Proper care: how to wash a synthetic blanket without ruining it?
A synthetic blanket is lightweight and retains heat well. But during operation, it accumulates dust and sweat, so it requires periodic cleaning.
For proper care, you need to know how to properly wash a padding polyester blanket in order to preserve all its qualities and attractive appearance.
Can the product be washed?
In the vast majority of cases, washing synthetic winterizer blankets is not only possible, but also necessary. You can learn about the processing features from the label on the product, so you should study it first.
If the manufacturer allows both hand and machine washing, then You can choose the right one based on the following factors:
- blanket volume;
- washing machine drum size;
- personal preferences;
- degree of wear of the item;
- presence of stains, etc.
If washing the blanket – first, then it is necessary to inspect not only the label, but also the product itself. Some models have removable covers that can be washed separately. This option is very convenient, as it avoids impact on the insulation.
Hand and machine washing have their pros and cons. Among the advantages of machine processing is a significant simplification of labor.But manual processing makes it possible to carefully clean the item, paying attention to especially dirty areas.
Top 3 best products
It is better to choose detergents for treating blankets made of padding polyester in gel form. They dissolve faster than powders and are easier to rinse out of synthetic filler fibers.
Persil Professional New gel
Universal washing gel instantly dissolves in water and penetrates deeply into the fibers. Price for a large bottle of 5 liters. – about 1,000 rubles.
The gel does not leave streaks and protects washing machine parts from scale. The highly concentrated formula allows for economical use of the product, which is suitable for both manual and automatic washing.
Snow Guard
The gel is intended for washing blankets and clothes that contain padding polyester, as well as feathers and down. The drug is conveniently measured using a cap. Snow Guard can be used for both machine and hand washing. The cost of a bottle is 1 liter. - 500 rubles.
Batel universal gel
The product can be used for washing synthetic materials, including padding polyester blankets. The gel is gentle on fibers, gives things a pleasant aroma and effectively fights stains. Price – about 360 rubles per 1 liter package.
Rules for processing in an automatic washing machine
Washing in a machine is a convenient option, providing general processing of the entire item. If there are stains or very dirty places on the product, they should be cleaned before putting the item in the drum.
Automatic washing machines have many washing modes. For caring for blankets the most suitable are:
- "synthetics";
- “voluminous things”;
- "delicate wash".
Some units have a separate mode designed for washing large items (pillows, soft toys, etc.). For a blanket made of padding polyester, this option is optimal, as it ensures both washing and thorough rinsing of soapy water from the fibers.
If the temperature regime is not specified by the manufacturer, or the label for the item is lost, then temperature is selected around +40? C. Hotter water can damage the insulation. And cold will make washing ineffective.
Spin: necessary or not?
You can wring out the blanket lightly, or you can not use this mode. It should be taken into account that without squeezing out the water, the item will come out of the washing machine wet, with water literally pouring out of it.
When setting the spin cycle, a significant part of the moisture will be removed, and the product will dry easier and faster. But the number of revolutions should be set to 800.
Processing in a washing machine should be carried out in compliance with the following sequence of actions:
- Study the product label.
- Removing stains.
- The blanket itself is twisted and folded so that it fits into the drum without any effort.
- The “voluminous items” or “synthetics” mode is set.
- The temperature is adjusted. It should be about +40?C.
- Spin – 400-600 rpm.
- Set to “extra rinse”.
Manual cleaning
Hand washing is a labor-intensive process. It is chosen in cases where:
- you only need to pay attention to certain areas;
- the blanket must not be machine washed;
- The item does not fit into the drum of a compact washing machine.
For a large blanket, a bathtub is suitable as a washing container.
The bath is filled with water at a temperature of about +30? C - +40? C.
- Dilute the detergent.
- The blanket is dipped into water and they begin to wash area by area using a brush. During processing, the item should be carefully turned over.
- After treatment, the water is drained.
- They fill up the water several times and drain it again.
- They squeeze it out.
During the washing process, the blanket absorbs a lot of water and becomes very heavy, which complicates both the washing itself and the subsequent spinning, as well as drying.
Removing stains
Any stain that appears on the product must be removed as soon as possibleso that it does not become deeply absorbed into the fibers and become old.
If the stain has just appeared, it is recommended to moisten the affected area with cold water to prevent its spread. If you know what exactly caused the stain, it will be much easier to deal with it.
Grease stains are one of the most common types of stains, especially in children. Residues from “goodies” can be neutralized with dishwashing detergent:
in a separate bowl it is diluted with a small amount of water to obtain a solution of high concentration;
- foam;
- using a sponge, apply to the stain;
- let the blanket lie there;
- wash the affected area or rewash the entire item if the area is large enough.
