How long and how can you store fresh champignons at home?
Champignons are a very popular product. These mushrooms are widely used in various cuisines and are quite simple to prepare.
But they cannot remain fresh for a long time, since the product is perishable.
To extend storage time, it is important to know what conditions are optimal. We will tell you further how to properly store fresh champignons.
Shelf life
The shelf life of fresh mushrooms depends very much on the conditions in which they are kept.
If the product was purchased in a retail chain in packaged form, then The packaging must have a label indicating the expiration date. In this form, mushrooms can usually remain for up to a week.
When the package is opened, the shelf life is reduced and cannot be more than 4 days. Freshly picked mushrooms also cannot sit for too long - it is advisable to use them within 4-5 days.
The shelf life of the product and the preservation of all useful substances in it depend on how well the storage conditions meet all the requirements.
The determining factors for storing champignons are: the following parameters:
- Air temperature.
- Humidity.
- Protection from light.
- No close proximity of strong-smelling products.
- Correct choice of containers.
Violating the rules for keeping mushrooms can not only lead to spoilage of the product, but also make it unsafe for health.
The best conditions for keeping champignons is to place them in the refrigerator. The temperature in it averages from +2 to +7°С, maximum – up to +10°С. These are the indicators that are favorable for preserving the freshness of mushrooms.
If the temperature is significantly lower, the product will begin to freeze. High rates are also not desirable, as the mushrooms will quickly begin to disappear.
The level of humidity for fresh mushrooms is of great importance. The optimal value is about 90%.
It is recommended to store mushrooms collected in the forest or purchased in a store in a dark place. Being in direct sunlight has a particularly negative effect on their condition, as this greatly accelerates deterioration.
Where is the best place to keep it?
A cool place, protected from light, is suitable for storing champignons. It could be:
- fridge;
- basement;
- cellar;
- cool pantry, etc.
When choosing a place to store mushroom stocks, you need to immediately think about what kind of container will be used.
You also need to make sure that there are no pickles in barrels, onions, or smoked meats nearby. and other products that have a strong aroma. If this rule is violated, the mushrooms may absorb foreign odors.
Selection of containers
Containers for storing fresh champignons are chosen that are suitable in size for the place where they are kept, are neutral in relation to the product and are capable of maintaining the freshness of the mushrooms.
These could be the following options:
- cardboard box;
- wooden box;
- basket;
- paper bags;
- enamel dishes, etc.
High-quality preparation for storage is a very important stage in keeping mushrooms. If champignons are being prepared for future use and it is planned that they will sit for several days, there is no need to wash them in advance.
The storage preparation stage includes:
- Sorting mushrooms by size and quality.
- Wiping contaminated areas with a dry cloth.
- Cutting off damaged areas.
If you wash the mushrooms, they will absorb water and will not be able to sit for a long time.
Fresh mushrooms are best preserved in cool conditions. Therefore, the refrigerator is most often chosen for storage. If you need to extend the shelf life for several months, you can freeze the mushrooms.
In a refrigerator
Champignons on the refrigerator shelf can be kept on average up to 4 days. Plastic packaging is not suitable for these purposes, as the mushrooms will quickly become wet in it.
Despite the possibility of storing fresh champignons for several days, it is advisable to find a use for them as early as possible.
This video will tell you about storing fresh champignons in the refrigerator:
In the freezer
If you plan to freeze mushrooms, then this must be done immediately, while they are as fresh as possible. This way they will not only be stored better and longer, but more nutrients will be saved. Before freezing champignons, they need to be prepared.
Pre-processing includes the following steps:
- sorting;
- removal of damaged areas;
- dry cleaning;
- washing;
- drying;
- cutting into pieces (if necessary).
The entire volume of mushrooms must be divided into batches that will be frozen separately. Ziploc bags or food-grade plastic containers can be used for this.
It is recommended to attach a label to each of them indicating the date of freezing.. Processed mushrooms can be stored in the freezer for up to a year if the temperature in it is not higher than -18°C.
5 ways to freeze champignons are discussed in the video:
In the warmth
Champignons should not remain warm for long. If you do not plan to store the mushrooms for a long time, it is very important to clean and cook them as soon as possible.
The product cannot remain in heat without treatment for more than a few hours.. Otherwise, the champignons will begin to darken and change their taste.
Dishes prepared from stale mushrooms will no longer be as flavorful as those made from fresh ones. The taste will also deteriorate – it will become bitter.
How to keep a product fresh longer?
To keep champignons longer, you can use additional techniques. Among them:
Use of vacuum packaging. Due to the fact that the product does not come into contact with air, it remains fresh longer.
The packaging purchased from the retail chain must indicate the expiration date of the product and the manufacturer’s recommended storage conditions.
- When fresh in the refrigerator, unwashed mushrooms will last longer than washed ones.
- In the refrigerator, champignons last longer in the vegetable compartment than just on the shelf.
- If for some reason mushrooms are stored in a plastic container or bag, it should be periodically opened for ventilation.
- Pre-boiled or fried mushrooms can be stored in the freezer for a long time.
- When dried, champignons can be stored for up to 2 years.
- Pickling makes it possible to preserve the stock until next season.
Champignons are a product that requires demanding conditions. Since it is not stored fresh for long, it is necessary to decide as quickly as possible what the mushrooms will be used for.
Moreover it is advisable to freeze, dry and preserve them immediately, while they retain all the aroma and freshness.