or pencils. They are also suitable for treating thick mattresses that are difficult to dry after getting wet.
- Liquid stain removers are used to remove old stains.
- The product must be left on the product for the amount of time specified in the instructions.
- It is unacceptable to mix different cleaning agents. This can lead to damage to the product and even poisoning from household chemicals.
- It is better to give preference to those compositions that do not contain caustic components, for example, bleach or aggressive acids.
Effective and inexpensive stain removers that allow you to deal with traces of blood on the mattress:
Dr. Beckmann Stain remover roller
This oxygen bleach does not contain phosphates and chlorine, suitable for processing all types of fabrics. Price – 200 rubles.
Sonett spray
The effective formula helps fight even stubborn stains. There are no aggressive components in the composition, so there is no risk of damaging the mattress. It can even be applied to wool and silk upholstery. Price – 465 rubles.
Clean Home
Bleach-stain remover express effect. The product is safe for all types of fabrics, does not contain parabens, phosphates and chlorine, so it can be safely used to care for bedding. One package lasts a long time. Suitable for combating old blood stains. Price – 325 rubles.
What not to do and why?
Recommendations that should not be violated:
- When attempting to remove a stain, do not rub it. Movements should be directed from the edge to the center. Otherwise, the mattress will only get more dirty.
- Do not use hot water. It will cause the blood to be “sealed” in the fibers of the fabric and it will be impossible to wash it off.
- After treating the product with acids or other compounds, they must be removed. Liquid products are washed off with water, and powders are collected with a vacuum cleaner or brushed off. If you don't do this, they will eventually destroy the mattress upholstery.
- For cleaning, use only soft cloth napkins, a sponge or a cotton pad. Do not try to remove the stain with a stiff brush.
Helpful information
To avoid time-consuming cleaning of the sleeping area in the future, it is recommended to use a mattress cover. It is much easier to wash in a machine or by hand.
Tips for caring for a mattress stained with blood:
when working with someone else's blood, you need to use rubber gloves, avoiding contact of biological fluid with open skin or mucous membranes;
- you need to start cleaning as early as possible; the longer the blood remains on the mattress, the more difficult it is to remove it;
- even fresh stains cannot always be removed the first time; complete cleaning will require at least 2 procedures;
- if a new cleaning agent is used to get rid of blood stains, then it should be tested on an inconspicuous area and monitor the reaction of the fabric;
- To prevent new stains from appearing on the surface of the product, only white rags are used for cleaning.
You can get rid of blood on the mattress using improvised means and store-bought compounds. The choice of the appropriate product depends on how long the stain has been on the product and how extensive the area of contamination is.