Olive oil is a natural plant product with a rich composition of fatty acids. This is one of the components of the Mediterranean diet.
It is popular in cooking, has a long history, and has been used since antiquity. In order for such a valuable product to retain its beneficial qualities, it must be stored correctly.
We will tell you how to properly store olive oil in this article.
The duration of storage depends on several factors. Among them:
- type of container;
- packaging tightness;
- conditions of detention.
After opening the package, it is advisable to use the oil within a month if it is in a glass container. For products in tin containers, the deadlines are even stricter - up to 2 weeks on average. After this time, the utility will be reduced.
Olive oil is demanding in terms of storage conditions. If storage rules are violated, the beneficial properties of the product will decrease, and the taste and aroma may deteriorate.
At what temperature?
Optimal conditions for keeping are room temperature. It is best that the temperature is in the range from +15°C to +25°C.
If the product is exposed to conditions with a lower temperature, even around +10°C, sediment will begin to form in the liquid.
And the oil itself becomes cloudy and changes its consistency to a thicker one.
Is it possible in the light?
Like any oil, olive does not tolerate exposure to light and sunlight. Any container with a product cannot be left on an open surface to prevent it from spoiling.
Humidity level and other requirements
Dry rooms with low humidity levels are best suited for finding oil. But even in this case, the packaging must be tightly closed to prevent contact of the contents with air.
Where is the best place to keep it?
To keep olive oil, it is recommended to choose warm, dry rooms, but away from heating appliances.
The place where the supplies will be located must be protected from light. Therefore, the most suitable option is a kitchen cabinet. It is suitable for keeping both sealed and already opened containers.
If you have already started using the oil, it is important to take care of a reliable lid. It should protect the contents well from contact with air.
If you initially purchased a large container, it may be inconvenient to use, so the required amount of product can be poured into a small bottle.
What container is needed?
When storing olive oil, it is very important to protect the product from light. Therefore, most dark glass is suitable container.
Also, some manufacturers package goods in cans.
It is not advisable to keep oil in a transparent glass bottle.If a transparent glass bottle is used for storage, it can additionally be wrapped in foil to provide protection from light.
Plastic containers are also not suitable for storage., which do not protect the contents from light, and the plastic may also react with oil.
If oil is poured from a factory container into another, for example, smaller container, it is advisable to label the bottles.
Cold storage
When determining where to find olive oil at home, It's better not to choose a refrigerator. The main reason is the air temperature is too low.
The longer the oil is left in unsuitable conditions, the more its quality will suffer, and the less useful substances will remain in it.
The optimal place to store the product is a kitchen cabinet with closing opaque doors.
6 signs of spoilage
If olive oil has been stored incorrectly or for longer than recommended, it may spoil.
This can be determined by the following signs:
- unpleasant odor;
- turbidity;
- delamination;
- the presence of inclusions in the liquid;
- increase in density;
- bitterness, unpleasant taste.
If the product has lost its freshness, it is not recommended to use it for salad dressings. But possible use for cosmetic purposes. In the case when the expiration date has passed, but no obvious changes have been identified, the oil is suitable for frying.
If the product is stored open in a humid place, it may develop mold.. It will have to be thrown away, since such an ingredient cannot be used even in dishes that can be cooked.
Storing olive oil at home is not difficult, since it does not even require a refrigerator. It is important to remember the basic rules for organizing the contents of the product, and not to exceed the expiration date.