A jacket is a comfortable piece of clothing that almost every person has in their wardrobe.
Sometimes an item can become wrinkled - from improper storage between seasons or after washing.
How to properly iron a jacket at home? It depends on the material from which it is made and some other features of the product.
How to smooth it out?
Outerwear, including jackets, are most often made from durable, wear-resistant materials, which can be natural or artificial.
General recommendations before smoothing:
- The information on the product label must be taken into account.
- You should make sure that the item is clean. It is not recommended to iron a dirty product, as existing stains (even subtle ones) and other contaminants will literally “weld” to the fabric.
- It is necessary to check that there are no foreign objects in the pockets.
To straighten the sleeves of jackets, it is advisable to use an ironing board sleeve. And in its absence - tightly rolled towels placed inside.
From bologna
For the off-season, outerwear made from Bologna is a practical solution, as it is moisture-resistant and lightweight. But if stored improperly, the material becomes very wrinkled. You can deal with creases and dented places by ironing or steaming..
After washing, it is recommended to dry the Bolognese item by hanging it on a trempel. This way the jacket will not be too wrinkled after drying.
Windbreaker Bologna can be straightened in one of the following ways:
- vertical steam exposure;
- ironing.
For steam treatment, clothes are placed vertically on hangers and steamed. With this effect, the sole of the iron should not touch the jacket so as not to damage the material.
For this:
- set the minimum heating temperature;
- ironing is carried out without holding the iron in one place for a long time;
- Between the sole of the iron and the jacket material, fabric should be placed (a piece of calico or gauze in several layers).
It is not recommended to wear a bologna product until the material has cooled completely after ironing.
Is it possible to iron dermantine?
Dermantin is a material that is used for furniture upholstery, tailoring and leather goods.
It is based on natural cotton fabric coated with nitrocellulose.. Additionally, embossing can be applied to the surface to make the material more reminiscent of genuine leather.
Jackets are often made from dermantine, which are much cheaper than natural leather ones, but at the same time look decent.
You can smooth out crumpled areas on such a thing yourself using an iron:
- Preliminary testing of the reaction of the material is carried out in an inconspicuous area on the wrong side, and always through the laid fabric.
- The jacket is turned inside out.
- Lay out the product on the ironing board so that the dermantine is in one layer.For example, on the sleeves there are 2 layers of material, then a thick fabric roller is placed between them.
- If there is no lining, the inside of the jacket is ironed through additionally padded cotton fabric.
- The temperature on the iron is set to 30? C (“silk” mode).
- After the dermantine has cooled, the item can be put on.
When ironing, do not wet the fabric through which ironing is carried out.
Wrinkled denim
If you store your denim jacket properly on hangers, you may not need to iron it. But if the item is wrinkled, then the best ironing result is achieved when the fabric is damp.
After washing, until the item is completely dry, you can begin ironing. For those things that are already completely dry, you can use a spray bottle.
Turn the garment inside out. This will preserve the appearance of the product and extend the life of the jacket.
- The iron is set to the desired temperature. This is done according to the product label or at 150?C. For thick jeans, the temperature can be increased to 200? C.
- Ironing begins from the collar, if there is one. First they stroke it from the inside out, then from the face. If the collar is a stand-up collar, then the fold is not ironed.
- After the collar, they move on to ironing the sleeves. To prevent folds from being ironed, it is recommended to use an armband.
Nylon is a durable synthetic fabric that has high performance properties.: has high elasticity, wear resistance and elasticity.
When owning a nylon jacket, it is especially important to observe proper care, since ironing will be problematic - with significant temperature exposure, the material is prone to deformation and loss of shape.
It is not necessary to iron a nylon jacket as long as it has been properly dried after washing. The maximum permissible heating temperature is 110? C.
Ironing order nylon jackets:
- Lay out the jacket on the ironing board.
- Straighten the fabric.
- Set the temperature on the iron to 110? C.
- Disable steam function.
- Prepare the fabric through which ironing will be carried out. There should be no direct contact between the sole of the iron and the nylon.
