Advice from thrifty housewives: is it possible to freeze chicken eggs for long-term storage in the freezer?
Typically, eggs can maintain their freshness when refrigerated for no more than two months. But there are situations when the product was purchased in considerable quantities and did not have time to consume it.
Also, if you have domestic chickens, laying hens are not always ready to provide eggs; there are periods of “vacation”. In these cases, you need to save them.
Sometimes even in finished form, for example, you don’t want to throw away the eggs left over after Easter. The best option is freezing.
Whether and how to freeze chicken eggs for long-term storage in the freezer will be discussed further.
Can the product be stored for a long time in the freezer?
Chicken eggs can actually be frozen. You just need to follow certain rules. Sometimes sub-zero temperatures have a negative effect on the protein. The yolk also requires care.
You can put the whole raw product in the freezer, or fresh whites and yolks separately. The mass can be filled into any containers:
- baking and ice molds,
- ziplock bags,
- plastic containers.
It is not recommended to store the product at sub-zero temperatures in the shell. When frozen, the contents expand, causing damage to the shell. As a result, harmful bacteria and other microorganisms penetrate inside.
Boiled yolks for freezing must be separated from the whites. The eggs must be hard-boiled. The yolk can be cut into small cubes, packaged and sent to the camera.
Effect on taste
Loss of taste and consistency occurs only if freezing technology is not followed. With a reasonable approach, these properties remain in their original form.
The taste of raw eggs and boiled yolks does not change when frozen.. But adding certain ingredients to them can change the situation.
For example, a product will be sweet when mixed with sugar or salty when mixed with the appropriate ingredient.
Commercially available frozen egg products may contain preservatives. or other elements affecting taste. As a rule, a list of ingredients is printed on the packaging.
Are the properties preserved?
Eggs do not lose their properties when frozen. In addition, vitamins and microelements are preserved. They are in no way inferior to fresh ones, and you can prepare just as varied dishes from them. Baked goods, omelettes, and casseroles will remain of the same quality.
Effect of sub-zero temperature on texture:
- Thawed raw egg whites contain water. In this state, they acquire improved foaming ability - a useful property when preparing sponge cakes or meringues.
- The yolks acquire a thick gel-like consistency. Ice crystals form in the structure.
- Adding sugar and salt before freezing helps improve the texture of thawed eggs. They don't harden and are easier to cook.
- The thawed mixture of yolks and whites is practically no different from fresh. Ideal for baking.
How to freeze?
Workpieces require reliable packaging. It is not recommended to use thin bags.Thick bags, plastic containers, ice containers, silicone molds for baking and desserts are suitable.
Options for preparing boiled yolks for storage:
cook hard-boiled eggs, then cool;
- carefully separate the yolks;
- place whole in vacuum bags;
- remove excess air, seal;
- or place in a tight plastic bag and remove air from it manually, wrap with the free edge, and secure;
- You can also place it in a container, sprinkle lightly with vegetable oil, and close with a tight lid.
Freezing whole product in broken form:
- Do not pre-beat. The resulting bubbles can ruin the workpiece.
- If there are any clots, stir gently with a fork until they are evenly distributed.
- Pack, pack and send for storage.
If you freeze raw yolks separately, they become rubbery.. Preliminary preparation required:
- put it in a container, add a little salt - it won’t interfere even with dessert dishes;
- you can add sugar if the mass will be used for custard, the amount is to taste;
- stir until smooth, whisking lightly;
- pour the mixture into molds.
Freezing eggs for long-term storage, video instructions:
How to defrost correctly?
The product is best defrosted in the refrigerator. For example, leave it there overnight. By morning it will gradually thaw, retaining its qualities.
Another option is to place the frozen eggs in ice water with the packaging. It is also suitable to use a microwave oven in a special mode.
At natural temperatures, it is possible to defrost only whites. They return to their original state and are easily whipped. Suitable for preparing dietary omelettes.
After freezing, the properties of eggs are equivalent to fresh ones. Thawed raw product blanks are used for:
- any test;
- omelettes or scrambled eggs;
- casseroles;
- baked goods (pies, cookies, muffins).
Frozen yolks are mainly used for cooking:
- side dishes;
- salads;
- sandwiches;
- soups;
- fillings for pies or pies.
When using a frozen product, please note: it is not equivalent to fresh. To replace one raw egg, you will need to use 1 tbsp for the dish. basket with 2 tbsp. protein, or 3 tbsp. mixtures of them.
A large number of microbes live on the shell. Sometimes dangerous sticks are found that lead to serious illnesses. Therefore, mandatory processing is required. A simple way is to pour boiling water over it. But this is not suitable in all cases. Eggs curl from hot water and lumps form.
It would be more reliable to use the following method:
- Dissolve soda in water (2 tsp per 1 cup).
- Wash the shells with a household product (dishwashing detergent, laundry or liquid soap).
- Place the eggs in the baking soda solution for 30 minutes.
- Remove and rinse.
Subsequently, the product is boiled to prepare the yolks. Or broken up for freezing fresh.
To prevent the yolks from thickening when frozen, you will need per glass of mixture:
- 1 tbsp. sugar (for sweet foods);
- 0.5 tsp. salt (if the product will be used in the future in regular dishes).
After adding the ingredients, stir carefully and you can send it to the chamber.
Chicken eggs can help out at any time. It's hard to imagine the contents of the refrigerator without them. This type of product is needed when preparing breakfast, lunch and dinner. Many recipes include this ingredient. It's unpleasant if it ends unexpectedly.
Thrifty housewives store eggs for future use. Freezing can be called the most acceptable method of long-term storage., which allows you to use this product at any time of the year.