A healthy but sensitive product: what is the shelf life of olive oil?

foto52278-1Olive oil is a valuable and healthy product that can be used to prepare a wide range of dishes.

When organizing storage, you must comply with all the conditions for proper maintenance and pay attention to the expiration date.

We will tell you further what the shelf life of olive oil is.

What does it depend on?

The shelf life of olive oil depends on several factors. Among them are:

  • type of product and its quality;
  • packaging tightness;
  • the material from which the container is made;
  • compliance with the conditions for the location and transportation of products.
In an unopened factory bottled container, olive oil has a fairly long shelf life - about two years. After the start of use, this time is reduced to an average of 8 weeks, subject to all conditions for the location of the goods.

How long can you store?

Olive oil is sold in packages of varying sizes, which can be made from different materials. When purchasing, you should take into account the planned intensity of use, since the product has a limited period of use, especially after opening the original packaging.

In glass

foto52278-2Glass containers are the most convenient and practical option for storing the product.

It is best to choose dark glass that provides protection from light. A hermetically sealed bottle can last, in most cases, for 2 years.

After opening the factory container, it is recommended to use the oil within 2 months. If the product is usually not spent very actively, then it is more rational to purchase a small bottle.

In a tin can

Manufacturers often produce large volumes of olive oil in tin containers. The product can usually be stored in it for up to 1.5 years. When the container is opened, the shelf life of the contents is 2 months, and this volume is usually purchased by restaurants and cafes.

It is inconvenient to use a 3-5 liter package for cooking, so it is recommended to immediately pour some of the contents into a bottle of a suitable size.

In a plastic container

It is not advisable to store olive oil in plastic containers. The product in it is not protected from light., and may react with the material of the container itself.

In closed or open packaging

A hermetically sealed container can be stored for the entire period of time specified by the manufacturer.

Once opened, the oil can no longer sit for that long. It is advisable to use it within 60 days. This is due to the fact that upon contact with air, the product oxidizes, loses useful substances and gradually deteriorates.

Until the moment when the oil is needed, you should not open the sealed packaging in advance.

Containment time

Olive oil is a very sensitive product. If storage rules are violated, it will become less healthy and can easily spoil.

At room temperature

Room conditions are the most suitable option for organizing storage. The optimal temperature is from +15°C to +25°C.

Under such conditions, oil can remain in an unopened container for up to 2 years from the date of manufacture, and up to 60 days after opening the package.

foto52278-3Additional content requirements:

  • protection from sunlight and light;
  • low humidity levels;
  • being away from heat sources.

It is not recommended to keep a non-sealed container near products with a strong aroma, since the oil has the property of absorbing various odors.

In the refrigerator and freezer

When the air temperature drops to +13°C or less, changes begin to occur in the oil. As a result:

  • a precipitate forms
  • the contents become cloudy,
  • flakes appear, etc.
If left in unsuitable conditions for a long time, the product loses its beneficial qualities and appearance. It can only be used in cooked dishes.

Olive oil cannot be frozen, since when exposed to low temperatures, it loses its beneficial substances and changes its taste and consistency.

How to extend the shelf life?

To ensure that the oil does not spoil ahead of time and retains the maximum amount of nutrients, The following expert advice should be taken into account:

  1. Store the product in a dark glass container.
  2. Place the bottle in a place protected from light.
  3. Avoid temperature changes in the storage area.
  4. Do not put the product in the refrigerator.
  5. Make sure that the cap on the bottle is always tightly closed.
  6. Do not add fresh oil to one that has been in use for a long time.
  7. To pour from a large container into smaller ones, use only clean, dry bottles.
  8. Do not allow dust, moisture, etc. to get inside the container.

If oil that has not yet expired shows signs of spoilage, it should not be used for food.


Fresh, high-quality olive oil has a unique composition and pleasant taste. A large assortment from different manufacturers allows you to choose oil in the most convenient packaging and optimal volume.


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