Advice from experienced housewives on how to properly clean a carpet with snow
Carpets, runners, carpets have become a permanent part of the interior of the house. Keeping your carpet clean in summer is easy. One or two vacuum cleanings per week is enough.
In winter, when there is white, fluffy snow outside, there is nothing better than using it for... carpet cleaning.
By familiarizing yourself in advance with the rules on how to clean a carpet with snow, you can quickly achieve the desired result - radiant cleanliness and frosty freshness of the carpet.
Before you take the rug outside, it must be properly prepared.. Remove dust and debris from the carpet with a vacuum cleaner; if necessary, wipe the pile with a damp cloth.
Using the advice of experienced housewives, the process of cleaning the carpet with snow will be quick and easy:
Pre-treating the carpet with some antistatic agent will help quickly remove small debris that has stuck to the fleecy surface.
- Dark-colored carpets can be treated with damp tea leaves before cleaning. It is enough to sprinkle the tea leaves on the carpet, and after fifteen minutes sweep it away with a broom.
Such manipulations will help preserve and enhance the deep dark color of the carpet.
- The “salt bathing” method will help to remove some of the dirt from the pile first. The fleecy surface is sprinkled with coarse kitchen salt, and then swept away with a damp broom. During the cleaning process, the broom must be rinsed several times in hot water.
Kneading cleaning
Algorithm of actions:
- The palace is laid face up on freshly fallen snow.
- The fleecy surface of the carpet is covered with snow, after which it is necessary to walk around the carpet for five minutes. As you walk, the carpet is thoroughly crushed into the snow cover.
- A layer of snow is repeatedly thrown onto the fleecy surface, after which, using a mop, the carpet is cleaned of dust, dirt and other contaminants.
- The remaining snow is swept away with a broom.
- The final stage is to shake the carpet and hang it on a crossbar. After two or three hours, soaked in frosty freshness, you can bring it into the house and lay it on the floor.
Cleansing by knocking out
Algorithm of actions:
The carpet is laid out on freshly fallen snow with the fleecy side down.
- A layer of snow is thrown onto the carpet. It is important that the surface of the carpet is covered with snow evenly.
- Using a flexible beater, the carpet is tapped (hand movements are sharp, not sweeping).
- The carpet is turned over and laid on a new area of clean snow cover.
- Add more snow onto the fluffy surface and clean it using a short-haired brush or elastic broom.
- If the rug is small, shake it by grasping the corners. Large carpets are hung over the crossbar and beaten thoroughly with a beater. By wrapping a plastic beater in terry cloth, you can avoid the problem of pile deformation.
- The clean carpet is brought into the house and spread on the floor.
How to clean with snow at home?
If the carpet is so large that it is impossible to take it outside and spread it on the snow, you can clean it with snow at home. The main thing is to strictly adhere to a certain sequence of actions. Otherwise, there is a high risk of damage to the carpet.
Algorithm of actions:
Preparatory stage. The area of the floor on which the carpet will be laid out must be cleared of foreign furniture and covered with polyethylene. The palace is pre-vacuumed.
In the room where cleaning will take place, all windows are opened and the door is closed. The lower the air temperature in the room, the slower the snow will melt, minimizing the risk of getting wet and damaging the carpet.
- Cleaning the front side. The carpet is laid on the floor with the fleecy side up. A clean snowball is scattered in a thin layer over the surface of the rug. It is important to do this as quickly as possible so that the snow does not have time to melt. As soon as the snow is scattered on the surface of the carpet, you can begin knocking out. After this process is completed, the carpet is vacuumed or broomed to remove any remaining debris.
- Cleaning the wrong side. After the front side of the rug is cleaned, the product is turned over on the wrong side and the same steps described in point 2 are carried out.
- The final stage is drying. The carpet is turned over to the front side and left to dry completely in the room.
Is this procedure effective?
Provided that all recommendations and sequence of actions for cleaning the carpet with snow are followed, You can achieve amazing results of freshness and purity:
Low temperatures disinfect the coating, kill dust mites and other parasites accumulated between the fibers.
- Do-it-yourself snow cleaning will save a considerable amount of money that could have been spent on purchasing expensive (but, unfortunately, not always effective) chemical cleaning products.
- Cleaning a carpet in the fresh air is a pleasant opportunity to remove extra centimeters from your waist (burn extra calories), usefully, and have fun with the whole family.
Important dos and don'ts
Cleaning the carpet with snow will help refresh the paint, destroy moth larvae and dust mites, and fluff up crushed areas of the fleecy surface.
If there are traces of animal activity on the carpet, then after cleaning the snow cover, the unpleasant odor may only intensify.
In order to evaluate the full effectiveness of snowball carpet cleaning, It is important to adhere to some rules:
the fleecy surface can only be treated with loose snow;
- You can achieve ideal cleanliness and freshness only by using clean, freshly fallen snow, which has not yet become covered with particles of dust, exhaust and other debris;
- the place for beating the carpet must be chosen away from dog walking areas, paths in the park, with a snow cover of at least 15 cm thick;
- Before cleaning, carpets must be thoroughly vacuumed;
- Active carpet cleaning will help to avoid injury and pile creases;
- knocking out the carpet after snow treatment is a prerequisite for high-quality cleaning.
- You can restore the shine of a carpet cleaned with snow by walking over the surface (against the pile) with a rag soaked in turpentine.
- Do not clean the carpet with melted snow;
- Do not throw snow and ice onto the fleecy surface;
- Do not combine cleaning with snow and detergents;
- You shouldn’t immediately bring the carpet into the house after cleaning it outside; you need to leave it in the cold for at least another five to six hours;
- Cleaning silk carpets with snow is strictly prohibited.
Useful video
This video will show you how to properly clean a carpet in the snow:
By carefully studying and following the simple recommendations for cleaning carpet with snow, the work will be completed quickly and efficiently. This type of cleaning allows you to achieve an amazing effect of frosty freshness and cleanliness. with minimal cash costs and maximum pleasure from the cleaning process.