Useful tips on how to properly store champignons at home
Mushrooms are a perishable product, and champignons are no exception. Therefore, it is so important to follow the rules for their storage.
If you will not be preparing mushroom dishes right away, you need to choose a suitable place for them and appropriate containers.
There are several options for organizing storage, which allows you to choose the most convenient method. We will tell you further about how to properly store champignons.
Where is the best place to store mushrooms at home?
When determining a place to store mushroom stocks, it should be taken into account that each option has its own characteristics. If you follow the technology, the mushrooms will be able to sit for a long time, maintaining their qualities.
In a refrigerator
Champignons in the refrigerator can be stored both fresh and already prepared. The use of vacuum bags allows you to extend the shelf life of the product.
In a paper bag or in an enamel bowl, champignons can last up to a week if they are not washed in advance. But it is advisable to use them earlier, before they begin to lose their properties.
This video will show you how to store champignons in the refrigerator:
In the freezer
Freezing makes it possible to preserve champignons for several months. In order for them not to lose their qualities, The temperature in the freezer should not be higher than -18°C.
You can freeze fresh and boiled (or fried) mushrooms. Frozen fresh, such preparations can be used throughout the year when preparing dishes.
For raw mushrooms, the procedure is as follows:
- Sort the champignons, remove damaged areas.
- Depending on how you plan to use the mushrooms in the future, they are left whole or chopped.
- The prepared product is transferred to a bag or container.
- The packages are sent to the freezer.
To prevent the mushrooms from sticking together during freezing, you can first freeze them by laying them out on a cutting board, and only after they have hardened, pour them into the prepared container.
It is also possible to freeze fried mushrooms for the winter. The procedure is as follows:
Sort and wash the champignons;
- cut the fruiting bodies into pieces;
- heat the oil in a frying pan;
- fry until the liquid has completely evaporated;
- place the mushrooms on napkins so that they absorb excess fat;
- cool;
- place the workpiece into separate containers;
- place in the freezer.
Fried mushrooms can be stored for up to 3-4 months.
Boiled mushrooms are frozen using a different technology:
- Sort through the mushrooms.
- Rinse.
- Cut into pieces.
- Pour water into the pan.
- Boil.
- Place champignons into boiling water.
- Cook for 10 minutes.
- Drain the mushrooms in a colander.
- Place the mushrooms on napkins so that the water drains away.
- After the mushrooms have dried and cooled, pack them into bags or containers.
- Place all packages in the freezer.
If everything is done according to technology, champignons can be used for 5 months.After defrosting, such a product can be further prepared, for example, fried.
This video will tell you about freezing champignons:
In room
Mushrooms cannot be kept at room temperature for a long time. To ensure that they do not lose their freshness and beneficial properties, champignons should be processed for several hours, up to a maximum of 7 hours. If this is not done, toxic substances harmful to health will begin to form in the product.
In what containers?
One of the basic rules for storing champignons is choosing the right container. If the dishes are not suitable, the mushrooms will quickly spoil.
To store champignons raw, you need to choose containers especially carefully. The packaging must not react with the contents, causing oxidative reactions, and should not contribute to the accumulation of moisture. If condensation forms in the container, the mushrooms will quickly disappear.
For this reason, a plastic container with a lid is not suitable. Also, do not use metal containers, with the exception of enamel dishes.
The most suitable options:
- paper bags;
- glass;
- ceramics;
- enamel containers.
Mushrooms sent for storage must be dry, as well as the container intended for them.
Cooked mushrooms can be kept in glass containers, ceramics, or enamel containers. It is also convenient to place the workpiece in a food container with a lid.
For dried champignons It is very important that the humidity in the place of detention is low - up to 70%. Otherwise, the workpiece may deteriorate.Such a product can be stored in glass jars, fabric bags and paper bags.
It is allowed to store mushroom stocks on a string. In this case, the top of the bundle must be covered with gauze, protecting it from insects.
Pickled champignons can be stored in an airtight container for up to 2 years. Preparation for future use involves rolling it into glass jars with a metal lid.
It is advisable to store preserved food in a cool and dark place - in a pantry, cellar, etc. Once opened, mushrooms should be used within 1-2 weeks., making sure to place the pickled champignons in the refrigerator.
Champignons are a product that cannot be stored fresh for a long time. To extend its shelf life, you can use simple recipes for preparations. And the excess can always be pickled for future use, frozen or dried.