Rules and tips on how to wash satin bed linen in a washing machine and by hand
Satin is a natural material that is very often used for sewing bed linen. Pleasant to the touch and smooth, it retains all the properties of natural cotton, its hygiene and has an excellent appearance.
In order for the bedding set to last as long as possible, it must be properly cared for, including washing.
In this article we will tell you how to properly wash satin bed linen in a washing machine and in what mode, and how to wash satin by hand.
Washing features and restrictions
Satin fabric has a special, fairly thorough double weave of threads. This circumstance ensures a pleasant smoothness of the surface. The characteristics of the type of material affect its performance.
The advantages of satin include the following:
good breathability;
- durability;
- hypoallergenic;
- high hygroscopicity;
- strength;
- long-term preservation of appearance;
- no shrinkage as a result of wet-heat treatment;
- good washability.
Satin items can and should be washed. Like any items made of cotton fabric, such linen can be washed by hand and in a machine, avoiding excessive exposure and abrasive agents.
Paint durability is ensured by strict adherence to technology in the production of matter at all stages:
- Weaving.
- Coloring with dyes.
- Fixing the paint.
Machine processing
Before you start washing your bedding set, it needs to be prepared:
- Turn the duvet cover and pillowcases inside out.
- Check the integrity of the fabric and fasteners. If there are torn places, missing buttons, etc., then these defects should be eliminated in advance.
- Fasten all fasteners on duvet covers and pillowcases.
- You should not put items with a different fabric composition into the drum of a washing machine with a satin set.
In what mode, at what temperature?
Cotton bed linen should be washed at +40? C - +60? C or at the temperature recommended by the manufacturer. The value of this indicator varies depending on the nature and degree of contamination, as well as the type of item itself.
Optimal processing conditions are achieved by setting the “Cotton” or “Delicate” mode. For luxury sets - only “Delicate”, as well as for sets with embroidery and other additional decoration.
For laundry that is too dirty, it is possible to set a pre-wash and a higher temperature - to the maximum allowed.
To wash bed linen, you can use a product approved for treating cotton items. Powder or gel will do. The last option is the most preferable, since liquid preparations are both easier to distribute in water and easier to rinse.
With or without spin?
When washing a satin set spinning is desirable, but not required. Bed linen survives spinning well at 600 rpm or less.
This function allows you to squeeze out some of the water from things. If the spin function is not used, the laundry will be completely wet after washing and will have to be wrung out by hand.
Automatic washing allows you to do the job quickly and efficiently. Procedure:
The linen itself is prepared and inspected.
- They put things in the drum.
- Pour or pour detergent into a special compartment on the body.
- Set the washing mode.
- Adjust the temperature.
- Spin is set to 500-600.
- The dryer is turned off.
- The “extra rinse” function is set.
- The wash cycle starts.
The used set should be washed on average once every 7-10 days, pillowcases – more often.
How to wash a satin set by hand?
Machine washing saves a lot of time. But if it is not possible to do this, the satin bedding set will have to be washed by hand. All items are prepared in the same way as for machine washing.
Work order:
- Fill a large container (basin, bathtub, etc.) with warm water.
- Dilute the detergent.
- If things are heavily soiled, wash them with soap.
- Leave soaked for 30-60 minutes.
- Wash things. If the water after soaking is too dirty, then you need to drain it and get fresh water, also diluting the detergent in it.
- Drain the soapy water.
- Rinse several times, changing the water. You can add conditioner to the last water change.
- Squeeze water out of things without twisting.
How to dry it properly?
Satin bed linen dries well both outdoors and at home. To do this, after washing, shake the items, straighten them and hang them carefully, trying to avoid creases and folds.
What not to do:
- dry near an open fire;
- dry in bright sun, especially without turning inside out;
- dry in a damp place.
Careful hanging when drying makes it possible to have an even, neat set without ironing.
Is ironing a necessity or a relic of the past?
A nice feature of satin is the use of specially twisted threads for production and their careful tight weaving. Such the structure of the material allows you to even do without ironing, but for this purpose all things were carefully hung and straightened when drying.
For models with embroidered inserts and decorative design of the front part of the set items, ironing is carried out only from the reverse side. Or through additional fabric. In this case, the heating temperature of the iron sole is set to a minimum.
The peculiarity of the satin material is its low creaseability, which allows you to do without ironing.
Useful information to help with washing satin items:
- It is advisable to keep the label indicating the composition of the material and washing instructions and not throw it away.
- White linen does not have to be turned inside out before washing; colored linen does.
If there is decor on any items, then the item must not only be turned inside out, but also placed in a special laundry bag before placing the item in the drum.
- When loading the machine, it is necessary to compare the weight of the items with the maximum permissible value for which the washing machine is designed. This is important because the bedding is quite heavy.
- The dimensions of the bed linen should be taken into account - the drum should not be tamped. The best wash is when loading the drum at ? or 2/3 volume.
- Laundry should be washed regularly to avoid wear and tear - once every 7-10 days.
- It is advisable to wash satin items separately from other items, even terry towels, and even more so from synthetic items.
- When using detergents with active additives, it is enough to wash at +40?C.
A lot of useful information about washing bed linen can be found Here.
The efficiency and quality of washing a satin bed linen set largely depends on compliance with all rules and recommendations. This approach not only allows you to keep your bed clean, but also extends the life of pillowcases, duvet covers and sheets.