Why the Indesit washing machine does not drain water: causes and troubleshooting methods
Like any equipment, the Indesit washing machine can sometimes malfunction. One of these situations is the lack of drainage and freezing of the washing process.
In some cases, you can cope with the failure yourself, in others, you cannot do without the help of a specialist.
What to do if the Indesit washing machine does not drain water, what are the reasons for the breakdown, what are the ways to solve the problem, we will tell you in the article.
Diagnosis of Indesit washing machine errors
It should be borne in mind that the absence of drainage during operation of the washing machine does not always indicate a serious breakdown. This may be an easily fixable glitch., which will not be difficult to cope with.
When stopping the cycle without draining, it is necessary to sequentially analyze the situation and study the condition of the nodes involved in the water discharge process. You can start with the simplest and, according to statistics, more frequent problems, gradually moving on to more complex ones.
Some wash programs include a water stop.If the user selects this washing mode, then stopping is not a failure, this is a normal situation.
Most often, stopping without draining occurs in the following modes:
- wool;
- silk;
- delicate fabrics.
If a fault code appears on the display, it should be analyzed as it indicates the cause of the problem. Based on this information, The functionality of the nodes should be checked:
Codes F05 and F11 may indicate a pump malfunction.
- A problem with the control module is often indicated by codes F09 or F18.
- A failure of the pressure switch can be signaled by code F04.
- Problems with the electrical system and drain pump contacts are indicated by code F05 and code F11.
- Drain filter clogged.
- Installation and connection of an Indesit washing machine with irregularities (kinked drain hose, incorrect installation, etc.).
- Clogged sewer system.
In addition to the listed node failures, a one-time failure in the operation of the equipment is possible, which will not recur after a reboot and is caused by a random combination of circumstances.
What to do if the drain doesn't work?
When the washing machine stops operating and there is water left in the drum, it is necessary to analyze the situation and determine the cause. You should start with the selected washing program.
Delicate mode
If, when starting the wash, a mode was selected that does not provide water discharge, then it is necessary:
- turn on the washing machine (if it is turned off);
- in setting the modes, select only “drain” or “spin”, without the washing itself, you also do not need to add detergent;
- After the end of the program, things can be taken out of the drum without problems.
The solution to the problem is to set the drain mode.
Drain filter clogged
If the drain filter has not been cleaned for a long time, this procedure should be carried out immediately.Access to the filter is from the front side below. Before carrying out work, the machine should be de-energized.
The solution to the problem is cleaning the filter. Cleaning procedure:
- Open the panel.
- Turn right and pull the filter towards you.
- Clean and rinse the filter.
- Return the part to its original place.
- Install the cover panel.
When cleaning the filter, water is drained, so it is necessary to place rags in advance and prepare a low container for draining the liquid.
The drain in the house is clogged
To determine whether the problem is caused by a general clog in the drain, you need to observe how the water flows from the sink and bathtub. Additionally should (if possible) run this test:
- disconnect the washing machine drain hose from the sewer connection;
- throw the free end of the hose into the bathtub, sink or toilet;
- run only the “drain” mode;
- If water flows, then the problem is not a breakdown of the washing machine, but a clogged sewer.
Incorrect installation
For successful operation, the Indesit washing machine must be correctly connected to the communications. For high-quality drainage, it is important that the hose through which water is discharged is raised above the level of the tank, in accordance with the installation rules, but is positioned freely.
It is important that there is no bend and that it is not deformed or pinched, for example, by tightly pushed furniture. The solution to the problem is the correct free position of the hose.
Random program crash
In rare cases, the Indesit washing machine may freeze for no apparent reason.
The solution to the problem is reboot. To do this, the machine must be turned off and turned on again after 20 minutes. After this, select the “drain” mode.
If the outflow of water began, then the cause was an accidental failure. Otherwise, you need to continue troubleshooting.
The cause of unstable operation of household appliances may be voltage surges. In this case, the Indesit connection must be made through a voltage stabilizer.
Drain pump failure
Malfunction of the drain pump is most often associated with the entry of foreign objects into it - coins, torn buttons, etc. If a breakdown occurs, the part requires replacement..
How to change the pump in the Indesit washing machine is shown in the video:
Drain system clogged
When the washing machine enters the draining stage, the pump starts working, the pump pumps water, but the liquid does not drain. In this case, it is likely that debris in the drainage system is obstructing the flow of water.
The following may be clogged:
- drain hose;
- pump, etc.
Control module failure
If the Indesit washing machine does not drain water or is extremely unstable, draining water not every time, then there is a possibility that the reason lies in burnt-out elements of the control board.
In order to repair the module, professional diagnostics is required., the results of which may require:
- solder the tracks;
- solder the contacts;
- replace burnt out elements;
- reflash the module.
If the board is seriously damaged, a complete replacement of the assembly may be necessary. It is better for such work to be done by specialists who have the skills to perform such work. The solution to the problem is to call a specialist.
How to forcefully drain water?
Water remaining in the washing machine and laundry floating in it require an immediate solution to the problem. You should not leave the washing machine in this condition - it is harmful both for the equipment and for the things that are locked inside.
To remove laundry, you need to drain water. This will have to be done forcibly.
You can watch the video to see how to drain the water from the machine:
Call a master: where and how much?
Not in all cases you can fix the problem and get the washing machine working on your own. If you can’t solve the problem on your own, you need to contact a company that repairs washing machines.
Prices from companies vary even within the same city.
Approximate prices:
- Pump replacement – from RUB 1,600.
- Removing blockages in the drain system of the machine - from 1,100 rubles.
- Diagnostics and repair of the control module – from 2,000 rubles.
- Repair or replacement of the pressure switch – from 1,600 rubles.
- Cable replacement, electrical diagnostics – from RUB 1,500. etc.
A serious company that maintains its reputation in the market has a good reputation. You can find reviews on the Internet by company name.
After completing the work, the master conducts a test run of the work.. If the operation of the washing machine is restored, a warranty is issued for the repair performed.
It is recommended that if your washing machine breaks down, you seek help from specialized companies and do not trust the technician to random technicians, who may turn out to be scammers.
The requirement for an advance payment, the lack of information about the company on the Internet or, conversely, the presence of a large number of negative reviews should be alarming.
A lot of important and useful information about the repair of Indesit washing machines is presented in this section.
While operating the Indesit washing machine, you may encounter a problem when the water does not drain. In simple cases, it is possible to cope with the problem even on your own., but in case of serious breakdowns you will need the help of a specialist from a household appliance repair company.