Effective recipes for removing various odors from carpet at home

foto6142-1Over time, dirt on the carpet turns into a source of unpleasant odors. It causes some discomfort to the residents of the apartment.

For this reason, the question of how to eliminate unpleasant odors from carpeting in the house is always relevant.

So, how to remove smell from carpet at home, what should you use to clean it so that there is no unpleasant odor? There are many known ways to solve this problem. Both special chemicals and folk remedies can come to the rescue.

Folk methods of struggle

Eliminate musty smell from carpeting possible using three popular folk remedies:

  1. In the first case, you can use a soap solution.
  2. The second method involves the use of acetic acid and baking soda.
  3. The third recipe uses hydrogen peroxide as the basis.

Soap solution

foto6142-2This product for removing unpleasant odors from carpets is the most affordable and safest. The soap solution also successfully fights dirt.

It is recommended to use laundry soap. It does not contain fragrances or foreign chemicals.

To prepare a soap solution, you need to take 100 g of laundry soap (half a bar) and grate it on a coarse grater. Place the grated mass in a bowl with 2 liters of warm water.Wait until the soap is completely dissolved in water and the solution becomes opaque.

You need to take a stiff brush for rugs and dip it in the resulting soap solution. It is recommended to clean carpet using soft, rubbing movements. After cleaning, the carpet should be thoroughly rinsed with clean water and dried in the open air.

It is recommended to use a soap solution to clean carpets only when the smell has recently appeared on them. This method is ineffective in combating strong stench.

Using baking soda and acetic acid

Combination of two components - soda and vinegar - promotes the release of carbon dioxide. Thanks to it, not only stubborn dirt is removed, but also the stench from the carpet is eliminated. To prepare the product, you need a bowl of warm water, an acetic acid solution, baking soda and any empty spray bottle.

The solution is made according to the following scheme:

  1. foto6142-32 liters of warm water are poured into a deep basin.
  2. Add 1 large spoon of soda.
  3. Add 2 large spoons of acetic acid.
  4. The resulting mixture is stirred and infused a little.
  5. The solution is poured into a plastic bottle. A sprayer is screwed onto it on top.

The solution is sprayed along the entire perimeter of the carpet. You need to wait a few minutes. Take a bowl of clean water and a soft sponge. Treat the carpet with it. After treatment, dry the carpet in the open air.

Acetic acid should not be used for carpet cleaning based on silk and wool. An aggressive solution may damage the product. It is also not recommended to treat rugs with hot water.

How to clean with hydrogen peroxide?

It is recommended to combine this product with baking soda.Hydrogen peroxide not only neutralizes the stench emitted by the carpet, but also acts as a good stain remover. To prepare the product you will need hydrogen peroxide (3 percent solution), baking soda and warm water.

It is necessary to pour 1.5 liters of warm water into a deep basin. Add half a glass of peroxide and two large spoons of soda. Mix the mixture and pour into a plastic container with a spray bottle.

Spray the entire carpet with the solution and leave for 15 minutes.. Wipe the carpet with a damp sponge and dry it in the open air.

Only white and light-colored carpets can be treated with a solution based on hydrogen peroxide. This product is not suitable for dark-colored products.

Universal household chemicals

foto6142-4To eliminate unpleasant odors from rugs The following remedies are best suited:

  • "Vanish Gold for carpets";
  • "Selena Carpet";
  • Amway.

The manufacturer in the description of “Vanish Gold” indicates that the product not only neutralizes unpleasant odors on the carpet from animals, but also makes the product softer, cleaner and fresher.

Vanish is mixed with water in a ratio of 1 to 9.. For 1 glass of Vanish there are 9 glasses of water. Before applying the solution to the carpet, it is recommended to vacuum it thoroughly.

After this, use a sponge to apply the solution to the entire carpet and thoroughly clean it with a brush. After treatment, it is necessary to vacuum the carpet.


Vanish is an effective remedy for eliminating carpet stench. After processing, the product smells fresh. At the same time, the aroma of freshness is felt throughout the room. The carpet itself becomes noticeably cleaner and lighter.

A special feature of Vanish is the abundant formation of foam when used on carpets. The average price for 450 ml of product is 290 rubles.


Selena Carpet

The manufacturer in the description of “Selena Carpet” indicates that the product is universal. The product fights not only the odor itself, but also eliminates its cause. Also, “Selena Carpet” can be used to clean carpets from dirt.

The product is mixed with water in a ratio of 1 to 10. After this, it must be foamed. Then the foam is applied to the carpet and cleaned off with a brush. It is not recommended to heavily moisten the surface of the carpet.

After processing the product, it is necessary to dry it and vacuum it. “Selena Carpet” is highly effective in combating unpleasant odors. The product restores brightness to carpets.

However, many users note a specific chemical smell in the room after using the product. The average price of “Selena Carpet” is 50-120 rubles.



Amway concentrate is suitable for various carpets (both wool and synthetic). This cleaner has a pleasant aroma. After its use, the unpleasant odor disappears from the rugs.

Before using the cleaner, vacuum the carpet thoroughly. For 5 liters of warm water you need 0.5 liters of Amway concentrate.

The solution is stirred to a foamy state and applied to the rug. You must wait until the foam dries completely. If there is dirt, you can brush the carpet.

