The mouse ran, waved its tail, or how long do broken eggs last in the refrigerator?
Chicken eggs are a universal product. Baking, first and second courses, sauces, cocktails, a huge number of healthy and tasty dishes can be prepared using this product.
It is difficult to find a person who does not have a dozen eggs stored in his refrigerator. But it’s one thing to store whole chicken eggs, and quite another to extend the shelf life of an egg mixture without shells.
We will tell you further about how long broken eggs can be stored in the refrigerator and at room temperature, and whether it is possible to increase the shelf life of the product.
How long can a raw product be stored?
According to GOST (clause 30363-96 “Egg products”), store broken eggs, as well as whites separately, at room temperature maximum four hours possible. At temperatures above +5°C, pathogenic salmonellosis bacteria multiply very quickly in the mixture (very dangerous to human health and life).
To preserve a broken egg, it must be placed as soon as possible in a cool place (ideally in the refrigerator), where the air temperature does not exceed the standard value (+5°C). When refrigerated, the broken egg mixture (melange) is good for use within twenty-four hours.
What to keep?
Raw broken eggs stored in a clean, dry container that does not allow air to pass through, with a tight-fitting lid (you can use both plastic and glass containers).
If the eggs are broken in the bag, you must very carefully remove all shell fragments from the egg slurry, rinse the remaining eggs under running water and place them in the refrigerator for storage, placing the remaining eggs in a prepared container.
As a container option for storing broken chicken eggs, you can use a large plastic glass. It is important that it is clean and dry. After filling, the glass is tightly wrapped in cling film and then placed on the refrigerator shelf.
Is it possible to increase the shelf life?
Maximize the shelf life of raw egg whites (up to six months) possible by freezing. For such purposes, the protein is poured into ice trays and then placed in the freezer. Defrost the protein at room temperature for no more than half an hour (this is enough for the block to quickly whip into a fluffy foam).
Fresh yolks can also be stored in the freezer, but with some adjustments. To prevent the yolks from thickening (this can happen during long-term storage in the freezer), add 1.5 tsp for every quarter cup of collected raw yolk. Sahara.
To freeze a broken egg whole (yolk and white together), you need to do the following:
- collect broken eggs in a clean, deep container;
- carefully check that shell particles and other debris do not get into the bowl;
- Pour the melange into a tightly closed container and place in the freezer.
You can learn about freezing chicken eggs from this articles.
How can you tell if an egg has started to disappear?
You can determine that a broken egg has begun to deteriorate by its appearance.
A dense, spherical or oval yolk is a sign of a fresh product. If the yolk has blurred and mixed with the white, then it is better to avoid using such an egg mixture.
The second point is the color of the protein. A transparent, light yellowish tint of the protein is a sign of a fresh product. In a rotten egg, the whites acquire a greenish tint and an unpleasant odor.
Blood spots in the protein are not a sign of a spoiled product (drops of blood enter the protein from a broken capillary at the moment of egg formation).
Broken eggs can only be used for preparing various dishes. An egg mixture that is not protected by a shell very quickly becomes infected with pathogenic bacteria, which can cause severe poisoning and intoxication of the body.
No need to rush to throw away the shells broken eggs. It can be an excellent fertilizer for indoor plants or one of the ingredients in masks to strengthen nails or hair.
Broken eggs are a great reason to experiment in preparing new, unusual, very tasty dishes. And if you don’t have time to cook, the refrigerator (no more than a day) or the freezer (up to six months) will help preserve the egg mixture.