Whiter than white, or how to remove limescale from a toilet at home
Limescale deposits in the toilet bowl are a common problem faced by housewives. To clean your plumbing, you can use not only store-bought products, but also simple homemade recipes.
And practical preventive measures will help to avoid the accumulation of lime. We will tell you in the article how to remove limescale deposits in the toilet using improvised means and special preparations.
Reasons for the problem
Limescale is formed as a result of the deposition of salts that are in the water. The harder the water that enters your home, the faster plaque will form. This sediment has a yellowish tint. It can be seen in flush areas and near the toilet rim.
Limescale deposits are not limited to toilets only. it can appear in sinks, shower stalls and bathtubs.
How to remove deposits using improvised means?
To remove limescale, you can use available household products. They are used mainly when it is necessary to remove fresh lime deposits.
You should also take care of the tools in advance:
- toilet brush;
- rags;
- sponge on a long handle.
Vinegar and soda
The soda and vinegar method can be used to remove thin lime deposits. To properly clean the toilet, you must first scoop out the water from the bottom, freeing access to dirty areas. You can also use a syringe for these purposes, which is used by motorists to pump out engine oil from a car.
- Pour 2 cups of vinegar into a fireproof container and heat it to 38 degrees.
- Add 2 heaped teaspoons of soda.
- Pour the mixture into the toilet.
- Leave for 6 hours.
- Rub the areas with lime with a brush.
- Rinse off.
Areas that are difficult to access can be treated in the following way:
- moisten napkins in the soda-vinegar mixture;
- apply napkins to the limescale;
- leave for impact.
Lemon acid
Citric acid can react with the limescale layer and contribute to its destruction. Application:
- Pour in 75 grams of citric acid powder, spreading it with rubbing movements using a sponge.
- Leave for 1.5-2 hours.
- Wipe away dirt with a brush.
- Rinse off.
Hydrochloric acid
Acid at a concentration of 33% is a toxic, very caustic substance, which should be used only with reliable protection of the body and respiratory organs. Application:
- Pour 100-200 ml of the drug into the toilet.
- Leave for 20 minutes.
- Rinse off.
The drug is able to cope even with old plaque.
Coca Cola
To eliminate limescale, cola must be poured into the toilet so that all problem areas are covered.
Leave to stand for several hours, rinse off using a brush.. In advanced cases, it is advisable to scoop out the water before pouring the drink.
It is recommended to use Coca-Cola, since it contains orthophosphoric acid, a substance that is effective against lime deposits.
You can use any product containing chlorine. For example, Whiteness. Treatment with a chlorine-containing compound allows not only to eliminate plaque, but also to disinfect the toilet.
- pour White into the toilet directly from the package;
- leave overnight;
- rub with a brush;
- Rinse.
If the lime layer is dense, then you must first scoop out the water from the bottom, and only after that pour in Whiteness (at least 300 ml). The drug must be distributed over the bottom and walls using a brush.
Iodine monochloride
A product from a veterinary pharmacy can be used for cleaning toilet. Iodine monochloride breaks down lime very quickly. Before application, remove water from the bottom and apply the product to areas affected by plaque. After two to three minutes, the product is washed off.
The drug cannot be used in cases where the sewer pipes are cast iron. This is due to the fact that the drug can react and lead to damage to sewer pipes.
Non-standard use of auto chemical products - to remove lime and rust. Usage:
- pour 200-250 ml of the drug into the toilet;
- spread over the walls using a brush;
- stand for a quarter of an hour;
- Rinse.
This method is not acceptable if plastic pipes are used to drain wastewater rather than metal ones.
How to clean with special preparations?
In situations where the plumbing has not been cleaned for a long time, and significant lime deposits have accumulated in the toilet, homemade recipes may not be effective enough. In this case, household chemicals designed for high-quality cleaning will come to the rescue.
The choice of household chemicals should take into account:
- Composition of the product.
- Volume and type of container.
- Price.
- Terms of use.
- Economical consumption.
- Release form.
It is most convenient to use gel and liquid forms of products, which are available in packages with a curved spout. This allows you to treat even hard-to-reach areas under the rim.
When a septic tank is installed, the choice of household chemicals, including for cleaning the toilet, should be especially picky. It is better to give preference to biodegradable drugs, having an environmentally friendly natural composition.
Before using the product you choose, be sure to read the instructions for use on the package.
The universal toilet cleaner is presented in the form of a cleaning gel, which is applied under the rim. Thanks to the concentrated formula, the product is used sparingly.
Action of the drug:
- lime removal;
- elimination of germs;
- giving freshness.
The purpose of the gel is disinfection and cleansing. Contains chlorine. Price – from 70 rubles per 0.5 liter package.
Toilet duckling Super power
The product in gel form is intended for cleaning the toilet bowl from limescale, for antibacterial treatment and eliminating odors. The drug contains acid. A container of 0.5 liters costs from 150 rubles.
Expel gel
The product is intended to remove rust and lime deposits on the toilet. The product contains citric acid, which is harmless to the septic tank.The cleaning gel is gentle on the surface, has an organic composition, and does not contain chlorine. The price per package is up to 350 rubles.
Preventive measures
To prevent limescale from forming in the toilet bowl, it is necessary to use preventive measures. These include:
- Carry out regular cleaning to prevent the formation of significant lime deposits.
- Using tablets for the tank. In this case, every time you flush the toilet, the toilet will undergo treatment. An additional plus is the pleasant aroma.
- Thorough cleaning of the toilet should be done at least once a week.
- Tank leaks contribute to the appearance of a layer of lime and rusty stains. To avoid this, it is necessary to monitor the serviceability of plumbing equipment and correct all breakdowns in a timely manner.
- Do not flush grease left over from cooking or objects that may cause blockages, obstruct the flow of water through the system, or promote sedimentation down the toilet.
Prohibitions when cleaning
While cleaning the toilet You should remember a number of restrictions and prohibitions:
Do not use metal objects or tools with sharp edges for processing, as they can damage the surface of the toilet bowl itself.
- Chemicals should not be kept on the surface for longer than the specified time, since with very long contact, aggressive chemicals can destroy the upper layers of the toilet material.
- You should not use boiling water to flush the toilet, as hot water may cause the earthenware to burst or develop a network of microcracks. It is possible to use only warm or cold water.
- Do not pour several products into the toilet at the same time.When mixed, they can give an unpredictable reaction, damage plumbing, release toxic fumes, etc. If the drug used does not help, then a new one can be used only after thoroughly washing off the previous substance.
When starting to clean the toilet, It is necessary to follow the following recommendations of cleaning specialists:
- All work must be carried out wearing rubber gloves;
- to protect the respiratory tract from caustic fumes, you will need a mask;
- for regular surface treatment, it is recommended to use preparations in gel form, as they damage the material of the toilet bowl less and dissolve better in water;
- cleaning the toilet must be supplemented by washing the lid and seat;
- in extremely advanced cases, repeated treatment may be required if the complex plaque was not eliminated the first time.
All the most important and useful information on toilet cleaning is presented in this section.
Video on the topic of the article
The video will tell you how to remove limescale in the toilet with peroxide and ammonia:
You can remove limescale deposits in the toilet on your own. For unadvanced cases, even improvised means give good results. But with a large layer of lime, it is recommended to use special household chemicals that act quickly and effectively.