Amway is considered a quality carpet cleaner. The concentrate removes stains well and neutralizes stench. The product should not be used to clean drylon and velvet-based carpets. The average price of Amway concentrate is 450-500 rubles.

Popular ways to eliminate unpleasant odors

Various folk remedies are known to combat the odors of vomit, mustiness, mold, urine, beer, fish, and tobacco smoke emanating from the carpet. There are also effective methods for eliminating persistent synthetic odors from new carpet.


To eliminate the smell of vomit from a rug It is recommended to use soda solution. It is enough to add two large spoons of soda to 1.5 liters of warm water.

Rub the resulting solution into the carpet with a sponge and leave for several hours. After drying, you need to vacuum the carpet.

Baking soda is alkaline, and vomit is acidic. When they interact, a chemical reaction occurs, the result of which is the elimination of the unpleasant odor of vomit.


Both baking soda and solutions based on hydrogen peroxide and vinegar will help get rid of the musty smell.

It is recommended to do the following:

  1. foto6142-8Sprinkle baking soda over the entire carpet and leave it overnight.
  2. Vacuum the carpet in the morning.
  3. Mix 1/3 cup of white vinegar with one large spoon of hydrogen peroxide and 1/3 cup of grated laundry soap.
  4. Pour the mixture into a plastic bottle and add warm water to it.
  5. Using a sprayer, spray the entire carpet.
  6. Allow the product to dry thoroughly. Then vacuum it.

Vinegar will be necessary with this method if mold has also formed on the carpet.

Dampness and mold

Due to excess moisture, the rug begins to smell damp. Subsequently, mold appears on it.

To get rid of this phenomenon, it is recommended to use special means. Fungicides in the form of sprays are suitable for this.

To combat mold and fungi, it is recommended to use the following products:

  • "Fongifluid";
  • "Prosept Fungi Clean";
  • "Glutoclean".

It is enough to treat the moldy areas with a spray and then wipe them with a damp sponge.


Urine smell domestic animals are particularly corrosive. To eliminate it, it is recommended to use a multi-component product.

To do this you need:

  1. foto6142-9Moisten a section of the carpet with 200 ml of vodka. And leave it like that for 2 hours.
  2. The carpet is treated with a solution based on Vanish and washing powder. It is enough to mix 50 ml of “Vanish” and 20 g of powder. Add 1 liter of water to the mixture.
  3. The area where there is a stain is treated with 10 ml of ammonia.
  4. The top section of the carpet is covered with 50 g of citric acid.

The carpet is left in this state for a day. After this, it must be thoroughly rinsed with water and dried.


A solution based on citric acid and vinegar will help get rid of the problem.. It is necessary to dissolve a large spoon of citric acid in a liter of water. Add a few drops of vinegar to the solution.

The mixture should be applied to the area of ​​the carpet where beer was spilled. After this, you need to remove the moisture with a dry cloth.

If beer was spilled on a white carpet, it is better to use hydrogen peroxide. A large spoonful of the solution must be mixed with a liter of water. Moisten a rag in the mixture and treat the carpet with it.

Then you should wait until the coating is completely dry. Next, you need to sprinkle the carpet with salt and then vacuum it up.

Fish scent

foto6142-10The fishy smell is absorbed well by ordinary salt. Simply sprinkle it on the area of ​​the carpet where there is a fish stain and rub it in thoroughly with a brush. Leave the salt on the carpet for half an hour, then vacuum it.

An alternative way to combat fish odor from carpet is to use acetic acid dissolved in water.

It is enough to mix two large spoons of vinegar with a liter of water and treat the stain on the carpet with the solution using a sponge.

Tobacco smoke

You can only remove the smell of tobacco from a carpet using a special product. Vanish is most suitable for this.

It is recommended to mix carpet shampoo with water in a ratio of 1 to 9 and apply it evenly to the carpet using a mop. After processing, the product should be dried and vacuumed.

From the new palace

Chemical smell from new carpeting best eliminated by normal ventilation of the entire room. It is recommended to do this daily. It is necessary to ventilate the room for several hours.

Baking soda absorbs foreign odors well. It is enough to sprinkle it all over the carpet and walk over it with a vacuum cleaner. It is also recommended to vacuum the rug daily at first. This will dissipate the chemical smell faster.

Tips and prohibitions

When treating carpets to eliminate stench, consider the following:

  1. foto6142-11It is recommended to start cleaning the product as soon as possible. Getting rid of old odors will be more difficult in the future.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide should not be used when cleaning dark carpets.
  3. It is not recommended to clean wool and silk carpets with aggressive solutions of hydrogen peroxide, ammonia and acetic acid.
  4. Carpets should not be treated with hot water. It may damage the product. Especially if it is made from natural fabrics.
  5. Before any treatment of the carpet, it is necessary to first prepare it by thoroughly vacuuming and brushing with a dry brush. This way you will be able to avoid smearing dirt on its surface during wet cleaning.
The carpet should only be treated in areas where there is contamination and a source of stench. In this case, movements should be circular and smooth.


The following folk remedies have proven themselves in removing various odors from carpets: a solution based on laundry soap, a mixture of vinegar and soda, and hydrogen peroxide. In various combinations, these products can be used to eliminate the odors of vomit, mustiness, tobacco, urine, beer, and mold.

Special products are most effective in cases where the aroma is overly pungent (smell of tobacco smoke, chemical and musty odors).


How to remove odor


Yellow spots