What are the reasons why the drum of a Bosch washing machine does not spin, and how to eliminate them?
The Bosch washing machine is a reliable appliance that is designed to last for a long time. But sometimes failures and breakdowns occur with it.
It is sometimes possible to cope with a problem on your own, but sometimes you cannot do without the help of a specialist.
Why the drum of the Bosch washing machine does not spin, what are the causes of operational problems, and how to fix them, we will tell you further.
Why doesn't it rotate?
Failure to rotate the drum during washing, spinning or rinsing almost always indicates the need for repair of a Bosch washing machine.
Among the technical problems, the reason that the drum stopped spinning was There may be such factors:
- drive belt flying off;
- wear of motor brushes;
- problems with the control module;
- breakdown of the motor itself;
- a violation in the wiring inside the washing machine;
- failed tachometer;
- bearing wear.
When diagnosing the condition of a Bosch device, it is advisable to start with simple, easily accessible components, gradually moving on to more complex ones.
If the washing machine displays an error code when it stops working, you should pay attention to this. Such information can narrow the search and specify the node that is failing.
If you notice at what stage of operation (washing, spinning) the device failed, this will further simplify the diagnostic task. In addition, it may turn out that the problem is not related to the drum at all.
For example, code F18 (E18) indicates a problem with the drain. In this case, the source of failure will not be the drum, but a violation of the waste water drainage. F19 indicates problems with water heating, etc.
Codes F21 (E21) indicate that the Bosch drum does not rotate. If this code appears from time to time, it may be due to the contacts. This could be a faulty plug or electrical outlet.
If the Bosch drum does not move when running a program, you need to check whether it is able to rotate under no load. To do this, you need to try to swing it with your hand. If there is no movement, or it occurs with effort and squeaking, then most likely the culprit is a foreign object that has entered the tank. The solution to the problem is to partially disassemble the washing machine and remove the object that is interfering with its movement.
If the motor hums and the Bosch drum does not rotate, the problem may lie in the belt. Sparking from the motor, an inability to gain speed, or a complete stop of the cycle may indicate wear on the motor brushes.
If the elements of the Bosch control module, which are responsible for the movement of the drum or the motor itself, burn out, The washing machine can block the hatch door, draw water, but then the process will stop. The same situation may indicate problems with the tachometer. To determine the cause for sure, you will need access to the nodes.
Bearings can also cause the drum to stop. But you can find out in advance that they are worn out - by the metallic noise as the drum rotates.
Bosch washing machine repair
In the case where the problem has not been solved by simple methods, it is necessary to move on to analyzing the condition of the components, the malfunction of which may affect the lack of rotation of the drum.
Belt problem
In Bosch washing machines with a belt drive, it is possible for the belt to slip or slide off the pulley.
This part is designed to transmit torque from the motor to the drum pulley. This is what ensures its rotation. Access to the belt is from the rear wall of the washing machine.
The back panel must be removed. In normal condition, the belt should be tight, connecting the motor and the large pulley wheel located on the tank. When a part wears out, it is replaced with a new similar one. The cause of failure can be either excessively intensive operation of the washing machine or its prolonged downtime without operation.
If the belt has simply “flyed” out of its place, you can return it and continue using the machine. But if the problem persists, the part must be replaced. Read more here.
Motor brushes
Motor brushes are consumables that wear out during engine operation. Bosch. These parts are involved in creating an electromagnetic field. Over many years of work, they physically wear out, decreasing in size. These parts cannot be repaired - they are replaced with new ones.
Physically, the motor is located under the tank of the Bosch washing machine. To carry out repair work, it is disconnected from the wires and the screws that hold it in the socket are removed. Read more Here.
Replacing brushes - in the video:
Control module
The control unit is the brain center of the Bosch washing machine, which is responsible for the operation of all components of the device, coordinating them. If board elements burn out, repairs are necessary.
To remove the module you need:
- Remove the top cover of the washer.
- Pull out the powder receptacle.
- Remove the control panel.
- Disconnect all contacts of the block.
- Conduct board diagnostics.
- If faults are identified, solder the tracks and replace broken radio elements.
Motor failure
If, when the brushes wear out, they can be easily changed, then If the engine itself burns out, repairs are almost impossible. The burnt out engine is replaced with a new one.
If the drum rotation speed control sensor fails, the Bosch washing machine stops rotating it. The solution to the problem is to replace the part.
Bearing wear occurs following oil seal wear. Water falling on metal elements leads to corrosion processes and, as a result, to the destruction of bearings.
Involved in the rotation of the drum, they lose functionality and the drum stops moving.
The solution to the problem is to replace the bearings. This is a complex procedure that requires complete disassembly of the washing machine, which is beyond the capabilities of beginners. Details - in this article.
Wiring allows electrical signals to pass between nodes. If the contacts are broken or the wires themselves are damaged, such signals stop passing.
As a result, various failures are possible, including the Bosch drum not rotating. The solution to the problem is to inspect the wiring harness and terminals. If necessary, replace and carry out repair work.
Call the master
In a situation where the Bosch washing machine does not rotate the drum, and you cannot cope on your own, you need to call a specialist.
The cost of repair work depends on its complexity. Prices can vary greatly by city and region. In the capital for repair of a Bosch washing machine On average you will have to spend the following amount:
- bearing replacement – from 4,000 rubles;
- replacing the wiring harness - about 2000 rubles;
- drum pulley replacement – from 2,000 rubles;
- repair of the control board – from 3,000 rubles;
- replacement of the drive belt – from 1,000 rubles;
- get a foreign object - from 1,500 rubles;
- replacement of brushes – from 1800 rubles;
- motor replacement – from 2,000 rubles.
The cost of replacement parts is not included in the price of the work and is paid separately. After the repair, a guarantee is issued for the work performed. The duration of the warranty issued by the technician depends on the unit that was repaired.
Prevention measures
To avoid situations where the Bosch washing machine drum stops moving, It is advisable to take into account preventive measures:
Do not overload the drum when placing things.
- Give the washing machine time to rest between wash cycles.
- If there are frequent power surges in the house, you need to take care of protecting the washing machine - install a stabilizer and connect the washing machine only through it.
- When repairing, it is recommended to use original, high-quality spare parts.
If the drum in a Bosch washing machine does not spin, the cause may be either a user error or a complex breakdown. To determine the source of the malfunction, it is necessary to carry out a comprehensive diagnosis by opening the case and partial disassembly of the washing machine itself.
After that, repair the equipment. In the future, following the manufacturer’s recommendations and adhering to preventive measures, long-term operation of Bosch washing equipment without complaints is possible.