Methods and means on how and with what to clean carpet at home quickly and effectively
Cleaning a rug is not that difficult if you choose the right products and get ready for the job. You should have at hand: brush, rubber gloves, container and clean water.
The choice of means depends on the budget, personal preferences and degree of contamination. These can be improvised substances and household chemicals.
How and with what to clean the carpet at home quickly and efficiently? We will tell you about everything in order below in the article.
Folk recipes
Available means no worse than store-bought ones, but they are better used if the carpet is not very dirty.
Before cleaning, you need to prepare the surface:
If it is not possible to take the covering outside, you should first vacuum it or sweep it on both sides.
- The front side can be knocked out like this: lay a damp cloth and walk over it with a clapper. This will collect dust from the pile and deep layers. It's also a good idea to punch out the wrong side if desired.
- Apply a cleaning agent or solution to the stains to soak them and make them easier to remove.
After preparation, they begin to work. Be sure to protect your hands with gloves so that the product does not corrode the skin and calluses do not appear.
Vinegar and soda
Vinegar with soda refresh color, eliminate unpleasant odors, grease and some stains.
- dilute 1 tablespoon of vinegar and soda in a liter of water;
- for a better effect, you can add dishwashing liquid;
- the brush is moistened in the composition and cleaned, periodically removing dirt and hair from it.
Gentle cleansing, color refreshing. Salt is used in two ways:
- Saline solution. Dilute 1 tbsp. l. salt per liter of water. The composition is applied with a brush or sprayed with a spray bottle or broom. After drying, vacuum it.
- Dry salt. Scatter it over the carpet surface and sweep it with a damp broom or brush. Residues are collected with a vacuum cleaner.
Washing powder
Washing powder removes greasy stains well and refreshes color. But the product must be washed with water after it, otherwise the pile will become sticky and unpleasant to the touch. Another option is to make a weak soap solution, but this will make the stains more difficult to remove.
In general, the procedure looks like this:
- Add 1-2 tbsp. l. powder per liter of warm water.
- Stir well until the grains are completely dissolved. This is especially true for powders with colored inclusions. Blue and red particles leave stains, sometimes difficult to remove.
- Using a sponge, beat the solution into foam.
- Using cleaning movements, apply foam to the rug with a sponge or brush. Rub the stains.
- After 30 minutes, walk over the carpet with a damp broom, brush or sponge soaked in clean water. After drying, vacuum it.
Hang it on a pipe or fence with smooth edges until completely dry (you can clean it there). Small and soft non-adhesive rugs are machine washable.
Use in solution, dry or wet. Process cleaning with soda similar to the previous ones.
There is also this option:
- spread wet soda over the carpet;
- After half an hour, collect with a brush or vacuum cleaner;
- if necessary, you can repeat the procedure.
The solution is prepared as follows: add 1 tbsp to a liter of water. l. spoon of ammonia and detergent. For example:
- shampoo;
- powder;
- soap;
- dish soap.
The cleaning principle is the same as with other solutions.
Snow cleaning
Snow cleaning refreshes and removes dust well, but does not remove stubborn dirt. In winter, take the carpet outside, throw snow on it and sweep it well. Then knock it out from both sides.
Clean until the snow stops darkening. Take the canvas home and dry it. To speed up the process, you can use a fan or wind heater.
The snow should be dry, not wet, otherwise the carpet will get wet and it will be difficult to dry it. Then an unpleasant musty smell or mold will appear.
In dry frosts, you can leave the rug outside overnight to get rid of dust mites.
Household chemicals
It is believed that using special means to clean carpets is faster and more effective. They contain stain removers, as well as:
- degreasing;
- disinfectants;
- whitening;
- other components.
In addition, household chemicals often do not require rinsing.
Carpet shampoo 5+
One of the best among domestic budget funds. The average price is 160 rubles per 1 liter. The shampoo contains no fragrances or chlorine, it is hypoallergenic and safe for health.
5+ excellent:
- copes with old pollution;
- refreshes colors;
- eliminates unpleasant odors;
- removes almost any stain;
- removes static electricity.
The shampoo is used in diluted and concentrated form. Suitable for washing vacuum cleaners.
VOX drop
Budget cleaning product of domestic production. VOX drop:
- Removes stubborn stains.
- Removes difficult stains.
- Gives a pleasant aroma.
- Softens the pile.
- Does not require rinsing.
The concentrate is used in diluted form. Foam and apply to the coating. The cost for a 500 ml bottle is a little more than 100 rubles.
Popular shampoo for hand washing carpets. Produced in Poland. The average price is 300 rubles for 450 ml.
Advantages of the product:
- efficiency;
- economical consumption (1:9);
- removal of fresh stains and dirt, unpleasant odors;
- color refreshing;
- safety and hypoallergenic.
Vanish, after adding to water, is foamed and applied to the coating with a brush or sponge. After drying, the carpet is vacuumed.
Features of cleaning without removing from the floor
The only rule that must be strictly followed when cleaning carpet on the floor is: don't get it too wet. Since normal drying is impossible in such a situation, the carpet will easily begin to smell of dampness or become moldy on the underside.
The room should be well ventilated. In winter, you can additionally turn on the heater.
Light and dark
White carpets get dirty quickly and are more difficult to remove stains from, so they need to be cleaned regularly. Chlorine and hydrogen peroxide are good for bleaching piles.. When it comes to household chemicals, it is better to choose products with optical brighteners.
Before cleaning white carpet All stains must be removed. You cannot remove them with pure bleach or peroxide.The stain will lighten, but will not disappear and cannot be removed by other means. And if it does go away, then this area will become different from the entire canvas.
Dark carpets are not so picky in terms of stains, but they may leave stains. If it is not possible to remove them from the floor, then For cleaning it is better to use weak soap solutions. Or, after the procedure, walk again with a broom or brush, wetting them in clean water.
How to choose a brush?
A regular clothes brush with synthetic bristles is suitable for cleaning rugs. For convenience, you can buy a device with a long handle.
It is more convenient to clean carpets with a brush without a handle - this will eliminate the appearance of calluses on the front side of the fingers. Sponges are less easy to clean, but are ideal for whipping and applying foam..
How to remove odors?
When cleaning the carpet with any detergent, most unpleasant odors are removed.
The most persistent aromas remain from:
- fish;
- dampness;
- cigarette ash;
- urine;
- animal excrement.
To prevent the carpet from becoming completely saturated, you need to clean it immediately as soon as the “dirty deed” is noticed.
From home remedies Repels persistent odors well vinegar, ammonia. From household chemicals - washing powder and products with a strong aroma.
It is very difficult to eliminate the smell of dampness from a coating at home if it is not possible to remove it from the floor. After all, if it didn’t dry out last time, it’s unlikely to happen next time. In order not to suffer, it is better to order dry cleaning of carpets at home.
Tips and prohibitions
There is nothing complicated in cleaning a carpet, but If you follow simple recommendations, the work will speed up and become even easier:
- Test unfamiliar products in an inconspicuous area.
- Remove stains while they are fresh.
- Carry out wet cleaning regularly - once a week or month.
- If possible, do not walk on the surface in slippers.
Useful video
The video will tell you how to clean a carpet with soda, vinegar and dishwashing detergent:
If you get used to cleaning carpets regularly, then even a large covering will take no more than an hour (on average 20-30 minutes). Constant care will preserve the colors, softness of the pile, and extend its service life..