Important rules on how to wash a camel wool blanket in a washing machine and by hand
A camel wool blanket is warm and environmentally friendly, has a long service life and rarely causes allergies.
During active use, it will have to be washed from time to time. And this must be done in compliance with a number of rules.
Let's look at it in more detail, is it possible and how to wash a blanket correctly from camel wool in a washing machine and manually.
Is it possible: all the pros and cons
Before you start washing the product, you need to study the label. On it, the manufacturer stipulates all the nuances of processing, including the possibility of washing by hand or in a machine, as well as the desired temperature.
If there are no prohibitions on washing, then the item should be prepared:
- inspect for torn areas and other damage, and, if possible, repair them;
- remove stains;
- shake out and beat the blanket to get rid of dust.
In some cases, even with the manufacturer's permission to carry out a full wash, this may not be possible.
TOP 3 laundry detergents
For washing a camel blanket, not any detergents are suitable, but those intended for caring for woolen items. It is recommended to use only high-quality products.
Gel Denkmit
The detergent made in Germany contains lanolin and can be successfully used for washing items made of natural wool and silk. Active components show their effectiveness at temperatures from +30? C.
The gel form of the drug is available in a volume of 1.5 l, and has cost - about 400 rubles.
Shampoo-balm Wollwelt Wollsan
The German-made shampoo-balm contains lanolin and is suitable for washing woolen blankets and clothes made from natural fabrics. The dosage of the product is carried out using a measuring cap according to the recommendations on the packaging.
Packaging volume – 1 l., price – about 1,700 rubles.
Washing balm Domal
The formula contains lanolin, making it ideal for washing wool blankets. The gel prevents wool from matting, retains color and is suitable for machine washing at a temperature not exceeding +40? C.
Product volume 0.75 l has a price of about 400 rubles.
Processing in an automatic machine
Processing household items that are bulky and heavy when wet in a washing machine makes your work easier. But you can use automatic processing only if it is allowed by the manufacturer.
Mode and spin
For a blanket made of natural camel wool, the “wool” or “hand wash” mode is optimal.
As with other wool items, It is not advisable to use spin. As a last resort, you can set this parameter to a minimum, at your own responsibility.
If there is a label for the item, then the temperature should be set to that recommended by the manufacturer. If this parameter is not known, then it is better to choose +30°C.
High temperatures when washing camel wool are not acceptable. The blanket can become irrevocably deformed, losing its attractiveness and heat-saving properties.
Work order:
Prepare the blanket itself.
- Roll it carefully and carefully, first into a roll, and then in the shape of a snail.
- Place the blanket in the drum.
- Pour detergent into the compartment on the body.
- Set the “wool” mode.
- Adjust the temperature and spin function.
- Set additional rinse.
If the blanket does not fit in the drum, you will have to hand wash it or take it to the dry cleaner.
This video will show you how to wash a camel blanket in a washing machine:
Manual cleaning
Washing by hand is an affordable, but quite labor-intensive option for tidying up a warm wool blanket. To wash the product, The following sequence of actions should be followed:
- Prepare a blanket.
- Pour water at a temperature of +30°C into a large container. The most convenient way is directly into the bath.
Dilute the detergent until completely dissolved.
- Dip the blanket in soapy water.
- Keep it soaked for a quarter of an hour.
- Drain the water.
- Collect fresh water and gently rinse the blanket in it.
- Change the water several times until it is completely clean.
- Drain the water.
- The blanket can be left in the bath for a while to allow the water to drain.
- Squeeze, working from top to bottom.
You cannot twist a camel wool blanket.
Removing stains
A wool blanket requires caution when carrying out any manipulations with the material. It should not be rubbed, exposed to hot water or soaked for a long time. It is recommended to wash the affected area carefully with cold water.
Cake, ice cream, cream
Withdraw grease stain from a camel wool blanket you can use baby powder, talcum powder, starch or even tooth powder.
- sprinkle the stain with talc or other selected product;
- leave to lie for 3-4 hours;
- shake off any remaining product;
- If the stain is very large, the entire product should be washed.
Coffee Tea
Glycerin will help remove traces of tea and coffee from wool. Procedure:
- Heat the glycerin to a temperature of approximately +35? C.
- Using a sponge, carefully apply to the stain, moving from the edges to the center.
- Wait 10-15 minutes.
- If the area affected by drinks is small, then it should be washed with soap and rinsed. But if the stain was large, you will have to wash the entire blanket.
Eliminate blood trail Ordinary hydrogen peroxide or vinegar will help. The stain is treated in the following sequence:
- walk over the stain with a damp sponge;
- moisten the stain with peroxide or vinegar without rubbing it over a large area;
- leave for the time necessary for the reaction to occur;
- wash with cold water.
Juices, fruits
The effect of removing a stain will largely depend on how quickly you begin removing it after it occurs. Procedure:
- prepare a solution of water and alcohol (ratio 3:1);
- treat the stain;
- wash.
If you know the origin of the stain, then removing it will be more effective.
Alcoholic drinks
A fresh stain should be blotted with a napkin, trying to absorb as much of the remaining liquid as possible.
Further actions:
- Mix alcohol and water in equal proportions.
- Using a sponge, walk over the stain with blotting movements.
- Launder.
Drying problems
Drying blankets, if possible, is best done in the fresh air. An alternative option is a room with good ventilation.
Since wool after washing becomes susceptible to any physical influences, You should act sparingly:
- Prepare a horizontal plane on which the blanket will dry.
- The product unfolds and straightens.
Air drying is the best option if the following conditions are met:
- The weather is dry. If it is humid outside, drying will take a long time; the item may acquire an unpleasant “basement” smell and even become moldy.
- The place where the drying is carried out is not dusty, otherwise the washing itself will not make sense.
- The sun's rays do not reach the material. Otherwise, the fabric may burn out and the overdried wool fibers may become brittle.
After the blanket dries, light curls may appear on the surface of the wool. This is not a defect, but a sign of the quality and naturalness of the material.
In order for a camel wool blanket to serve for a long time and not lose its performance qualities, It is advisable to take into account the following recommendations:
Frequent washing of blankets is not advisable. It is recommended to wash a quality blanket infrequently - once every five years.
- Natural wool should not be exposed to high temperatures.
- Automatic machine washing is less preferable than hand washing.
- Washing in violation of the technology can lead to a number of irreversible consequences: shrinkage, reduced heat-saving qualities, reduced strength and loss of visual appeal.
- If you are unsure of your own ability to carry out high-quality washing or the manufacturer prohibits such actions, you should take the item to dry cleaning.
- If the blanket will not be used for some time, it should not be placed in a plastic bag for storage. The best option is special bags made of cotton fabric. Under such conditions, the wool will “breathe”.
Washing a camel blanket is a responsible undertaking that should be carried out in compliance with all care rules, taking into account the natural composition of the insulation.
This item does not require too frequent washing or intense exposure.. If care is organized correctly, a camel blanket can last for many years without losing its qualities and visual appeal.