Simple recommendations on how to clean windows with a mop

foto47655-1A mop for washing windows is a convenient tool that makes it easier to perform a labor-intensive and sometimes dangerous procedure, especially if the work is done in a multi-story building.

Using the device ensures the cleanliness and shine of the glass, preventing the appearance of streaks and stains on the glass.

We will tell you further about how to properly clean windows with a mop.

Why use a glass cleaning tool?

The use of a special mop for windows is a necessity when performing procedures associated with cleaning large glass surfaces from the outside.

Clean windows create a feeling of comfort and coziness in your home. But this procedure is quite troublesome and time-consuming. It takes up all your free time from your main job and requires significant physical effort.

However, this arrangement is necessary provided that window cleaning is done in the old-fashioned way using an ordinary rag, water and paper or newspapers.

Wherein stains still remain on the glass, and ideal glass transparency is not achieved. To eliminate such problems, you can use special window cleaning devices.

The use of a special mop for windows is a necessity when performing procedures associated with cleaning large glass surfaces from the outside. It ensures safe cleaning of glass window surfaces from the inside and outside, allowing you to treat hard-to-reach areas.

Using a mop to clean window glass will not only reduce cleaning time, but will also provide excellent results.


foto47655-2Special mop for cleaning the glass surface of windows equipped with a long telescopic handle. To make the procedure easier, the device has a sponge and a scraper-screed.

Window mops made by different manufacturers may have differences, but the main components of the device are a sponge attachment and a rubber squeegee - a scraper designed to remove dirty water.

Handle length varies from 30 cm to 1-2 meters. More often, manufacturers produce sliding telescopic structures with the ability to adjust the length of the tool.

There are options with a special device that allows you to change the angle of the nozzle with a sponge and scraper. Thanks to this device, you can easily cope with washing windows even with shutters that do not open and it is almost impossible to reach hard-to-reach places.

When choosing a model, it is recommended to pay attention to the following criteria:

  • a mop handle of suitable length;
  • reliability of fastenings;
  • density of attachments;
  • supply with a rotating mechanism;
  • ease of installation of nozzles in the required position;
  • ease of use;
  • light weight of the product.
Included with the telescopic handle of the mop for windows is a rubber attachment - a scraper for removing water. Its fastening must also be reliable.

The final result of removing moisture from the glass and cleaning it without smudges and streaks depends on this.

How to use?

So, how to clean windows with a mop? Working with a window mop is quite simple. A positive result is achieved if it is used correctly.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Set and fix the required length and angle of inclination of the working attachment on the telescopic handle, taking into account the height of the window.
  2. Wet the sponge attachment in the working solution.
  3. Without squeezing the sponge, apply the solution to the surface to be treated, adjusting the angle from time to time.
  4. foto47655-3You need to wash the glass from its upper part, moving the mop not in a vertical, but in a horizontal direction, moving it at an angle of 30 degrees.

    If there is heavy dirt, you can use circular movements.

  5. Rinse the sponge attachment in clean water, squeezing out excess water.
  6. Wipe the rubber scraper-screed dry with a towel and, placing it in the upper left corner of the glass, move it from top to bottom (vertically), driving away dirty water. The scraper should be pressed against the glass as much as possible.
  7. After wiping the scraper, repeat the operation on the adjacent area of ​​the glass surface. It should be installed so that the left end of the squeegee slightly grips the cleaned part of the glass.
  8. After each pass, wipe the scraper dry. This allows you to prevent the formation of streaks and smudges.
  9. All manipulations are repeated on the outside of the window surface.

After completing the entire procedure, you need to wipe the bottom of the sash and the window sill. After washing the window, rinse the nozzle with a sponge and a scraper, wipe and dry. Fold the telescopic handle. Details - in this article.

What other equipment will be needed?

To complete the procedure efficiently and quickly, You should prepare some available tools:

  • cleaning solution;
  • a basin or bucket with clean water for rinsing the nozzle;
  • rags;
  • napkins;
  • towels
The equipment of the process must be taken care of in advance. When processing glass, you must not forget about washing the frame.


To clean windows with a mop, you can use any special means. However, they must be diluted in water.

Household chemicals

The use of household chemicals ensures shine and perfect cleanliness. Here are the best ones:

  1. foto47655-4Clin Windows and Glass Lemon. Works great on old stains. Does not leave streaks and adds shine without polishing.
  2. Mr. Muscle Professional (with ammonia). The drain cleaner effectively removes dirt and does not require rinsing with water.
  3. Cif ultra-fast window cleaner. Removes dirt instantly.

The use of special products when cleaning windows with a mop involves diluting them in a ratio of 2 tbsp. l. for 2 l. water. You will find a rating of effective streak-free window cleaners Here.

Folk recipes

You can resort to using old, proven remedies. Among them:

  1. Salt and vinegar. Dissolve 2 tbsp in a small amount of water. l of each substance.
  2. Starch and blue. On the z l. water add 3 tbsp. l. starch and a pinch of blue. For shine - a few drops of vinegar and salt.
  3. Potassium permangantsovka. Dissolve a few granules of the substance in warm water and treat the surface.
  4. Laundry soap. Grate a piece of soap and dilute it in water until foam forms. Soak a sponge in the solution and wash the glass.
  5. Ammonia. For 2 l. 2 tsp of water is enough. ammonia.
A properly prepared working solution in tandem with a window mop is a guarantee of success. The main thing is to strictly follow the rules for using the tool.

Read how to clean windows with vinegar Here, ammonia - here, glycerin - Here, fabric conditioner - here.

Advantages and disadvantages

A convenient window cleaning device simplifies the process, while making it safe and convenient. However, the tool has not only advantages, but also some disadvantages.

Among the advantages are:

  • foto47655-5the ability to adjust the length of the telescopic handle, change the angle of inclination of the sponge nozzle and the sharp rubber scraper for removing water;
  • the mop is lightweight, which makes it easier to use;
  • no special training is required to master the instrument, everything is easy and simple;
  • it is possible to cope with the labor-intensive process much faster;
  • In addition to washing windows, a mop can be used to wash mirrors, tiles, and floors;
  • affordable price.

While noting the advantageous characteristics, one cannot fail to mention the disadvantages of the device. There are few of them:

  • if the rules of application are ignored, smudges and stains remain;
  • Suitable for use for a small number of windows;
  • inept use sometimes leads to damage to the tool.
However, taking into account all the recommendations, it is possible to use this useful device for a long time. This is very convenient and completely safe when treating windows in multi-storey buildings.

Video on the topic of the article

The video will show you how to clean windows with a mop (brush) for windows:


A window mop with a sponge attachment and a scraper is a convenient tool that provides high-quality care for the glass surface of windows.

There are no streaks, smudges or stains left on them after treatment.. And tedious cleaning becomes an easy and safe procedure that does not take a lot of time and effort.


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