Simple and affordable ways: how to iron a leather jacket at home

foto2960-1A leather jacket is a practical wardrobe item that often comes in handy during the off-season.

Not used all year round, the item sometimes becomes wrinkled due to improper storage or careless use.

In this case, it becomes necessary to iron the leather jacket so as not to damage the natural leather.

Let's take a closer look at how to properly iron a leather jacket at home without ruining it.

Preparation for the procedure

Genuine leather is elastic and, when stored properly, rarely wrinkles. Creases may appear when storing items folded or tightly pressed in a closet.

If time allows, it is possible to put your jacket in order without even doing anything. An item hung on a hanger can straighten simply under its own weight.

In this case, the item should hang freely, without touching anything. But this method is suitable for things made of thin genuine leather.

In those cases when the product is made of thick leather or you don’t have a few days left, simple methods will help deal with the problem.

Before processing begins, the item is inspected, cleaned and foreign objects are removed from pockets.

Can you iron it with an iron?

foto2960-2To use the iron, it is necessary to prepare the tissue through which it will be carried out ironing.

There should be no direct contact of the heated sole of the iron with the skin and accessories.

Fabric requirements:

  • dense structure;
  • lack of pronounced texture;
  • resistance to heat.

The material must withstand heat well, and at the same time not have a pronounced texture, since under the influence of temperature the texture of the fabric can be transferred to the skin. In this regard, for example, waffle kitchen towels are not suitable.

If there are only 1-2 creases on the jacket, it makes no sense to iron the entire product - it will be enough to treat only the affected areas.

The ironing process itself will differ from the usual - you won’t have to move the iron over the material.

Tips for ironing:

  1. The iron is applied by applying it to the crease, sealing it without moving it along the surface. In this case, the steam function must be disabled.
  2. foto2960-3The ironing mode on the iron is set to minimum – “silk”.
  3. A heavily wrinkled item begins to be ironed from the collar, then moving to the sleeves, front, and back.

    The collar is first ironed from the wrong side, then from the front. If it is upright, the fold should not be smoothed.

  4. Ironing can only be done through fabric.
  5. They move to a new place of processing only after the previous one has cooled down after heating from the sole of the iron.
  6. The ironed item is immediately hung on hangers and allowed to cool.

For ironing hard-to-reach places and sleeves it is convenient to use:

  • armband included with ironing board;
  • homemade rollers from a tightly rolled towel.
Ironing is not suitable for textured, pressed, finely textured leather or complex draperies.

You can familiarize yourself with the rules for ironing jackets made from a variety of materials here.

Is it possible and how to iron a leather jacket with an iron? The video will tell you:

Steaming - fast and effective!

Steaming things at home can be done using:

  • steam generator;
  • iron with steam generation function;
  • steamer.

To do this, the jacket is hung on hangers. It is important that the item is in an upright position.

On the device that produces steam, it is necessary to set the mode. It should not be too intense - otherwise the jacket may get very wet and deformed.

Steam Process:

  1. foto2960-5Begin steaming from the collar. Then they move on to the sleeves.
  2. A stream of steam is directed along the item in stripes.
  3. The optimal distance for exposure to steam is 0.2 m.
  4. It is forbidden to apply steam to the same place for more than 1 or 2 seconds.
  5. After processing, the jacket is hung on a trempel.
  6. It is necessary to avoid contact with hot steam on the front of the leather item.

Steam treatment is only suitable for thick leather products.

How to steam leather jackets:

Traditional methods

There are simple but very effective ways to help straighten out creases on a leather jacket. They do not require special equipment or special skills.

The most popular:

  • press,
  • cold water,
  • steam room over the bathroom,
  • oil or Vaseline,
  • processing with special means.


For a leather jacket model that has a laconic cut and a minimum of overhead parts, the method of using a press is suitable.

It is carried out using a load with significant weight and a smooth surface. This could be, for example, a stack of encyclopedias or other heavy large books.

foto2960-4Description of the technique:

  1. The leather jacket is laid out on a horizontal, flat surface.
  2. Straightening out.
  3. Cover with a thick piece of fabric.
  4. A load with a flat surface in contact with the fabric is placed on top.
  5. Maintain in this position for a day.

For severe creases, this method is ineffective.

Cold water

The use of cold water is aimed at softening the skin. The surface of the fabric must be clean so that unsightly stains do not appear after wetting.

To treat with water, the jacket is hung on a trempel. The surface is carefully moistened with cold water using a spray bottle.

The moistened item is left in a well-ventilated area until completely dry. Water for treatment must be purified.

Hot water

For steam treatment, it is necessary to create suitable conditions in the bathroom. For steam to form, the water must be very hot.

