How long can olive oil be stored and how should it be stored after opening it?

foto52291-1Olive oil can be purchased in stores in sealed containers.

In this form, it is stored for quite a long time - for the entire time specified by the manufacturer.

Once the seal is broken, the shelf life of the product is significantly reduced.

We will tell you in this article how to store olive oil after opening the package.


Depending on compliance with the rules of location and type of packaging, the duration of oil storage depends. Under standard favorable conditions – this is 2 months.

During this time, the product retains a maximum of useful substances, the consistency, taste and aroma do not change.

At the end of this period, it is not recommended to use it for dressing salads, but it can be used for frying and preparing dishes that require heat treatment.

Storage rules

To ensure that olive oil does not disappear and lose its beneficial properties ahead of time, it must be stored correctly.

Among the main requirements for the content of the product:

  • foto52291-2protection from sunlight;
  • opaque containers;
  • presence of a reliable lid;
  • using containers made of material inert to the contents as containers;
  • You should not use plastic for storage; it is better to choose a container made of dark glass;
  • staying at a temperature from +15°C to +25°C;
  • air humidity – up to 90%.

If olive oil is poured into another container for ease of use, then the container must not only be clean, but also must be dry.

Where is the best place to keep an open bottle?

The location for storing stocks is selected taking into account the requirements of storage rules. The best option is a kitchen cabinet with a door.. It will protect the product from light and possible temperature changes.

The refrigerator and other cool storage places are not suitable, since the air temperature in them is much lower than recommended, and this will affect the properties of the oil.

Also, do not place it near the stove or heating appliances.

Signs of damage

If stored incorrectly, the supply of sunflower oil may deteriorate. This can be caused by storing it in the light, being at too high an air temperature, in a container with a loose lid, etc.

The following signs may indicate damage:

  1. Color change.
  2. Change in consistency.
  3. The appearance of an unusual odor.
  4. Bitter taste.
  5. The appearance of foreign inclusions in the liquid.

Spoiled oil cannot be used for food in any form.

Should I use the damaged one?

foto52291-3Oil that shows signs of spoilage may pose a health hazard. Such a product should not even be included in dishes that are processed on the stove..

An alternative method of use is as a cosmetic product for external use. The oil can become the basis of a face mask or be used for massage.

Also The product can be poured into ice cube trays and frozen in order to then use it to treat faces with dry and/or aged skin.

If the oil has expired, but no obvious changes have occurred to it, such a product can be used for frying.

4 rules for choosing a quality product

In order for a product to please with a pleasant taste and aroma, and to be healthy, it is necessary to approach the issue of choice responsibly.

You need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. Date of manufacture. It must be indicated on the packaging. It is recommended to choose a product that does not expire soon.
  2. Package. It is better to buy olive oil in glass bottles or cans. Plastic is not recommended.
  3. Lid. When choosing a container, you should carefully inspect the lid. The best option is a screw-on one, not a plug-type one.
  4. Cold pressed oil is the healthiest. It is recommended to buy it for salad dressing and use without heat treatment.
Purchasing a large volume when the family’s olive oil needs are small will be unjustified, since it will be difficult to use it within the recommended 2 months.


Olive oil is a unique valuable product that is suitable for a dietary menu. To preserve all its beneficial properties, it is very important to organize proper storage both before and after opening the container.


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