Simple recommendations on how to wash a bamboo blanket
A bamboo blanket is made from bamboo fiber, the raw materials for which are the leaves and stems of the plant. The final product is light, breathable and warm.
It is very convenient to use, but when it comes to caring for bedding, many questions immediately arise.
Read the article about how to wash a bamboo blanket, whether it can be washed in an automatic washing machine and what detergent to choose.
Is it possible?
The bamboo blanket can be washed either by machine or by hand. When in contact with water, bamboo does not lose its unique properties. However, before loading it into the drum, you need to pay attention to the following information:
Examine the label that is sewn into one of the side seams of the blanket. It contains basic recommendations for caring for the item, which should not be violated.
- Assess the capacity of the drum. If the blanket is large, then it can be washed in a machine with a load of at least 7-8 kg. The fact is that when wet, bamboo fiber increases its weight by 2-3 times.
- In order for the blanket to fit into the drum, it must be folded correctly. To do this, spread it on the floor and roll it lengthwise several times. Then the bedding is rolled into a roll.
- Before washing, you need to inspect the blanket for holes or loose seams. If they are found, they must be eliminated. During active washing, the defects will disperse and become more noticeable.
A bamboo blanket should be washed as it gets dirty. If it is not in use, it should be folded into a fabric cover and put away in a closet.
When choosing a detergent, you need to give preference to liquid formulations. You can use gel capsules that are loaded into the drum along with the blanket. The concentrates should not contain aggressive components in the form of whiteness, alkali or acid. They will lead to the destruction of fabric fibers.
It is not recommended to use powders in granules, as they do not wash well in cool water and are less easily washed out of a thick blanket. You will have to rinse your bedding at least 4 times.
Top 3 detergents for washing a bamboo blanket:
Synergetic washing gel. This gentle cleaning concentrate is suitable for both hand and machine washing.
You can use it to wash even the bedding that is used in a child’s bed, as it is hypoallergenic. For a 0.75 liter bottle you will need to pay about 70 rubles.
- Gel DUO. The universal composition made in Austria can be used to care for white and colored products. This is an economical concentrate, one bottle of which replaces 4 liters of regular washing gel. The cost of a 1 liter package is 470 rubles.
- Washing gel Laska “wool and silk”. This is one of the most popular formulations used to care for delicate fabrics. It is activated in cool water, removes dirt well and quickly rinses out of fabric fibers. The cost of 1 liter of detergent is 275 rubles.
You can purchase any composition in retail stores, in the department with household chemicals. When purchasing, you need to consider the color of the product.
Processing in a washing machine
So that machine washing does not become the last for a bamboo blanket, you must strictly follow the instructions:
- Prepare the blanket: knock out the dust from it, hand wash difficult stains.
Place the product in the drum of the washing machine.
- Pour detergent into the compartment.
- Select washing on a gentle cycle. Some machine models have a “duvet” option. It is ideal for washing bamboo bed linen.
- Set the temperature to 35 degrees.
- Turn on the “extra rinse” function.
- Set the spin speed to no higher than 700 rpm.
- Wait until the washing is completed and send the blanket to dry.
Even if there is serious dirt on the blanket, the water temperature should not exceed 35 degrees. Although bamboo is considered a fairly strong fiber, it cannot withstand such washing.
This video will show you how to wash a bamboo blanket in a washing machine:
Manual cleaning of products with bamboo filling
Hand washing is more gentle, but labor-intensive. This is especially true when processing massive double or “Euro” blankets.
Instructions for hand washing the product:
- knock out the dust from the blanket, wash areas with persistent dirt;
fill the bath with water at a temperature of up to 35 degrees;
- dilute the detergent until rich foam forms;
- immerse the blanket in the water, you need to submerge it with your hands until it stops floating;
- walk over the surface of the product with a soft brush or sponge;
- drain the dirty water, rinse the item until the foam is completely washed away;
- leave the product in the bathroom until the water drains from it;
- Periodically, the blanket needs to be turned over and slightly wrung out.
The product must not be twisted or rolled into a bundle so that it does not lose its original shape.
Removing difficult stains
If complex stains appear on a bamboo blanket, they can be treated with improvised means that work no worse than household stain removers. You can safely clean the problem area using compounds such as:
- Laundry soap. It is grated and diluted with a small amount of water. The resulting slurry is applied to the contaminated area and left to act for 30 minutes. Then rub the stain with a brush and rinse the fabric in cool water.
- Ammonia. It is applied to a cotton pad, which is used to wipe the stain until it completely disappears.
- Soda and vinegar 9%. Sprinkle soda on the contaminated area, rubbing it into the fiber with your fingertips. The top is treated with a sponge dipped in vinegar. After the reaction is completed, the product is washed using detergents.
- Hydrogen peroxide. It is applied to the stain, left for 20 minutes, scrubbed with a soft brush and washed in cool water. Peroxide can only be used on light-colored fabrics.
- Baby powder or starch. These bulk substances are used to combat greasy stains. They are applied to the fabric, rubbed in with your fingers and left for 12 hours. Then clean the area with a soft brush.If the stain does not disappear, it can be treated with dishwashing gel mixed with salt.
Drying rules
Drying, along with washing, is an equally important step in caring for a bamboo blanket. To prevent the product from becoming covered with streaks and losing its original appearance, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:
dry the blanket on a flat surface - you can lay terry towels under it, which will absorb excess moisture;
- you cannot hang it on a rope so that the filler does not bunch up in one direction;
- the unfolded product is felt with your hands, straightening all existing seals;
- bamboo does not tolerate contact with high temperatures, so you cannot speed up the drying process with a hairdryer or heating radiator;
- If possible, the item is taken out into the fresh air.
As the moisture evaporates, the bedding should be shaken and turned over.
Will dry cleaning help?
If the stains are complex, or the blanket is too massive, you can entrust it to professionals to wash it. Each dry cleaner is equipped with professional equipment that allows you to renew the product and give it freshness.
Helpful information
Information that may be useful To all owners of a bamboo blanket:
Machine wash should be used only when necessary. If the contamination is minor, you can limit yourself to local washing.
- The bamboo blanket cannot be ironed.
- The duvet cover can only be put on after the filling has completely dried. Otherwise, the product will be prohibited.
- To remove dust, you can simply knock out the blanket or vacuum it.
- For preventive purposes, bedding is washed once every 6 months.
You will find a lot of useful and important information about washing blankets Here.
You can wash a bamboo blanket either by hand or in a machine. In this case, 3 main conditions must be observed:
- use liquid detergent,
- do not soak the thing,
- do not exceed the water temperature of 35 degrees.
If you properly care for the product, it will last for several years., without losing its original qualities.