Note to the housewife: how long can raw eggs without shells or broken eggs be stored in the refrigerator?
When accidentally broken eggs are discovered, especially in large quantities, a lot of questions quite naturally arise.
What to do with eggs without shells, can they be stored, for how long and how to do it correctly? And are they even edible?
We will tell you further how long you can store raw eggs without shells in the refrigerator.
How long are they stored?
The taste and benefits of broken eggs are no different from whole ones. But have their own characteristics of their use, shelf life and storage.
By boiling or frying shelled eggs until the whites have completely coagulated, you can prevent the risk of poisoning or infection. The situation is more complicated if many testicles are broken at once and it is impossible to use them at once.
According to strictly defined terms according to GOST 30363-96 on egg products, broken raw eggs can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 24 hours. It is impossible to store eggs without shells without placing them in a refrigerator. It should be consumed immediately, making sure to heat-treat it..
If it is necessary to preserve the raw product without the shell longer, use the freezer.Egg mass can be stored in it for 6 to 15 months, provided that the sub-zero temperature is maintained in the range from 6 to 18°C. How long can broken eggs be stored in the refrigerator? this article.
Which is correct?
The shell, strong and clean, protects the contents of the eggs from the negative effects of pathogenic microorganisms.
Having lost it, the contents become fertile ground for the spread of pathogenic agents.. Given this fact, eggs without shells should be stored in compliance with special rules.
Otherwise, they become hazardous to health.
Acceptable methods
There are situations when, upon returning from the store, a lot of broken eggs are found in the package. There is no point in throwing them away. But you can’t just leave it in the refrigerator.
You can do this:
- Remove the whole ones, rinse them, let them dry on a towel and then place them in the refrigerator.
- Carefully remove the shell from the broken eggs and transfer the mixture into a clean container with a lid to prevent air from entering.
- Place the dishes close to the back wall of the refrigerator compartment for storage for no more than a day.
How can you increase the shelf life?
The best way to extend the shelf life of an unshelled product is to completely freeze it. Performing this procedure requires adherence to special technology. To freeze raw eggs (necessarily without shells), you can use 3 methods.
Freezing egg melange
This is the simplest and most convenient method. The algorithm of actions is as follows:
Place all eggs without shells in a deep bowl, which can be stored in the freezer for a long time.
- Check to see if there are any shells left in them.
- Mix the eggs thoroughly until smooth but without foam.
- Fill a container with a lid and preferably with cells with egg melange.
- Place in the freezer.
You can freeze melange in plastic bags with a zipper. An excellent container for freezing is yogurt cups. They will need to be tightly sealed with cling film.
Freezing whites and yolks
Protein does not change its structural properties when frozen, so it can be stored in any quantity and in any plastic container. There is no need to add anything to the protein mass. Once defrosted, it can be used to prepare various dishes.
When exposed to low temperatures, the yolk becomes viscous. This can be prevented by adding a pinch of salt or sugar to the product. After thorough mixing, the mass is placed in a plastic container, then in the freezer compartment.
Will tell you about egg freezing this article.
Useful tips
Following simple tips will make it possible to use raw broken eggs without harm to health. Here are some of them:
- When filling a container with cells, it is not recommended to fill them to the top. During the freezing process, the egg mass increases in volume, which can lead to damage to the plastic container.
To prevent the surface of raw eggs without shells from drying out when placed in the refrigerator, you should use a container with a tight-fitting lid or pour a thin layer of water over the melange.
This will keep the product fresh for 1 day.
- It is important to defrost the egg product correctly. To do this, they are moved from the freezer to the refrigerator compartment in the evening. Before the morning they will defrost and be suitable for cooking.
- It is impossible to repeatedly expose the egg mass to low temperatures. Therefore, you need to defrost as much as you plan to use.
- It is better to freeze eggs in a container with separate cells or ice cube trays. This makes it easier to remove them in portions.
To correctly calculate the number of eggs for one-time use, it should be noted that one fresh egg corresponds to 3 tbsp. l. frozen melange.
Raw eggs without shells remain suitable for consumption as long as they are placed in the refrigerator or freezer. At the same time, they do not lose their beneficial properties and taste. An important criterion for their quality is compliance with acceptable expiration dates..