Learn more about how to remove grease stains from fabric. this article.
You can remove urine stains from a blanket if: act according to the following algorithm:
- Blot the surface with napkins.
- Dilute vinegar with water in a ratio of 1:3.
- Spray the resulting solution onto the blanket using a spray bottle.
- Blot with a napkin.
- If there is a lot of moisture, then pour baking soda onto the stain and leave it for a quarter of an hour.
- Dilute hydrogen peroxide with water in a ratio of 1:2.
- Spray baking soda directly onto the stain. When soda and peroxide are combined, a chemical reaction will occur to form foam.
- Leave for 2 hours.
- Blot, clean.
- Wash the blanket.
You can neutralize a fresh stain by washing it with cold water and treating it with hydrogen peroxide. When the reaction is over, the stain is washed away.
If a large area is damaged, a full wash will be required after treatment.. Read about ways to remove blood stains from fabric Here.
Yellowed areas
Yellow stains on the blanket can be eliminated using a vinegar solution (diluted in water 1:1) or lemon juice:
apply the stain removing liquid to the stain with a sponge or sponge;
- stand for a quarter of an hour;
- washed away;
- if the stain remains, the process is repeated;
- the blanket is washed.
One method of prevention is proper washing and drying. Moisture should not be allowed to stagnate and accumulate while drying the item.
Alcoholic drinks
If a lot of liquid has been spilled, you should use napkins and blot the stain. A solvent is an alcohol solution that will help remove traces of a drink. You can use alcohol, diluting it with water (1:1) or vodka.
To remove stains, it is advisable to use only alcohol or vodka, which do not have a tint. Any other alcohol-containing drinks are not suitable, as they themselves may leave stains.
How to dry?
The bulkiness of the blanket makes it difficult to dry. After washing (by hand or in a machine), the product is allowed to dry thoroughly.. To do this, you can leave it in an empty bath for an hour.
If the item was washed in a machine, then you can leave it in it for 50-60 minutes with the door slightly open. This must be done, since in a closed drum the blanket can acquire an unpleasant musty smell.
After that:
- squeeze;
- shake;
- lay out;
- straighten with your hands and stretch slightly.
During the drying process, it is advisable to spread the item on a flat surface and periodically turn it over and shake it so that the filler fibers dry evenly. Placing the blanket in the fresh air will speed up drying.
If organizing drying at the moment is not possible according to all the rules, it is advisable to postpone it. Tumble drying is not recommended..
Sintepon has gone astray: problem solving and prevention
Synthetic winterizer is a type of filler that can withstand washing well and practically does not clump. This is due to the characteristics of the material itself and the stitching.
In some cases, the insulation may become deformed and clump together. These reasons are:
- violation of washing or drying technology;
- poor-quality sewing of the blanket;
- significant wear and tear on the item.
To prevent items from being damaged during the washing process, You can use the following preventive measures:
- Place a couple of tennis balls or special ones designed specifically for washing in the drum next to the blanket.
- Coarsely quilt with your hands the areas of the blanket in which the padding polyester is weakly secured or not secured at all.
If the deformation of the padding polyester affects large areas, the blanket will have to be replaced.
Dry cleaning: when, where, how much?
In cases where washing in a machine or by hand is prohibited, the blanket can be dry cleaned. Specialists will help even when there is no time or conditions to wash and dry the blanket.
You can find a suitable dry cleaner on the Internet, based on customer reviews. The cost of the service may differ in different service establishments, even within the same locality.
The cost of cleaning depends on the size of the item. On average, a one-and-a-half blanket can be cleaned for 1,000 - 1,200 rubles, a double blanket - from 1,500 rubles. If additional repairs are needed, the amount increases.
In addition to the blanket, you can also dry clean the pillows from the bed.
7 recommendations to help
Washing tips will help you get the job done better and faster:
- For processing, it is best to choose a liquid detergent rather than powder.
- Using stain removers is not a desirable cleaning option. The exception is blankets whose covers are removable and can be washed separately.
- Even small children's blankets made with synthetic padding can be washed in the machine one at a time.
- You can put tennis balls in the drum along with the blanket in the washing machine. They will prevent the filler from matting.
- Washing frequency – up to 3 times a year.
- An indication on the label about dry cleaning only and a ban on any type of washing may indicate the use of low-quality filler.
- Washing out a blanket, like passing a vacuum cleaner brush over it, cannot serve as an alternative to washing.
Regular washing will help maintain the hygiene of the synthetic blanket and its safety for health. It is important to use the appropriate detergent and follow professional recommendations.