Why does error E03 occur on a Kandy washing machine, how to fix it?
During operation of the Candy washing machine, malfunctions may occur. The device reports about them by issuing a specific code on the display.
One of the most common Kandy washing machine errors is E03.
Such a code does not always mean a serious breakdown, and very often makes it possible to adjust the operation of the washing machine on your own.
What does the code that the Candy washing machine produces mean?
This coding for Kandy washing equipment is not a rare situation. It appears most often at the end of the wash, and means it is impossible to drain the waste water. Because of this, the washing machine freezes and does not proceed to the next stage.
E03 stands for drain-related failure. But it can appear in a number of cases:
During the rinsing process, when you need to drain the water.
- During the washing process, when the stage is completed and draining is needed.
- Code E03 alternates with other error codes (with E16 – with no water heating, with E04 – if the pressure switch breaks down).
- A failure code appears and the machine to which the washing machine is connected is displayed on the meter.
Depending on the Candy model, error message E03 may take different forms:
- "ERROR3";
- "ERR3";
- "E3";
- "E03".
In Candy machines that do not have a display, the machine signals a failure with a series of flashing indicators. On devices of different models, these may be different combinations of light bulbs.
Reasons for the occurrence and procedure for eliminating the failure
There can be several reasons for the appearance of E03 - from the simplest ones, which can be easily fixed with just one movement, to quite complex ones that require the presence of a specialist. First you need to check simple situations, and only after that move on to analyzing complex nodes.
Kink in the drain hose
Squeezing by furniture and kinking the drain hose is not a rare situation.. To make sure that the problem is not there, you need to inspect the hose sequentially along its entire length. If there is a kink, the hose should be straightened and the drain restored.
If the hose is physically damaged as a result of kinking, it must be completely replaced with a new one, since it cannot be repaired.
The sewer system is clogged
A clogged sewer in your apartment is one of the options, which may prevent drainage. You can check this option in the following way:
- Pull the hose out of the connection into the sewer pipe.
- Throw the free end of the hose into the bathtub or sink.
- Start the wash.
If the drain goes away, then the problem lies in the sewer. You need to clean the pipes yourself or call a plumber to do this. After the sewer system returns to working order, the hose is connected to its original place.
Drain filter clogged
The Candy drain filter is located in the washing machine body at the bottom of the front side.This unit is designed to catch and retain small fractions of debris - lint, coins, buttons, etc.
According to the rules for operating Candy equipment, the drain filter must be cleaned regularly. If this is not done, then over time it will become clogged, and will not only prevent the normal outflow of water after washing, but will also become a source of big problems, including possible breakdown of the pump, the development of mold in the machine, etc.
You can watch the video on how to clean the filter:
Pump failure
If the pump fails, water does not leave the tank. The work stops. Replacing the part will help solve the problem. This requires partial disassembly of the Candy washing machine.
Clogged pipe or hose
As a result of small debris, residual washing powder, dirt washed from fabric, etc. getting into the drain. layering of these fractions occurs on the walls of the pipes, hoses and other components involved in the drainage system. To check their condition, wash the washing machine Candy is partially disassembled, all parts are cleaned and washed.
Penetration of electricity to the body
In cases where not only the drain does not occur, but also electricity leaks into the housing, as well as the machine being knocked out, the heating element may be the cause of the problem.
You can watch the video on how to change the heating element:
Control unit burnout
In most cases A breakdown of the Candy control unit can be solved by repairing - replacing individual elements of the electronic circuit. If they burn out, error E03 may appear.
If the breakdown turns out to be very serious - with board burnout, significant melting - then the entire assembly may need to be replaced.
Control module malfunction
A problem with the Candy control unit can be caused by a random combination of circumstances (for example, a power surge). In this case, it is enough to reload the machine to get it working again.
Overloading is done like this:
- turn off the device;
- unplug the plug from the socket;
- stand for a quarter of an hour;
- turn on the machine;
- start work.
If such actions do not help, perhaps the failure with the control module is more serious, or the reason is the failure of other nodes.
Failure of the pressure switch
If the pressure switch fails, Candy may not drain the water after washing or rinsing, displaying code E03 on the display. After a reboot, the error code may already be E04 (pressostat malfunction). This situation indicates a problem with the pressure switch.
Such a failure may be due to the following factors:
- failure of the sensor itself;
- blockage
If the cause of the failure is a blockage, then the technician cleans the problem area and restores the functionality of the unit. If the pressure switch breaks down, replace it with a new one.
Damage in the electrical circuit
Wires and terminals may be damaged. The cause is a break, oxidation processes, weakening of the terminals as a result of prolonged use and vibration. A malfunction may result in electrical leakage into the housing.
If there is a disturbance in the electrical circuit, the signals from the control unit to the heating element, pressure switch and other components do not pass through, and as a result, work stops and an error code is issued.
Motor malfunction
Candy motor failure is very rare with error E03. With such a failure, electricity may flow to the housing, increased electricity consumption occurs, but spinning and draining do not start. To solve the problem, a high-quality diagnosis of the unit is necessary, then repair or replacement of the motor.
Calling a master: how to find and how much to pay?
Error E03 can appear not only as a result of simple and easily fixable failures.
If the problem is serious, it requires diagnostics and highly professional repairs., then you won’t be able to do it on your own. In this case, you will need the help of a specialist.
It’s not difficult to find a company that will help with repairs on the Internet by entering the name of your city in the search.
It is advisable to contact a company that has been operating in the market for a long time, values its reputation and values the opinions of clients. This provides a guarantee of quality service, which cannot be said about craftsmen found through random advertisements on the Internet.
The cost of work differs by region and city. Washing machine repair in the capital Kandy will cost on average the following amount:
- motor repair/replacement – RUB 2,400;
- electrical circuit repair – RUB 1,500;
- repair/replacement of the pressure switch – 1,800 rubles;
- repair or replacement of the control unit – 2,400 rubles;
- replacement of heating elements - 2200 rubles;
- removal of blockages (in the filter, pipes) – 1,500 rubles;
- pump replacement – RUB 1,900.
Prevention measures
To encounter error code E03 as rarely as possible, the following preventive measures must be followed:
- The drain filter must be cleaned regularly. And after washing things with lint and pellets - unscheduled.
- If power surges often occur in the house, it is necessary to install a voltage stabilizer in order to connect the washing machine not directly, but through it.
- Before putting things into the drum, you need to inspect them - check the pockets, sew on loose buttons in advance, etc. This measure will prevent not only blockages, but also equipment breakdowns.
- Washing equipment must be protected from rodents and damage by pets that can damage the wires.
- It is advisable not to install the device in a room with high humidity, as this will contribute not only to corrosion, but also to the development of mold in the tank and drum.
- The washing machine needs regular cleaning. For this, both home recipes and special preparations can be used. This will extend the life of the machine and prevent possible breakdowns.
When error E03 appears The following recommendations may help:
Opening the case yourself is only allowed in machines that are not under warranty.
- Before opening the housing, the device must be de-energized and the water supply valve must be turned off.
- If there is water in the washing machine, you must try to drain it, for example, through a drain filter.
Another option is to spread the hose on the floor and lower its free end into a basin.
Error E03 is a common problem that can be fixed in some cases on your own. If you need to disassemble Candy equipment for repairs, then you need to properly prepare for this - study the material and stock up on a set of tools.
In cases where there is no self-confidence - It’s better to seek help from a specialized repair company washing equipment.