What does error F10 mean on the Atlant washing machine and how to fix it?
Atlant washing machines have a good self-diagnosis system, which allows you to notify the user when problems with the equipment are identified.
One of the frequent problems is the display, most often at the beginning of work, of the F10 error code on the display.
We will tell you below what the F10 error on the Atlant washing machine means, how to detect the malfunction and fix it.
Decoding the code
The F10 encoding may appear at the very beginning of the operation of the Atlant washing machine, immediately after starting “Start”. In this case, the water intake and drum rotation do not occur, and the washing machine itself “freezes”. This failure indicates a problem that occurred when the hatch door was locked.
In SMA Atlant without a display, the analogue of F10 is a certain combination of indicators. Which bulbs will light up depends on the production line:
- in SoftControl these are “Wash” and “Water Hold”;
- in OptimaControl these are “Prewash” and “Rinse”.
Causes of occurrence and solutions
F10 on the Atlanta display almost always indicates a malfunction of the equipment and the need for repair. But in rare cases, the cause may be user error or an accidental coincidence.
User error
After putting things into the drum of the Atlant washing machine the hatch door must be tightly closed until it clicks.
If it is simply covered or things get into the seal, the blocking mechanism does not work and the device does not start working.
The solution to the problem is to always carefully place the laundry inside the drum, making sure that no items fall into the compactor. The door itself should be pressed tightly until it clicks..
One-time failure
The cause of F10 may be a one-time failure of the equipment electronics caused by a random combination of circumstances, for example, a power surge. If this is the problem, then just restart Atlant.
To do this you need to do the following:
- Disconnect the device from the network by removing the plug from the socket.
- Leave the car turned off for at least a quarter of an hour.
- Make a connection.
- Restart the job.
Broken hatch locking device
If the UBL is damaged of any nature (from mechanical deformation of the lock parts to burnout), the washing machine does not block the door. In this case, F10 lights up on the display and the washing does not start.
To analyze the condition of the hatch blocking device, it is necessary to partially disassemble the Atlant to gain access to the unit. If, as a result of diagnostics, it was determined that UBL can be repaired, it is being repaired. Otherwise, the block is replaced with a new one.
The principle of operation of the UBL, and for what reasons it may fail, can be seen in the video:
Damage to wiring or contacts
The hatch locking device is a unit that is included in the electrical circuit of the washing machine. If the wiring is damaged or contacts are broken, signals from the UBL and to it do not pass. This results in no blocking occurring.
Failure of the control unit
A malfunction of the control module in the part that is responsible for controlling the UBL can lead to the issuance of F10 and the washing machine freezing at the very beginning. There are radio elements on the board that may be burnt out. To restore functionality, damaged elements are replaced with new ones, the tracks are soldered.
Access to the unit occurs during partial disassembly of the Atlant washing machine. For diagnostics and repairs, the control unit is removed from the installation and worked with separately. In cases where the board cannot be restored, it is replaced with a new one.
The repair process can be seen in the video:
Firmware crash
Broken control unit firmware is not a rare problem, especially in unstable voltage conditions. In this case, F10 may appear not only at the start of work, but also at any stage of Atlanta's work. Sometimes the error becomes floating, repeating at different times irregularly.
Cuff wear
If the Atlanta hatch cuff is worn out, has visible damage and has lost its integrity, error F10 may appear at any stage of the wash.
This happens as a result of water from the drum getting into the electronic device itself. blocking and on his contacts.
This leads to a short circuit, and the elements of the control unit may also burn out. But at the same time, the UBL itself can remain operational.
The solution to the problem is to replace the cuff.If the situation is aggravated by a malfunction of the control unit, then it will also need to be repaired.
It is not advisable to repair an old Atlanta cuff. You can even replace it with a new one yourself.. But if the problem is deeper, and due to water getting on the UBL contacts, a breakdown has occurred in the control unit, then you should not undertake a comprehensive repair of the Atlanta without the necessary skills.
Call the master
Not every user can fix problems related to the electronics of the Atlant washing machine themselves. If you cannot diagnose and perform a quality repair on your own, you should contact a household appliance repair company.
These companies, as a rule, are widely represented on the Internet, and even have their own websites. It is quite possible to find the company you need by narrowing the search to your city.
The amount of payment for repairs depends on the complexity of the breakdown and the company’s price list. On average according to MSK, repairs to Atlanta will cost:
- cuff replacement – from 1600 rubles;
- repair of the control unit - from 2000 rubles;
- replacement of UBL – from 1300 rubles;
- wiring repair - from 1600 rubles;
- flashing – from 2000 rub.
Prevention measures
In order not to collide with the F10 in your Atlanta, It is necessary to remember about preventive measures:
If there are frequent power surges in the house, you need a voltage stabilizer to connect the washing machine through it.
- The room in which the SMA is located must have good ventilation.
- You cannot place unclosed containers with liquids on top of the Atlant.
- The laundry must be placed in the drum carefully, checking before closing the door that things do not fall on the elastic and are not pinched by the door.
- The hatch door should not be slammed violently, as this may cause a breakdown.
- After each wash, the hatch cuff must be wiped and the door left ajar for ventilation. You should not use abrasive products for cleaning, as they can damage the rubber.
- There must be a mandatory break of 1-2 hours between starts of the washing machine.
In case of problems with the Atlant washing machine The following expert advice may help:
- If damage to the rubber of the hatch cuff is noticed, it must be replaced immediately, without waiting for moisture getting inside to lead to more serious damage.
- Repairs to devices under warranty should only be performed by a service center specialist.
- F10 does not always indicate a breakdown of the UBL. An accurate “diagnosis” may require a thorough examination of the nodes involved.
- When replacing parts, it is better to give preference to original ones.
- After repairing the device, a test run is necessary.
- Any type of repair of a washing machine should begin after disconnecting the device from communications.
Error F10 in Atlanta prevents you from using the washing machine until the problem is fixed. You can try to solve the problem on your own or by calling a specialist. It may be necessary not only to repair existing components, but also to replace them.