Chewing gum often ends up where it shouldn't be: on clothes, in hair, on the carpet or on the sofa.
You won’t be able to simply remove it; the more tightly it sticks to the surface, the more difficult it is to get rid of it.
Read the article about how to remove chewing gum using improvised and special means.
How to remove stuck chewing gum using traditional methods?
You can remove chewing gum from objects and things using available means. There are many ways to quickly and safely scrub it off a surface.
Remove with cold
If you refrigerate the gum, it will become hard. Frozen gum can be easily separated from any object.
- Place the soiled item in the freezer, or take it outside in severe frost.
- Wait for the gum to harden.
- Scrape it off with a knife or other hard object.
This method is highly effective, but not all items can be cooled. For example, if the elastic is tangled in your hair or stuck to the sofa, this method will not work.
Vegetable oil
You can wipe off chewing gum using any liquid oil: sunflower, olive, soybean. The fat component perfectly dissolves the sticky base.
- moisten a cotton pad with vegetable oil;
- wipe the sticky mark with it, you can leave the disc on the stain for several minutes;
- use a new disc to completely remove chewing gum;
- Rinse the item in warm soapy water.
You can deal with gum with baking soda. Mode of application:
- Lightly dampen the stain.
- Sprinkle it with a small amount of soda.
- Arm yourself with an old toothbrush and scrub the stained area.
- Rinse the surface with water.
If the stain was not removed the first time, repeat the procedure. Soda removes sticky marks well, but it cannot be used for all products. For example, it is not suitable for processing delicate fabrics: wool, silk, leather, corduroy.
Wet wipes
To remove chewing gum, you need not ordinary, but alcohol-based wet wipes.
- remove the bulk from the surface of the product;
- apply a damp cloth to the stain for 10 minutes;
- Wipe off any remaining gum with a clean napkin.
The effect is achieved due to the alcohol with which the napkin is soaked. The method is effective; you can even use it outside the home, for example, on the street or in a cafe.
You can remove gum stains with acetone. To minimize possible harm to the product, it is better to use nail polish remover. Its acetone content is not so high.
- straighten a thing;
- remove chewing gum from its surface using a hard object;
- moisten a cotton pad with acetone;
- wipe the stain with it until it disappears completely;
- Rinse the product in warm water and soap.
Do not rub the surface of the fabric too much to avoid light spots appearing on it. If you are not sure that acetone will not damage the item, first you need to test it on an inconspicuous area. Do not attempt to process delicate materials or synthetics with it.
Whiteness destroys the structure of the gum, making it easily wiped off the surface of the product.
- Spread the item on a flat, hard surface.
- Apply a few drops of white to the stain.
- Leave to act for 10 minutes.
- Rub the item with a brush.
- Wash clothes in warm water and soap.
If you have vodka, cologne, or alcohol-based window cleaner on hand, you can use them to remove chewing gum.
- Lay the item out on a flat surface.
- Apply alcohol-containing liquid to the sponge.
- Rub the stain with it until it completely disappears.
- Rinse the item in warm water.
Alcohol is a universal remedy. It can be used for almost any product. The exception is brightly colored items. Also, you should not apply alcohol to your skin, so as not to irritate it.
Under the influence of high temperatures, the chewing gum will melt, after which it will not be difficult to remove it from the surface of the product.
- pour water into the kettle and bring it to a boil;
- bring the soiled item or item to the spout of the kettle and hold for 10-20 seconds;
- remove the softened gum with a brush;
- treat the item with warm soapy water.
Wash with dishwashing detergent
You can deal with chewing gum stains using dishwashing detergent.
- Apply the detergent mixture to the stain and leave for 15 minutes.
- Rub with a toothbrush.
- Rinse under running hot water.
Dishwashing liquid contains active ingredients that will dissolve gum. The product is highly effective, but it is not recommended for use on delicate fabrics.
You can remove chewing gum using kerosene.