As with other jackets, nylon can be steamed using a steamer or over a container of hot water.
Suede: beautiful and capricious
A natural suede jacket is an attractive item, but requires special care. You cannot use an iron on this material..
You can straighten a crumpled jacket using steam - using a steam generator or a simple home method, in which:
- Very hot water is drawn into the bath.
- The item is hung on a trempel above the water so that it does not get wet
- They close the door to the bathroom.
- Leave for 15-30 minutes.
- Hang the jacket in a dry place and leave until completely dry.
A natural skin
A jacket made of genuine leather is a comfortable, versatile item that can serve for many years. Proper care, including proper storage and careful ironing, can extend its service life.
The high plasticity of natural leather makes it possible to straighten the product in several ways., including the use of an iron and steam exposure.
For things made of thin leather, there is even a suitable way to smooth the surface of the material by simply hanging the jacket on a tent for several days or by moistening it.
You can read more about smoothing natural leather on a jacket Here.
There are several types of leatherette. They may differ in production features, texture, and appearance. The basis of this material is PVC, the sheets of which are reinforced with fabric.
Leatherette is often used when sewing jackets, as the item is waterproof and suitable for the off-season.
The low plasticity of leatherette often leads to the fact that the item becomes wrinkled and after that it is difficult to straighten it. If time allows, you can wait until the leatherette product straightens out under its own weight.
If the item needs to be put in order quickly, you can use an iron. But only from the inside out and with exposure to minimal temperatures.
You can learn more about how to iron leatherette Here.
Eco leather - high-tech material
Eco-leather is one of the wear-resistant materials, and high-quality leather even has frost resistance. During the production of eco-leather, micropores are formed in the material, which ensure the breathability of the product.
Eco-leather is a plastic and soft material that is practically indistinguishable from natural leather when worn, but costs much less.
It is important to take a delicate approach when caring for such clothes., avoiding contact of the product and the heated surface of the iron sole.
There are a lot of options for smoothing eco-leather on a jacket:
- use of steam,
- glycerin treatment,
- special products for eco-leather, etc.
You can read more about eco-leather smoothing technology Here.
Lightweight polyester jackets are a comfortable item that many people have in their wardrobe. This material wears well and lasts a long time. If stored correctly, a polyester jacket does not even need to be ironed.
But if the need arises to straighten the item, this can be done using a steam generator or a regular iron, acting very carefully.
You can read more about ironing a polyester jacket Here.
How to iron without an iron?
Using an iron to iron jackets may not be safe at all, especially if there is no label indicating how to care for the product.
One of the universal methods available to everyone is smoothing with steam.rising from hot water.
This procedure can be performed on any jacket, regardless of the material it is made of. To do this, perform the following manipulations:
Very hot water is filled into the bathtub or into a large basin placed in the bathtub. The higher the water temperature, the better for the smoothing process.
- The product is put on a trempel and hung loosely over a bathtub with hot water. The product should not touch water, the bathroom wall or other objects.
- Leave the jacket exposed to steam for about half an hour. If the effect is not sufficiently pronounced, repeat steaming over hot water.
In addition to the steam bath in the bathroom, outerwear (if there is no prohibition on the label) can be processed using a steamer and steam generator. You need to act slowly, but also without staying in one place.
What is possible and what is not?
When ironing your jacket, you must adhere to the following recommendations:
Before ironing, check the composition of the fabric.
- If you are in doubt about the ironing temperature, you should start with the minimum temperature, increasing it gradually.
- It is forbidden to iron the product from the front side.
- During exposure to a steam generator, iron or steamer, you should not adjust the item to avoid getting a thermal burn.
- Do not increase the heating temperature higher than indicated on the product label.
- You cannot put on an item after ironing until it has cooled down.
Proper care of your jacket will not only improve its appearance, but will also extend the life of the product.
Ironing each item requires an individual approach., does not tolerate fuss and negligence. Only under such conditions will the appearance of your favorite jacket be qualitatively restored.