Important rules and practical recommendations for wet cleaning
The concept of “wet cleaning” is quite broad. It involves performing a number of measures to maintain cleanliness at the facility.
Read the article about what the concept of “wet cleaning” means, what types of it exist, how often it should be done and how to do it correctly.
What it is?
Wet cleaning is a set of actions aimed at humidifying the air, removing dust and other contaminants from various surfaces. A prerequisite for this is the use of liquid.
This is done manually and using various equipment. and equipment:
Wet cleaning can be of several types:
Using only water to remove dust from surfaces.
- Using disinfectants aimed at destroying microbial flora.
- Daily, when surfaces no taller than human height are treated.
- General, with the treatment of all surfaces in the room, including washing windows, ceilings and floors.
- After the renovation is completed.
Also, wet cleaning can be professional and household. In the first case, we are talking about strict adherence to instructions when performing cleaning activities.
The work is carried out by specially trained personnel who receive payment for their work. Household processing is carried out on our own, in private houses and apartments.
Why is regular cleaning of premises necessary?
It is impossible to underestimate the importance of wet cleaning indoors. It should be carried out regularly for the following reasons:
- Cleaning the air from dust. Its accumulation is a direct path to the development of diseases of the respiratory system, allergies and more. Dust may contain infectious agents: viruses, bacteria and fungi.
- Destruction of dust mites and their metabolic products. These are microscopic organisms that are invisible to the human eye, but can cause allergies.
- Removing stains and other contaminants from the surface.
- Disinfection of surfaces.
- Air humidification.
How often should I do it?
The frequency of wet cleaning depends on the characteristics of the object. If we are talking about a medical institution or preschool educational institution, then it is performed there several times a day. For each social facility, there are regulations and Sanitary Regulations developed at the legislative level that must be observed.
Frequency of treatment in an apartment or house depends on a number of factors, including:
- time of year - in summer and winter the air in the room is drier, which means there is more dust in it;
- number of residents;
- the presence of carpet and other fabric coverings;
- location of the apartment - if it is on the ground floor, you will have to clean up more often.
To make the work easier, it is recommended to use special equipment, For example:
- washing vacuum cleaners,
- steam cleaners,
- ionizers and air humidifiers.
Their use reduces the amount of dust in the room, which allows you to spend less time putting things in order. How to clean using a steam cleaner, read Here.
How is it different from general and dry?
General cleaning is carried out no more than once a month. In addition to accessible surfaces, windows, doors, lighting fixtures, radiators, ceilings are washed, and furniture is moved away. All hard-to-reach places are being worked on.
If during wet cleaning they wash the floors, remove dust and throw away garbage, then the range of work during general cleaning is much wider. At the same time, general cleaning is impossible without wet cleaning. These are two inextricably linked concepts.
When dry cleaning remove visible debris, sweep away cobwebs from furniture and curtains. Dust is collected with a vacuum cleaner or special brushes. Carpets and rugs are cleaned with improvised means. It is carried out 1-2 times a week.
How is it carried out?
The main purpose of this treatment is to rid the room of dust and dirt. The specifics of its implementation depend on which particular object is being brought into order.
Basic actions:
Removing dust from lighting fixtures.
- Washing furniture.
- Washing or steam cleaning curtains or blinds.
- Cleaning radiators, windows and doors.
- Washing the floor, cleaning the floor covering.
- Cleaning of bathrooms with disinfection of surfaces.
Not all items are present on the daily to-do list. Surfaces are treated as they become dirty. If cleaning is carried out in the apartment, then It is recommended to adhere to the following algorithm:
- they begin to put things in order from the farthest room - they always move in the direction from the window to the door;
- in the kitchen, clear all surfaces, wash dishes, then wipe tables, cabinets and window sills with a damp cloth, treat appliances and hanging shelves;
- The bathtub and toilet are washed using special products that have a disinfecting effect.
You need to wash bed linen and clean carpeting regularly. In order for as little dust as possible to accumulate in the room, you need to get rid of things that are “accumulators” of dust, for example, soft toys, old books, unnecessary clothes.
There are rules wet cleaning practices that should be followed to increase productivity:
- You need to move around the house in such a way as not to repeatedly enter places that have already been cleaned.
- If dust and dirt are noticeable on the surfaces, you need to sweep it away and only then proceed with treatment with wet rags.
- To ensure that things accumulate less dust, they need to be stored in special cases.
- When cleaning, you should not forget about washing indoor plants, on which dust also settles.
What to do after repair?
Before you begin wet cleaning after renovation, you must remove all construction debris, both large and small.
When surfaces are clean, collect dust. To do this, it is recommended to use a vacuum cleaner. You need to walk not only on the floor, but also on the walls.
When the bulk of the dust has been collected, begin wet cleaning. The water needs to be changed as often as possible. This is the only way to prevent divorces from occurring.
Before processing sockets and switches, the room must be de-energized. Specialized compounds are used for different surfaces.
For example, those products that are used for cleaning floors are not suitable for treating ceramic tiles. If the scale of work is impressive, it is better to seek the help of professionals.
Service cost
The final cost of cleaning depends on the characteristics of the property. The larger its area, the higher the price. What matters is the nature of the treatment, the need to use professional disinfectants, air disinfection, etc.
You can find cleaning specialists on the Internet, on message boards. The price of the service starts from 30 rubles per meter.
Helpful information
Tips to help make it easier wet cleaning:
- It is better to use microfiber or cotton rags for surface treatment. They do not leave behind streaks and absorb the maximum amount of dust. At the same time, it is necessary to monitor their cleanliness. After each treatment, the rags are dried so that an unpleasant odor does not begin to emanate from them.
- Do not wait until the dust layer becomes thick. It needs to be removed as it appears. This will save time when carrying out wet cleaning.
- When washing the floor, it is recommended to add a few drops of essential oil to the bucket, which will make the air more fragrant.
- When treating furniture, you can use an antistatic agent, which will prevent dust from settling on surfaces.
- It is recommended to wash carpets in the warm season so that they have time to dry completely. Wet carpet will become a source of growth for mold and germs.
- Modern equipment will help make cleaning easier. Even a new mop with an automatic spin and a telescopic handle will save time on cleaning.
- It is recommended to wash the hallway last.
Wet cleaning of the premises is a prerequisite for maintaining cleanliness. With its help, they not only restore order, but also maintain health. Dust is a source of allergens and infections, so you need to get rid of it regularly.