Work order:

  1. foto2960-6Hot water is drawn into a basin, or into the bath itself.
  2. The jacket is suspended on a rope directly above the container. The steam rising from the water will affect the skin. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the hot water does not reach the jacket.
  3. Close the bathroom door to maintain the required humidity in the room.
  4. Keep the jacket above the water for at least an hour.
  5. If one approach does not help eliminate the creases, the process is repeated.
  6. It is necessary to wipe off condensation from the surface of the skin with a dry towel.
  7. Place the jacket in a dry place to dry.
Steam treatment is ineffective on leather treated with a professional moisture-repellent agent.

Oil or Vaseline

Smoothing the skin can also be done by using a product such as vegetable oil or pharmaceutical petroleum jelly.

The best option is walnut oil. Obtained during the first extraction, nut oil can give good results. But to achieve the effect, you will need to work hard, painstakingly processing all the wrinkled areas.

First, the jacket itself is prepared for processing. The towels are rolled into thick rolls and filled into the jacket, including the sleeves.

foto2960-7Work order:

  1. Soak a sponge or soft cloth with oil and gently rub it into the surface of the leather product.
  2. Allow time for the oil to absorb - 10-15 minutes.
  3. Repeat the procedure several times (up to 5).
  4. Remove the bolsters from the jacket.
  5. Hang the jacket on a trempel in a dry room so that the product dries thoroughly.

It is possible to use castor oil instead of nut oil.

Purchased funds

A quick and affordable way to update the appearance of something is to use household chemicals that are designed for this. The method of treatment with the spray preparation is approximately the same for all manufacturers.

Processing order:

  1. The leather jacket must be placed vertically, with the front side facing out.
  2. Spray the product generously over the surface of the product.
  3. Take a dry soft cloth and rub the mixture into the skin until completely absorbed.
  4. Allow the items to air out and dry completely.
This processing method will cost more than ironing or using one of the available means.

The use of a product specifically designed for leather is suitable for jackets made from genuine leather of any thickness and structure.

foto2960-8At the same time, the skin is delicately softened, restored and moisturized. One bottle is enough to treat a leather jacket.

Such drugs include:

  • Collonil Carbon Leather Care (about 1,000 rubles per bottle);
  • Poliboy (approximately 400 rubles per bottle);
  • Unicum (about 200 rubles) and others.

The straightening of folds occurs due to moisturizing and softening the material.

Ironing a wrinkled product after purchase

After purchase, a new item may become wrinkled if it was not stored correctly in the store. Before embarking on radical methods of restoring a leather jacket, you can try to get by with light measures - just let things hang on the trampoline.

But this method is only suitable for jackets made of thin leather that is not too wrinkled. If simply hanging on a hanger doesn't help, you can try the other methods listed above.

Stores that specialize in selling items made of genuine leather have special steam generators that are designed to straighten wrinkled items. You can simply ask to put things in order.

Elimination of deep creases and folds

foto2960-9Severe creases formed on a thick leather jacket are not easy to remove. You can start by working the wrinkled areas with an iron through the fabric. according to the method described above.

In this case, you cannot increase the temperature set on the iron, nor prolong the time the sole of the iron is exposed to the jacket. Both violations can lead to damage to the item.

If the leather jacket does not regain its shape the first time, then the effect can be repeated after it has cooled down.

For severe creases that cannot be removed at home, going to a dry cleaner will help restore the jacket.

Tips and prohibitions

What not to do with leather jacket:

  • stretch with your hands using force - there is a possibility of tearing the thing;
  • store the jacket folded;
  • hang a leather jacket on a hook;
  • do not expose the skin to hot water or a hairdryer;
  • It is forbidden to try to speed up the ironing process by increasing the heating temperature of the iron, as this increases the likelihood of irreversibly damaging the item.
There is no point in wearing out a wrinkled leather jacket - the result will not be impressive, and the discomfort from the unpresentable appearance will ruin your mood and create discomfort.

Proper care of your leather jacket will allow it to last a long time and look attractive at the same time.

foto2960-10The following recommendations will help with this:

  • periodic treatment with oils and moisturizers will promote better skin elasticity and reduce the likelihood of creases;
  • It is best to keep a genuine leather jacket in a closet under a breathable cover.
  • The best way to store the product is on a trample, without pressing it against other things.

If the jacket is treated for the first time with a new method (oil, purchased product, etc.), it is recommended to test the effect on an inconspicuous area.


When using any of the methods for ironing a leather jacket, you should not rush and try to force the process. Only thorough and extremely careful actions will help restore the appearance of the item and eliminate creases.


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