- apply kerosene to a cotton pad;
- wipe the stain with it, leave the swab on the surface for 10 minutes;
- clean the stained area again; for a better effect, you can use a brush;
- Rinse the item with warm soapy water.
How to clean with special removal products?
There are special formulations on sale that can help you quickly get rid of chewing gum. They are sold in stores, in departments with household chemicals, as well as in online markets. Top 3 products:
- Gumex Spray: freezing agent for chewing gum removal. The composition is based on insoluble hydrocarbons. The bottle should be stored in a cool place.
After application to the surface, the temperature drops to -45 degrees. Frozen gum can be easily removed with a spatula. Price 980 rubles for 0.5 l.
- Lime anti-graffiti: Marker and chewing gum remover. After using this solution, not even a trace will remain of the stain. This is possible thanks to the combination of organic solvents, oils and surfactants that are included in the composition.
It can be used to treat hard surfaces, carpets, upholstered furniture, fabrics, car seats and more. The price for a package of 750 g is 800 rubles.
- Dr. Beckmann: stain remover for glue and chewing gum. The product has a strong formula, but it does not harm fabrics and hard surfaces, and does not affect the color of the product. The price of a 50 ml bottle is 190 rubles.
Before first use, you should carefully study the instructions for use so as not to spoil the item being processed.
How can you remove stains from different surfaces?
Depending on the surface on which the chewing gum stain is located, the methods for removing it will differ:
- From hand the mark can be removed using any greasy cream. They apply it to the stain, which is wiped off with a cotton pad.
- From hair The gum is difficult to remove. In advanced cases, you have to resort to cutting. You can try to remove the sticky lump using vegetable oil or alcohol.
- From the carpet The gum is removed with dishwashing liquid. Store-bought formulations work well with it.
- From the sofa You can wipe off the chewing gum using nail polish remover or an alcohol-containing composition. However, first you need to test it on an inconspicuous area. When choosing a cleaning product, you need to consider what material the upholstery is made of.
- From the car seat sticky stains are removed with kerosene or professional solvents.
- From leather things You can remove the gum with vegetable oil or a damp cloth.Do not use aggressive compounds or hard objects.
Remove from fabric and clothing
When removing chewing gum from things, you need to consider what material they are made of. Basic recommendations:
- From jeans It's easiest to remove the rubber band. The best method is freezing. Dense fabric withstands cold well.
- From trousers the stain is removed with steam. They are held over the kettle spout for 5-10 seconds, after which they are cleaned with a brush.
- From the jacket Sticky residue can be removed using dishwashing detergent. When it takes effect, the treated area is cleaned with a brush.
Regardless of the chosen cleaning method, the item must be washed after treatment. Read about removing chewing gum from clothes Here.
How can I not delete it?
There are methods that should not be used in certain situations:
- if the elastic band is stuck to a person’s hair or skin, do not use aggressive compounds or sharp objects;
- It is not recommended to rub fabric and hard surfaces with sharp objects, and you should not use abrasives so as not to damage the item;
- do not use aggressive compounds in the form of bleach, acetone, or kerosene for processing delicate fabrics;
- leather items cannot be cleaned with soda and a brush, as they will leave small scratches;
- Synthetic items cannot be kept above steam - only cotton or linen items can withstand this treatment.
Helpful information
Removal Tips chewing gum from different surfaces:
- If you find a rubber band, you need to act quickly. The sooner measures are taken to remove it, the better.
- Sometimes ordinary adhesive tape comes to the rescue, and passes it over the stain several times. This method is only effective if the trail is fresh.
- If you are not sure that the composition will not damage the fabric, first you need to test it on an inconspicuous area.
- If you use a knife to remove chewing gum, you can only rub the surface with its blunt side.
- When using acetone, kerosene or other aggressive solvents, you need to protect the skin of your hands with gloves, and the room should be well ventilated.
Chewing gum can be a real headache if it gets tangled in your hair or ends up on your favorite item. However, coping with the problem is not at all difficult. Available means and special compounds come to the rescue, thanks to which the gum can be removed without a trace.