Is it possible and how to properly wash windows with ammonia?
Ammonia is one of the means of removing dirt and stains from various surfaces. With its help, you can also clean window glass efficiently - until it shines and without streaks.
To do this, you need to know exactly how to use the drug, and how best to prepare the most effective solution for glass.
In this article we will tell you whether and how to wash windows with ammonia.
All features of using the product
Ammonia - it is an ammonia solution with a pronounced unpleasant odor. One of its uses is as a solvent for complex types of contaminants.
The peculiarity of the application is the use of ammonia in small dosages, which should not be exceeded. This component gives good results, coping with a large number of types of contaminants.
Advantages and disadvantages of the method
There are many advantages to using ammonia in glass cleaning solutions. The obvious advantages include:
- low cost;
- availability of purchase - the drug is available in any pharmacy;
- efficiency;
- ease of use;
- cost-effectiveness.
- strong unpleasant odor;
- need to be careful when using.
Despite the disadvantages, the use of ammonia solution is so effective that you should not abandon it due to shortcomings.
The procedure for preparing and proportions of the solution
Before you start washing windows, ammonia needs to be diluted. It is possible to prepare the solution using several recipes.
You should first prepare the necessary equipment:
- container for mixing components;
- sponge;
- rags or napkins.
Standard recipe
To prepare the simplest recipe based on ammonia, you only need it and water. The process of creating a solution:
- Pour 5 liters of water into a container.
- Add 5 ml of ammonia.
- Stir.
Despite the apparent simplicity of the composition, the solution is very effective.
Composition with glycerin to prevent ice formation
If the goal is not only to wash the windows, but also to make them shine, and also to prevent ice from forming, then you can use a recipe with an additional component - glycerin.
By itself, this substance does not have the ability to clean dirt and remove stains. Its introduction into the composition is intended to provide additional shine to transparent glass. An additional effect is to prevent the appearance of frost on windows in winter and the settling of dust.
Preparation procedure:
- Pour a glass of water into the prepared container;
- add 0.2 l of glycerin;
- add ammonia (5 drops);
- stir.
How to wash without streaks?
Before you start cleaning the glass, you should prepare the window opening area. To do this you need:
- Remove foreign objects.
- Remove the curtains.
- If the windows are very dirty, wash off most of the dust and dirt. Dusty - wipe with a dry or damp cloth, remove cobwebs.
Washing procedure:
Wash frames and slopes. This can be done with any suitable means, including those prepared for glass - with ammonia. It is most convenient to use a sponge or rag for these purposes.
- Wash the glass using a sponge or rag. For high windows and hard-to-reach areas, it is better to use a special mop.
- The glass should be washed primarily from top to bottom to avoid smearing dirt.
- Wipe dry.
- Put the blinds in proper shape.
Ammonia, which is included in cleaning solutions in small quantities, does not harm metal-plastic.
Top 3 alternatives
In addition to using ammonia, other means will help you achieve good results in washing glass.that are found in the household. What they have in common is that they are affordable and provide good cleaning performance.
Depending on the degree of neglect of the window, a solution suitable in concentration is selected. The standard recipe involves preparing a mixture of ? a liter of water, a quarter glass of vinegar and less than half a teaspoon of dishwashing gel.
Chalk or tooth powder is suitable when the glass is very dirty.
For this 50 grams of powder should be diluted in a liter of water. The resulting composition is applied to the glass and cleaned off with a napkin after drying.
Particularly dirty areas can be treated separately by preparing a cleaning mixture in the form of a slurry.The recipe is similar, only much less water is used.
A head of onion cut in half is quite capable of coping with persistent stains on windows - drips, traces of insects, etc.
To remove stains, rub the problem area with a fresh cut.. After this, the window is washed in the usual way.
Cleaning an entire window with an onion is labor-intensive, but it is very suitable for removing local stains.
A few more ways to clean windows using improvised means are presented in the video:
11 recommendations to help
Advice from specialists providing cleaning services will help you get your windows in order. quickly and efficiently:
- Do not use abrasives to clean windows. They can lead to scratches on the glass, as well as damage the frame and seal.
- Do not add strong solvents (acetone and others) to the glass cleaning composition. They can damage the plastic surfaces and get into the window chambers through technological openings, which can reduce the heat-saving qualities of double-glazed windows.
- The cleaning agent left over from washing windows can be used to tidy up mirrors, furniture glass facades, etc.
- When using products with ammonia, you must take precautions - protect your eyes, wear rubber gloves on your hands, etc.
- It is advisable to carry out all window cleaning work with good ventilation.
- In its pure, undiluted form, ammonia should not be used for cleaning windows.
- After finishing cleaning with ammonia, the room must be ventilated.
- Difficult window surfaces (such as hardware) can be cleaned using an old toothbrush and cotton swabs.
- It is better to use different sponges to wash frames and glass.
- Final glass polishing should be carried out only with completely dry and lint-free materials - microfiber cloths, newspapers, etc.
You will find all the most effective and inexpensive folk methods and recipes for washing windows in this section. You will find a lot of important and useful information about fast and effective window cleaning in this section.
Cleaning windows with ammonia is not difficult, since the recipes are all very simple. The result will be a clean, shiny surface without streaks. Plus - cost savings, since the purchase of expensive cleaning products is canceled.