Instructions for replacing the heating element in an Indesit washing machine with your own hands
Poor quality of tap water, sudden voltage surges, and long-term operation of the washing machine lead to the fact that the heating element ceases to perform its main function - to heat the water in the tank.
As a result, the quality of washing sharply decreases, and in some cases the functioning of the household appliance is completely blocked.
You can replace the heating element in the Indesit washing machine yourself. The main thing is to approach the work responsibly, having studied in advance all the intricacies of the process of replacing the heating element.
What is it, why is it needed?
A tubular electric heater (TEH) is an element that represents a hollow tube (curved in a w-shape or v-shape), inside of which there is a spiral.
For better heat transfer, the free space inside the tube is filled with an insulator-dielectric (crystalline magnesium oxide). It is this that accumulates the heat emanating from the spiral and transfers it to the outer shell of the tube.
On the outside, the heating element tube is coated with a protective anodized layer. The ends of the spiral in the tube are soldered to the contacts through which electricity flows. Nearby there is a thermal unit that measures the degree of heating of the water in the washing machine.
When the washing machine starts, a signal is sent to the heating element through the control unit.The tube begins to heat up, bringing the water temperature to the value specified by the program. As soon as the water warms up to the required temperature, the thermostat is activated. It transmits a signal to the control unit, which turns off the heating element, thereby stopping water heating.
How do you know when a part needs to be replaced?
Signals of problems with the heating element are:
the water does not heat up during the washing process (easy to check by placing your hand on the sunroof glass);
- the machine draws water, but turns off five minutes after the start of the wash;
- when you turn on the washing machine, the plugs in the panel are knocked out;
- During washing, the machine emits an unpleasant burnt smell;
- when touched, the body is pierced with electric current;
- The electronic display of the washing machine displays error codes related to water heating.
It is possible to understand whether the problems that have arisen really require replacing the heating element only by testing the heating element with a special device - a multimeter.
Algorithm of actions:
- Disconnect the heating element from all wires.
- We switch the multimeter to resistance measurement mode (200 Ohm range).
- We apply the multimeter probes to the extreme contacts of the heating element and look at the tester readings. “Zero” on the tester display indicates a short circuit has occurred, “one” or “infinity” indicates a break in the conductive thread. In any of these cases, the heating element must be replaced with a new element.
If, when you touch the contacts with the probe, readings close to the calculated ones are displayed on the multimeter screen (defined as the network voltage squared and divided by the power of the heating element), then the heating element is working and there is no need to change it.
Where is he located?
It is not difficult to determine where the heating element is located in the washing machine. Just look carefully at the back panel of the household appliance.
If the back panel is the same size as the washing machine, then the heating element is located behind it (most often below, under the tank). If the back panel is small, then the heating element must be looked for behind the front panel.
More detailed information about where the heating element is located in the Indesit washing machine can be found in the manufacturer’s instructions.
How to remove?
To ensure that the work of dismantling the heating element from the washing machine goes quickly, it is necessary to organize the work process correctly:
Prepare working tools. During the dismantling process you will need: a set of screwdrivers, wrenches, pliers, a brush, a multimeter.
It is also necessary to prepare a container for draining water (a bucket or basin), old rags and small jars, in which it is very convenient to put small parts while disassembling the washing machine.
- Disconnect the household appliance from the power supply, move it away from the wall, and disconnect it from the water supply and sewerage system.
- Unscrew the fixing bolts and remove the back panel of the washing machine.
- At the bottom of the case there will be access to the wires connected to the heating element tube. They need to be disconnected.
- Using a multimeter, test the heating element. If a malfunction is confirmed, continue the dismantling process.
- Loosen the central nut (not unscrew completely).
- Push the bolt inward (depressurize the seal).
- Using a slotted screwdriver, carefully pry the edges to remove the heater.
In order for the process of reconnecting the new heating element to proceed without errors, each stage of dismantling the heating element must be photographed or videotaped.
How to replace with a new one?
Algorithm of actions:
- we clean the seat for the new heating element from debris, scale and washing powder residues;
- we place a new heating element - it is important to ensure that the new element stands level, stable, without displacement or tilting;
- in some models of Indesit washing machines, the seat has a guide (looks like a bracket or pin) that does not allow the heating element to move; if there is a guide, you need to get into it, if not, position the heater in the seat as accurately as possible;
- install a temperature sensor;
- screw the nut onto the stud - do not tighten the nut too much so as not to squeeze the heating element out of its seat;
- we connect the wires and terminals to the heating element (we check against pre-taken photos or videos);
- return it to its original place, fix the back panel.
If the heating element is not replaced correctly, error codes will appear on the display during the washing process, the water will not heat up, and leaks are possible.
Video instructions for replacing the heating element in the Indesit washing machine:
How to change an Indesit top-loading washing machine?
For Indesit washing machines with vertical loading, the heating element is replaced through the front or side panel of the case.
Algorithm of actions:
- The machine is disconnected from the power supply, water supply and sewerage.
- The fixing bolts are unscrewed and the side panel is removed.
- There is a heating element located in the lower part of the housing under the tank; all wires are disconnected from it.
- The central nut is loosened with a socket wrench, the bolt is pressed in, and the heating element is pulled out.
- The new element is inserted into a seat cleared of debris and scale.
- The heating element is connected to the wiring.
- The side panel is returned to its original place and secured with bolts.
After repair, the washing machine is connected to communications, and a test wash is started.
Where to buy, at what price?
When purchasing a new heating element for an Indesit washing machine, special attention should be paid to the modification of the element. Depending on the brand and model of the washing machine, heating elements differ in:
- form,
- mounting option,
- presence of a temperature sensor,
- power (parameter indicated on the flange of each heating element),
- tube length,
- tire width.
To avoid mistakes, the seller must be informed of all known parameters, and it is best to take the dismantled old element with you. An original heating element for an Indesit washing machine will cost from 700 to 1000 rubles.
You shouldn’t skimp on parts by buying non-original handicrafts.. Saving a small amount of money is not justified, since most likely the low-quality part will soon have to be replaced again.
You can purchase a new heating element for the Indesit washing machine on specialized websites selling spare parts for household appliances.
Call the master
Without taking into account the cost of a new heating element, the work of disassembling the Indesit washing machine, replacing the heating element, reassembling and checking the installed new part by a technician will cost at least 1,500 rubles.
The specialist will be able to announce the exact amount to be paid only after the diagnosis has been carried out. Upon completion of the repair The service center master always issues a Certificate of Completion of Work with a Guarantee.
A lot of important and useful information about the repair of Indesit washing machines is presented in this section.
Replacing the heating element in an Indesit washing machine yourself is not a complicated process and is accessible to everyone, provided they have minimal skills in using a multimeter, wrenches and screwdrivers, as well as having free time to carry out repair work.